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Posts posted by LuckyXIII

  1. the Golden T, the car (something to do with either bumper or grill right?), the star tower, the skateboarder, the halved clock (I really hate that I can't figure that one out), the paper doll, The book with the devil in it?, and the pirate.

    spell out "T"

    the car is killing me

    not a tower, but a larger structure that has many towers

    how many rotations is he doing?

    not just halving, but splitting

    it's a boy

    that's not the devil it's a ram on a page


    and what's the freakin' rock? stone? jogging? thing???!!?

  2. It's running. Try to think of synonyms for what seems to be going on there.

    I was thinking of rush, or rushing...but I can't seem to get it.

    What sound might an eye coming out of someone's socket make?


    I'm stuck on that one as well. The only other one I need is the daisy.

    The daisy, or, uh, flower, is in the same vein as the firetruck in terms of self-reference.

  3. Finally figured out the window guy...falling...externally...

    The cat with the expensive eye finally made sense.

    The meta-reference of the light cycles dawned on me as well.

    I lack only 3! The rock which looks like it's running (jumping?)

    Still can't get the dangling eye.

    And the pink car... :(

    Anyone else need any hints on the others?

  4. The cracked TV screen?

    The guy on the roof in a pie...?? wtf


    Homerun and Shadow of the Colossus took me a few days....

    Jumping out of the window? fallout...

    Dueling violinists?

  5. Omega Beam/Omega Sanction causes one to relive lives over and over again throughout different time periods. He's not so much traveling through time as he is lost in time.

    I also haven't kept up much with comics - except for the occasional graphic novel - over the last few years, but I love how simple this explanation is. Bats, Wolverine, and Spider-Man are my favorite heroes (in about that order), but have y'all checked out All-Star Superman?

    Er, on-topic - I may just have to follow this particular series in the monthlies....

  6. Neato.

    Most of the architecture makes me think of Gattaca, though that wasn't really triggered until the scene with the rocket taking off. A fair bit of it made me think of a level in Halo 2 (or is it3? I can't remember) and the Venture Compound; and a couple of shots made me think of Metroid: Prime.

  7. I meant to do this the day of - alas procrastination...

    The mixes posted on the anniversary are perfect, and, in my mind, exemplify the spirit of what OCR is all about. The sounds are reminiscent of some of the mixes I was first exposed when I originally joined.

    It's amazing to see how the site's developed and I'm excited to see what the future holds!

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