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Everything posted by GrayLightning

  1. I sympathize given that electronica is not my music of choice either. But as a listener I listen to mixes based on quality, regardless of genre. This mix is just really great. Call it electronica or gangster rap (it isn't), I don't think it makes a difference. The composition and execution is extremely well done and that's really what matters when reviewing in a fair way anyway. You're not going to win over people with those kinds of comments though.
  2. Samples are weak? This sounds like Miroslav or Squidfont. Quality samples. Amazing arrangement and orchestration. But I can't say I personally enjoyed this mix, it was too meandering for my tastes. It feels like it moves through several themes way too quickly without immersing itself in one for too long. I prefer VHD's previous mixes at vgmix. Despite not personally enjoying this mix, the technical aspects of this mix is most impressive. At the end of the day that's all that matters. Excellent job as always VHD.
  3. Very nice rendition of a great theme. I don't care much for the clipping, intentional or not. The rest of the production is excellent. I'm glad to see more chill out music from this game. Great mix.
  4. Very pleasant indeed. Good to see this finally up on OC. Congratulations SGX.
  5. Nice to see this finally go up. I've already commented on this several times, so I will leave it at splendid work MC. Congratulations! Side comments to MC: My only complaint is I don't hear the buzz!
  6. Nice work. Particularly standout here is the great drumwork. Electronica fans will love this.
  7. DJP's comments about sounding like yanni are correct, given the uplifting and celebratory nature of this mix. I'm very much looking forward to the upcoming updated version of this mix. I found this mix itself very enjoyable, even more impressive when considering the age of this mix.
  8. Somehow that statement makes perfect sense. I wonder if it was an act though?
  9. Larry, Great show last night. It's a shame some of the chat people went overboard.
  10. Au contraire! I am glad there are more Mystical Ninja players around. This is the Cat Kurobei's theme. It's titled Cat on the spc files. The melody is actually there and quite apparent to my ears, but that may be because I spent weeks on and off working on this. The style of the melody has been changed significantly throughout most of the mix. To satisfy other Mystical Ninja followers who prefer a close interpretation, I also incorporate the melody extremely closely, with variation. This can be heard best at 1:40-2:28, and again at 2:40 until the end where the flute and violin/strings are playing the melody. I would definitely agree this is a somewhat great departure over the original as that was my intention. But at the same time at least 70% of the original's melody is intact. The rest of the mix also uses sections of the melody throughout, such as the beginning flute sections. It just is used very differently compared to the original. I hope this helps somewhat.
  11. My mixes have a lot of subtle layers, and often may take several listens to appreciate if you aren't familiar or appreciative of the new age/ambient genre. If available, I suggest good headphones for listening.
  12. Next week is good, I can't make it tonight anyway. Don't worry about the network downage, shit happens when technology is involved. Two SGX and GrayLightning tunez next week...that's gonna be hot! You can play Dezoris Winter again like last week as my additional track.
  13. He's just sayin' that cuz he's in it. No really, it will really be a hot show.
  14. Not your best mix, but this is solid and very enjoyable. It is also good to see this game get more coverage. My favorite part of the mix is how you handled the melody. Very nice job.
  15. The super duper SGX! As I said in the wip SGX was kind enough to share his PDO recordings with me. You can hear more of them in his excellent PDO mix on OC.
  16. Another great line up tonight. I'm looking forward to tonight's show.
  17. Much thanks and appreciation to djp for posting this. I am surprised it made it to OC so quickly. This is one of my favorite mixes of mine, but it probably will not appeal to everyone. It's very mellow and atmospheric. All I can say is give it a listen and keep an open mind. ^_~ Thanks for the comments and well wishes everyone.
  18. Can't wait to hear it. ^_~
  19. As others have said, great work.
  20. I was fortunate enough to hear this some weeks ago. This is one of my favorite guitar mixes I've heard at OC. Wonderful work Vig.
  21. Vigilante is commenting about Al's post. I'm GL.
  22. Actually my mix did pass! As for this, really great mix. I'd like to hear more mixes in this style.
  23. I appreciate that the judges and djp decided to post this. Digital Coma's comments (edit: decision that djp referred to) are some of the most interesting ones I've read. I am surprised that this mix actually made it, as I was unsure how the judges might react to an ambientish mix. This is influenced in many ways by the likes of tim story, the ecco soundtrack and possibly even vangelis, roach and serrie to an extent. Thank you all for taking the time to check this mix out. Many thanks to those who enjoy the mix. I am elated to see this mix up on OC. The mix initially started as a personal experiment to make a more mellow version of my Distorted Star mix and to make a mix that had a feeling of constancy. Another challenge for me was to create a mix without any kind of drums/percussion, something I had never done before. What makes this mix special for me was the interweaving of many like sounding instruments that made up the melody and harmony to blend in and out of each other. To create a mass of sound as some of the judges pointed out. Which brings me to the point that Mustin raised. Due to the blending of these elements the melody is at times masked, but I actually used about 90+% of the original's melody. Much of the harmony is distinctly different from the original yet is very much inspired by the original.
  24. Comments were made out of a misunderstanding and thus withdrawn.
  25. I guess I am the first of the collaborators to comment. Thank you to those who commeted and enjoyed the mix. It was great working with DarkPrinceLuca, Freemind and Israfel. Tets is correct, this is Life Stream.
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