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Everything posted by GrayLightning

  1. Why must you compare two different pieces of work. Apples and oranges, really.
  2. I think you have me confused with someone else. The other one is a member of a very prestigious fanclub. Anyway, I heard this some months ago and I agree with some of Israfel's comments on the mix. His reaction was my first reaction as well. To be brief, I enjoyed this and jared already knows my thoughts on this. Very good work regardless.
  3. I agree with what has been said, this is a really great mix. I loved it back in the wip and I love it now. Quality work all around.
  4. I have to agree with some of what Russell said. For me some parts simply were chaotic in a bad way. It just sounded disorienting. Little issues aside, this is still a great piece of work. Great knowledge of orchestration is displayed. I would have liked more of a personal touch as others have mentioned, but the overall quality of this mix can't be denied. Well done.
  5. I remember this from a long, long time ago. My favorite part is the flute line. That's the most appealing part of this mix for me. Nice work.
  6. This was a great mix a year ago, and it's still a great mix. Easily my favorite of yours. Keep it up Coop.
  7. This is definitely the best I've heard from you. You've definitely made the originals much more interesting in your version. I love the whole vibe running through this mix. One of the more interesting mixes I've heard at OC in a long time. Great work.
  8. Excellent production, and everything is pulled off extremely well. Normally you mention what kind of tools you used to make your mixes, so I'm curious what you used here. The sax, guitar and drums all sound very authentic. Quality work djp.
  9. This is very smooth. I love the vibe of this mix, in part helped by the great instrument selection. Nice change of pace from Rayza's more agressive mixes. I think, this just may be my favorite of his. Great work.
  10. It is the Work in Progress forum here on OC.
  11. I heard this on the WIP a while ago, and I believe as I do now that this is one really good mix. Very lovely work and sounds.
  12. Great stuff mv. Good to see you finally on OC.
  13. More than that, if I can do anything about it.
  14. I'm thrilled to see this up on OC, and even more to know that people are enjoying it. This kind of genre isn't popular or probably familiar to most OC listeners, so I'm especially glad to see people dig the slower, mellower side of things. Thanks to those who took the time to review. I appreciate it.
  15. Very fun, and enjoyable listen. Great work darkesword.
  16. A little on the short side, but I really dig this. I wish this was longer. Really cool drumwork. I'm glad this somehow made it to OC. It deserves to be here. The judges are getting frighteningly conservative. Great work on the leads too. I look forward to your next mix.
  17. Really great work as others have said. My favorite part is the intro, when the drums kick in. It reminds me of really, really good jpop/anime music. Of course the drumwork is sweet throughout. Lovely work DC13.
  18. Very nice. Quality mix, no complaints.
  19. The original is one of Yuzo Koshiro's best and also the best game tracks of all time. DJP did a great job adding to this, such as most the second half of the mix. I'm surprised no one else has reviewed this. I may be doing a more ethnic take of this mix in the future, I hope I can do something of this quality. Great production values in here as well. Excellent work DJP.
  20. Not the kind of genre I like, but the inclusion of the Alex Kid melody is enough to get me interested. This was one of the first platformers I ever played, so it was nice to hear this again. Not a bad piece given how old it is. I'm sure this was much more impressive when it was first released by DJP. It has aged fairly well. Regular listeners may want to check out DJP's newer mixes, but this is a fun listen all the same. DJP care for a janken match?
  21. This has aged well. Two things make this piece for me. The very cool throwback to the past synth strings that start the mix. This has character. The second is in the temple of fiends section with the interplay between the bells and strings. For me, the other three themes in this mix cap off the highlighted portion. The entire mix is just flows nicely from theme to theme. Solid work.
  22. A conservative approach to a stunning piece. Although I think the impact of this piece has more to do with the great original, you do a great job in adding your own style to it. The way the piano sound is processed is really unique, and it really does makes this mix. Great work.
  23. Wow. This is certainly deserving of all the positive comments it has gotten. Excellent guitar playing by Vig, really excellent. The soundscape is littered with instruments of synth and acoustic. Perfect instrument selection. I particularly like the bass and strings in this mix. The jazz sections are pulled off very well. This is very authentic stuff. There's really nothing to complain about here either. Overall, extremely high quality work Vig. I look forward to your next mix.
  24. Quality. MC always surprises me. Fantastic color. Sweet bass and drums too.
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