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Posts posted by LuckyXIII

  1. Hey guys.

    So I was in Laos for a month and a half last fall as part of a mission by the Joint POW/MIA Accounting Command and I made this video, featuring DarkeSword's music, to share with my friends and relatives and such:

    I also used some of Taucer's music in another vid, but don't have that one up, yet (but I can still get it to you now, Taucer).

    It was an amazing experience. I'm the team photographer - the focus of the mission is to locate and recover the remains of fallen service members from past American conflicts. Going to Laos was a life-changing experience.

    When I was out there last, I sent out weekly emails. If anyone from here would be interested in receiving those emails or learning more about JPAC, or shoot, just about joining the Navy, let me know and I'd be happy to oblige.

  2. Thread bump with link to first review:



    Every once in a while a movie comes along that completely redefines a genre. Death by Ninja is such a movie.

    It was Scott Pilgrim vs. The World before… well… Scott Pilgrim vs. The World was Scott Pilgrim vs. The World. It exhibits a knowing nostalgia for all things video game related, but there are also nods to Indiana Jones and a myriad of other franchises that helped spawn the term “fanboy.”

    End Excerpt

    Take a look - tell me what you think - what could be done better, what's good enough, what should never be done again?

  3. Oh heck yeah - Starfox rocked my socks. I remember the first time getting all the way to Venom, the music was just epic and compelling and I was like, "HOLY CRAP, THIS IS HAPPENING!!"

    And then learning of the weird alternate dimension in stage...2, I think? It's the bottom-most path to Venom and you find it in the first asteroid level.

    It really is a great game - still hard as balls, but simple and entertaining.

  4. @Gollgagh - crazy! I visited there over Christmas break - it was cool seeing how some things have changed and some haven't. Mendenhall is a LOT nicer now... Freshman year I was in Scott Hall then my last three were in Slay/Umstead - I was an RA in Umstead. Do you know when the Sonic Plaza stopped being sonic?

    @Level99 - thanks, man! Glad you liked it!

  5. Ha - thanks.

    It was just made in '03 and I made copies on VHS for the cast, but I didn't have the wherewithal to get it online anywhere at the time, nor on DVD.

    Some of the cast have expressed interest in a sequel, but seeing as most of us have been cast to the four winds, that'd be all but impossible. However, we may try a Flash series or something...

  6. Ten years ago, a year after college graduation, I went for broke and made a feature-length film. It's called Death By Ninja and is a parody/homage to anime and action flicks and video games and the like. My dream is to produce features for a living.

    It has a 55 minute runtime and one review, so far:

    Impressive. Your production values are terrible, but it looks like you and your team embraced it instead of avoiding it, thus making it your greatest strength (and greatest source of entertainment).

    I promise that is a compliment. Swear. - M.Wiseman

    So, here's the YouTube link if you're interested:

  7. I watched this film for the first time tonight and loved it. However, in this fight scene I couldn't help but think of Double Dragon and then Sixto Sounds' excellent remix, The Secrets of Sosetsuken. So, as I was watching I started playing the music over the scene - now I've done it on YouTube for your viewing pleasure.


    Since it is copyrighted material it's not available in all countries, unfortunately - but at least they didn't block it altogether!

    Also, Mortal Konfrontation is thrown in there for the ending.

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