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Posts posted by GTAHater836

  1. I don't want to hear any new or newly appended material yet. All I want before this gets released is an update in the forums' track list to show what has a WIP and what's finished, and THAT's if there is anything to update there.

    As for the Faeries's Woods, I'd have to agree with the slower, darker theme. Sometimes, if a style doesn't match the original environment, it's still the only way to make a good track.

  2. We're gonna let the secret out in a few weeks. Just so you know.

    A...secret? I better read the initial post over.

    Update: I'd have put this in the initial post, just to make it easier to keep in mind. As usual, the anticipation is high.

    I are so psyched for this album

    Same here. I think you speak for everyone here on that, but I don't speak for everyone here when I say I anticipate it more than anything but Overture of the Vigilante Wild.

  3. wow, you're hitting all the projects, aren't you?

    a word of advice. projects never - NEVER - come out when they're scheduled to. ever. just wait, don't try and figure it out. it's like the second coming of christ - like a thief in the night, when no one's expecting.

    Unless those dates are goals, that defeats the purpose (or at least the one that would seem most obvious).

  4. Whoops! If I came off as a control freak or egotist, I meant to say I didn't expect this to be the same as Voices of the Lifestream. Also, if a game like Final Fantasy VII could be remixed so well that even fanboys wouldn't gripe about the nostalgic factor, then what's to stop a theoretical Ocarina of Time remix project from the same exact website that created Voices of the Lifestream?

    And it's not like I said there ever was a bad OC Remix album (except for that one thing about the Turbo HD Remix soundtrack). In fact, as long as there's still musical talent to be found in gamers and game creators, I don't think there ever will be a bad album. Perhaps more albums are being created at a faster rate and I'm letting it go to my head.

  5. I would like to take this opportunity to thank CAPCOM.

    I applaud CAPCOM for giving olde-tyme Mega Man fans what they wanted, even when the franchise was at risk from the bad reception of most 3D Mega Man games.

    Have you all had any luck coming up with a name for this album? And when you're done with this album, I bet fans would clamor for a Mega Man 2 album.

  6. Sonic's 4 Sega Genesis games (add-ons not counted) will be complete with this. The only problem is, there's only 11 tracks so far, not counting any discussion outside this topic's initial post. To REALLY stand out over Hedgehog Heaven, all the remixes would have to be at least 4 or 5 minutes and the remixers would have to make the music with every ounce of talent in them, in their full power. If all else fails, you can still have two tracks per OST song.

  7. Now this project is what I call a pleasant surprise. I thought I'd be really old before this game got a remix project, considering how the Wild ARMs series was labeled a cult classic. Waiting for this to be released in circa 2012 will be like waiting for Christmas...times 5,000. That's how I'm excited for the next 3-4 years of OC Remix projects. Five of them, including this one, are arrangements from games I'm a fan of. Jade Alan Haruno, this project was a (beep)ing genius idea. As you should expect, I can hardly wait for the remixes of the 8 battle themes, but there are others I'm anticipating. I'll be devastated if any of those five projects get canned.

  8. I have a lot to say here.

    Link's Awakening took the series in the right direction by giving each dungeon its own music. Therefore, it's easy to understand why Link's Awakening was chosen as OC Remix's first official Zelda remix album. Waaay over in the workshop section, HylianLemon is arranging an unofficial Oracle of Ages project called Essence of Lime. It won't be released here, but it'll probably be popular on Zelda fan sites. On the other hand, if one wanted to remix any of the first three Zelda games, they'd have to combine them all into one because they don't have enough of OSTs to stand alone. I once thought it was a bad idea to arrange an Ocarina of Time album because I didn't think the nostalgic charm could be beaten, but Voices of the Lifestream was awesome, so Ocarina of Time should have at least as good of an arrangement album.

  9. Another great album. The entire DKC trilogy deserves to have OCRemix albums, Nintendo should make a DKC4 that doesn't involve bongos, and there should be another 3D Donkey Kong game that's better than DK64. My favorite five tracks are:

    I. Treetop Town/Rope Bridge Rumble

    II. Snow Barrel Blast/Ice Age Alley

    III. Trick Track Trek/Platform Perils

    IV. Slipslide Ride

    V. Oil Drum Alley/Blackout Basement

  10. Countless times I've listened to most of the tracks on this album. Before Project Chaos was released, I'd spend countless hours listening to the tracks related to the 11 zones. My three favorite tracks are:

    I. Bring in the Machine

    II. Travelling Through a Dream

    III. Apocalyptic Orbital Ovum

    Do any of you think Sega should've finished Hidden Palace, Wood, Dust Hill, and Genocide City zones before releasing Sonic 2?

    I'm not saying Hedgehog Heaven didn't have flaws, though. Unfortunately, I thought the second half of Cavern Escape and the ending to Oil Spill didn't suit the zone's environment or eariler parts of said tracks.

  11. Greeeat album! My three favorite tracks are:

    I. Dead Batteries (Flying Battery Zone)

    II. iMushroom (Mushroom Hills Zone)

    III. Breathtaking Vision (Sky Sanctuary Zone)

    Sega needs to make another 2D Sonic game much like Sonic 1, Sonic 2, Sonic CD, and/or Sonic 3 & Knuckles. Those 5 were by far the best in the series, and it's a shame the franchise couldn't have better fortune after the two Sonic Adventure games.

    P. S. Was it mere chance that this was released on the day the Wii launched?

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