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Posts posted by Koriantor

  1. First thing you should do in a new FL Studio install? See if you can get the old stuff back. You can.

    ...Except for pattern blocks. RIP ol' blocks :cry:. Oh well, out with the old, in with the new! Time to play the new toy! I'll get used to it eventually.

  2. Have you tried Pendu- *Shot*

    You can try Zircon's "Mass Media Constant". The drums aren't as thick in timbre as Pendulum's stuff, but it's still good content with obvious jazz influences everywhere. Each song has its own flavor and it never gets boring to listen to. Thick pads, piano solos, and a whole lot percussion. An album more than worthy of a 21st Century electronica playlist.


    Mass Media Constant is awesome. Didn't think I'd like it that much when I got it, but I was surprised. Top notch stuff. :smile:

  3. *.............*********************************

    I'm just hoping they keep the insanely hard difficulty modes in. Just because I couldn't do them all in the first one doesn't mean I didn't have fun getting my brain twisted.

    And this one had also better end with a totally awesome song, though I doubt the first one can be outdone.


    I can't help but feel that another song would just make it feel like a "sequel" rather than another awesome portal.

    ...yet I still want it...

  4. Why did you have to make these a single thread? What if I wanted to wish Harmony a happy birthday but not pixietricks? Or pixietricks but not Harmony? Or if I just wanted to wish them happy birthdays totally separately?

    What then? Huh? What then?

    Actually... I started this with just pixietricks because when I saw it I didn't see Harmony.

    So I guess now I'll say Happy Birthday to Harmony! I didn't mean to forget

    Oh, and if you want to be that picky you could always PM them :<

  5. But the train and the boat are hated methods of transportation. I mean, I can see why the evil trains can be bothersome, but still...

    Too bad you missed an awesome final boss sequence, though (as well as an awesome optional boss, probably)

    I hope we can agree that the game has good music, though.

    I actually liked Wind Waker's sailing. It gave a sense of freedom. I hate the train because well... it quite literally puts you on rails. Yeah, it doesn't take itself seriously, but meh, I dunno, I just didn't like it. I couldn't finish it.

    And yes, the music was good haha.

  6. Anyway, lack of voice acting doesn't bother me. I don't see why it would bother anyone.

    And I don't remember who said that text in videogames isn't needed anymore, but I completely disagree. Voice acting is nice and all, but it can't replace nice, clean, text.

    I agree. Link's lack of voice is part of the charm anyway.

    Anyway, I find the lack of Spirit Tracks love a bit baffling. Not just in this thread, but in general, you know?

    I played spirit tracks. Almost to the end boss before stopped. I wasn't impressed. I quite strongly disliked the game "railroading" me into it's plot :<. Ok, so it doesn't railroad you that much, but the bonus stuff is no fun because you have to "drive" that friggin' train everywhere you go. Oh, and the plot isn't really all that good...

  7. I'm sure all the hardcore fans will hate me, but since the SNES/Gameboy games, all of their games have basically consisted of a few awesome things, surrounded by a lot of "meh." It's like, I really want to find the game amazing, but they just never quite reach it. That awesome picture is more epic than any actual Zelda game I've played on recent platforms.

    Flame away.

    Yeah, I'm just going to go ahead not flame... It's too much effort, and hey, if you don't like it, that's fine. I would like to see a westernized Zelda though, that'd be interesting.

    Eh, consider yourself flamed :tomatoface:

  8. Maybe now he can finally order something more grown up than milk for a change.

    Happy Birthday, Link! You do us lefties proud!

    There's something more grown up to drink than milk? 8-O

    Oh, and at the rate link is going, it seems he's fallen prey to righthandedness. Sorry lefties!

    As for Zelda, Happy Birthday! OoT has still managed to keep it's spot as my favorite game, and it's even better through the rose-tinted glasses of nostalgia. Well, off to celebrate! *scurries to set up the 64*

  9. Valve's led by a genius

    ...maybe too much of a genius...

    Gabe Newell, head honcho at valve for some reason agreed to an interview with a high school class. It's a really good view on business and the industry. I highly recommend watching it.

  10. My grandma got married/pregant at your age

    I really didn't need to know that. :roll:

    EDIT: I'm kind of curious now, does anybody here have children? Or have none of you guys have gotten to that point yet?

  11. I might play a few with you Taucer.

    Ever since patch 1.2 came out, I have been lurking in the "OC ReMix" channel. I don't think anybody else has thought of going there yet, as I am usually by myself in such a large room :sad:. Maybe we could use that as a way to get together and play games?

    EDIT: My SCII name is Koriantor, code 956. My offer is the same as Taucer's, if you want to play, give me a shout. Just make sure you mention you're from OCR or I will be very very cautious of you.

  12. It's High School :/. I'm one of the senior News Team members which means I get all the exciting projects such as picking out what they should buy because the people running the program don't know what we need. It's actually kind of intelligent letting someone that knows what they need (but ironically wasn't quite sure what to search) buy their stuff, unlike most every other idea the schools come up with.

    I wasn't really sure what to google and "Boom mic stand thingie" was giving me very many results :roll:. Boom pole came to mind, but I wasn't sure that's what I wanted, so I asked you guys. Thanks Ronyn!

    Oh, and thanks to the mod that moved this. I found a totally new subforum that I never noticed before. :smile:

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