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Posts posted by LuckyXIII

  1. I remember, even as a kid, hating the canned laughtrack, but learning of this bit of news saddens me. Michael Jackson's death was a bit more affecting than I initially realized and the AVGN made a great tribute vid that articulated better how I felt, but this - Capt. Lou Albano...

    I think I watched every episode of that show. I don't even know why. I didn't really like it, but something kept drawing me back - heck, maybe I did like it - I just enjoyed watching the video game characters being brought to life by the human actors as well as the cartoons. It was just such a significant part of my childhood, I reckon, and I haven't even realized it until now with the death of the captain.

    RIP Signor Mario...


    Oct 17th-18th

    I'll be working until 2:30 or 3:00 on the 17th, so either plan to arrive around 3:30 at the earliest. We'll hang out and do whatever (music, videogames, gangraping LuketheXEpitaph) saturday night and sunday.

    Turns out I'm scheduled to work til 6, so for travel time and shower time that'll put me at the festivities roundabout 7.

    Bring food.




    -Level 99

    -BGC and wife




    -Avatar of Justice

    -audio fidelity

    Very cool! This will not only put faces to forums but faces to some of my favorite mixers!


    -Attractive single women between the ages of 18 and 26

    I'll see what I can do...

  3. Count me in! 'less of course I'm scheduled to work...which I should know shortly.

    I have nothing to offer entertainment-wise...except my laptop which has SNES and NES emulators on it - Bionic Commando: Rearmed - Cave Story - Portal - Half-Life 2 - and TF2 which I've never played, but bought in the Orange Box bundle. Oh yes, and Cave Story which I've just recently downloaded.

    That and I can read jokes.

  4. Also, LuckyXIII, your idea of win in a meal is astonishingly similar to mine.

    Well, that's the kind of food my friends and I generally ingested at RPG sessions and while I don't want to enforce a nerd stereotype, we would all be hanging out b/c of our love of video games - even moreso: video game music.

    Alternately I'd be happy to bring some hummus and pita bread instead. :)

    As far as jamming, I have no instruments but am a percussionist at heart and - I just remembered - I have a set of harmonicas!

  5. I just had a friend of mine attempt to draw parallels between Shaun of the Dead and District 9.


    Well, just take a look at the protagonists of each movie and look at how each develops in their respective film. Of course, in Shaun of the Dead (SPOILER)it's his friend who turns into the zombie rather than Shaun, whereas in District 9 it's Wikus himself who turns into an alien. (END SPOILER) Other than that, yeah, there's the violence and gore, dealing with unpredictable, hence, scary creatures. Sure - there can be some parallels drawn.

  6. Holy crap that was like hearing me from 10 years ago. 13 years ago, I guess, to be precise.

    All my current psxing... vindicated. Thank you, sir.

    Yeah man - my first encounter with Chrono Trigger, when it was originally released, I didn't have the patience to go through it. I reckon it was practice for Final Fantasy 3(6) which, to date, is the only RPG I've ever completed.

    Aaaand to stay on-topic...the mounting pressure that comes from being on ball 3, having just exceeded 2,000,000 points in MicroSoft's Space Cadet Pinball.

  7. hoping to avoid n00bia, but Lavos...not just difficult, but irritating.

    The other day - I think I had just gotten the Epoch - I was winding down but still had some time to kill. I thought I'd try a suicide run on Lavos, just to see how long I could last. So I warped there from the End of Time, and what I thought would be only a 5 minute massacre turned into a 30 minute battle and I was about to run late (to a previous engagement).

    So now I have no idea what to expect when I go after it for real.

  8. A few months ago I did that with Mega Man 2 and was surprised at how quickly I got through it - no save states or anything.

    A couple weeks ago I impulsively started Chrono Trigger. I've never beaten it before, but I've just passed the furthest point I have before and am about to resurrect Zorro - er, Crono.

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