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Everything posted by Zach

  1. Man...Im not really into House or anything, but this track grooves. The arrangement is great, it builds nicely and has a good flow. Also whatever patch you used for the chords around 1:20 is fantastic. Top notch!
  2. The Gaia is one hell of a synth, let me tell you. A buddy of mine got it recently and its fantastic. It sounds great, and its really easy to use and program your own sounds with. I'm really into hardware, and hands a hands on approach to synthesis, so if thats what you want, this synth is for you.
  3. Yeah, that bass is REALLY high, I actually had to turn down the volume at the end when that part came in.
  4. Yeah, the flute part is nice and all, but it really does go a little too much. Just find a way to reduce it abit and make the main theme more upfront and I think this will turn out really good.
  5. Ok, so I decided to make a piano ballad, and I'm a total noobie to that genre. After about 2 hours of work I think I have a decent start....but Im stuck. I have no idea where to go from where I'm at. So suggestions are more than welcome. I would also like to know what people think about it so far. http://zach-green.net/balladwip.mp3
  6. Wow, I really like where this is headed. I'm not usually a fan of country type ballads, but you really sucked me in there. The piano part at the end is a pretty nice idea, but I think it could use some work, maybe a solo? Also, I felt that the transition to the piano part was abit awkward. Keep it up! EDIT: Upon relistening, I think it's safe to safe the transition isn't awkward. Please disregard that remark.
  7. Very nice, very nice indeed. I liked your creativity with it, never a dull moment! Good job.
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