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Posts posted by GTAHater836

  1. Look again, it was never dropped. He just disappeared and didn't ever finish the track. It looks like we're just going to use his current WIP (which is exactly 3 minutes long) as the final version, run through Prophecy's mastering presets to give it some shimmer. Don't worry, you'll still hear the song on the final album :-)

    Since it was his WIP, and Prophecy and AkumajoBelmont are taking up where he left off, is Drouin going to be credited alongside Akumajo and Prophecy? Or how will he be mentioned?

  2. No! Matt Drouin dropped the claim on Swanky's Theme! On the bright side, Prophecy's on board. Can he trump Kong in Concert's Chekan Winter?

    And ilp0 got his claim back for Treetop Tumble GBA. A pleasant surprise, I must say.

    Come on, AkumajoBelmont! You can finish Enchanted! I know you can do this! The trailer proved it, and I need the rest of that song!

  3. Nice. Hope I do it justice for you then. Can you tell me a little about where the track fits into the game itself? I've never played Wild Arms myself, and am obviously going to have a hard time thinking up a name for the track.

    It's used in dungeons based on supernatural and paranormal forces, like the Sealed Library (magic) and the Ghost Ship.

  4. I'd say this track would go best in place of tremendous horror. The grey walls of the castles in Super Mario World don't even match up to this. With this song, I think of a once extravagant castle with chipped crystal chandeliers, torn and frayed red tapestries, deep darkness outside, and most importantly a bloody, gory kitchen and dining room with monstrous creepy cooking pots.

  5. This sentence confused the hell out of me.

    Here's what I meant to say:

    I'm not counting on another Sonic project starting work any time soon. When we eventually do start one, it'll probably be based on Sonic CD or Sonic 4. I don't know what OverClocked thinks of Sonic 4, so I'm expecting to get flamed in the case that we don't like it. But most likely the next sonic project will be on Sonic CD.

  6. Strader, are you directing any other projects yet? Any plans to start another project?

    By the way, maybe I just like orchestral tracks, but something about Vampire Hunter Dan's "Lover's Suite" kind of does RPG royal weddings and ceremonies by the books. But again, that's "Lover's Suite", and you know what they say about violins and romance!

    When OverClocked ReMix releases an album from a game I've never played, seen in action, or heard the music from, I just pick some tracks and listen to them.

  7. Not to mention that more albums are nearing finished production. The Projects board seems really diligent lately, which raises the question: What would happen if, for way too long, the rate of finished projects outdid the rate of releases, and there was a stack of a dozen finished projects that had yet to be released?

  8. I'd like to request three ReMixes for DOOM II: Hell on Earth. The tracks in question are

    , and
    . Here are my criteria:

    *I'd be fine with any experienced OC ReMix artist, but would prefer Delta-Q-Delta veterans. I won't ask one person to make all three, though.

    *I don't need one particular style, but would prefer the tracks made with this question in mind: "What would these tracks sound like if they were on Delta-Q-Delta?"

    *Finally, I'd prefer a track length of at least 3 minutes each.

    I would greatly appreciate this!

  9. The MCRIB, or RIBWICH. I'll never eat it. I've never been a fan of ribs, be they spare, large rack, or whatever. One of the boxes a RIBWICH came in said, "Will cause early death". If I wanted cholesterol, I'd eat MUCH higher quality meat. I get enough cholesterol from the eggs used in certain baked sweets. The McRib means nothing to me, because I've been clean of the Golden (read Pyrite) Arches since April Fool's Day 2005. It's paid off, because I've never weighed more than 130 lbs.

  10. Strader, I'd say you're directing this album quite well. If you ask me, it's about time one of the three NES Final Fantasies got a project! I remember hearing once before that this game was developed on Square's last legs. They called it "Final Fantasy", thinking it would be the last game they ever made.

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