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Posts posted by GTAHater836

  1. How could I have been so unobservant?! I never knew the recruitment and collaboration board even existed! I was convinced it would be a matter of time before someone took on DKC3, and when I finally noticed this board AND this topic, I rejoiced. Already a few WIPs, and it's only a matter of hours since Serious Monkey Business was released. I liked the first two, so I'm anticipating this one. The goal of the Donkey Kong Country Trilogy is in sight!

  2. Running would help me more as well. I'm 5'9'' tall, 128 lbs male, but I only have limited physical activity. If I jogged further and further every day, my heart would be in top-notch condition. I harbor an intense hatred for McDonald's and indeed the entire fast food industry, I hate tobacco and alcohol, I'd never do other drugs (even marijuana) willingly under any circumstances.

  3. I like darn near everything I heard from this album. A really good recovery from 2009's apparent losing streak. (people didn't like the four 2009 albums compared to everything dated 2008 and before, did they?)

    Back to Serious Monkey Business: I can't decide if I like this or Kong in Concert better. When that happens, you know you have a superb album.

  4. Heart trouble? I know how you feel. Most of my family has such a history, albeit more with tobacco than anything else. One of my cousins suffered a massive heart attack 8 months ago, and she's only 2 years older than you. Both my parents are at extreme risks of coronary heart disease, but they're much older and could fall terminally ill within the next two decades.

  5. ...it's scheduled for Julius Caesar's deathday! At least one more week away. This last week will be the hardest to get through! There's nothing else I'll need to do as I listen to the tracks, except remember the environments the tracks took place in. If I have to, I'll save the whole album to my hard drive! Is anyone else saving it?

  6. The estimated 16 tracks I most anticipate are the background music tracks for the levels (such as the volcano, bramble, and jungle levels). I breathed a short sigh of relief because now all the level environments are accounted for. Now, it's just the title screen and Funky's theme. Our goal is in sight!

    Speaking of Funky Kong, what did you all think of his appearance in Mario Kart Wii?

  7. I wanted March 1st... but that got shot down by the powers that be.

    April 1st? Haa haa, no. Maybe April 15th, but from what I was told, it's more likely to be May 1st than anything else.

    You can go look up your mudkips elsewhere on your own.

    They've just scheduled Heart Gold and Soul Silver for March 14 (aka Pi Day). If The MissingNo Tracks is to be released in April or May, I hope the hype on HG/SS will recede before then!

  8. I will, unfortunately, be dropping my claim on the ending demo track for the project. I've had about three different takes on it, in different styles, and nothings come out of it that I'm satisfied with. So, good luck with everyone on the project, and feel free to request a presence on OCAD to argue with us hosts about being n00bs and how much we suck and your project rules.

    Also, Luigi 4 lyfe

    I hate when claims fall through!

    But at least you tried!...

    If I didn't smell sarcasm, I'd be puzzled as to what would've made Portrait of a Plumber a bad project...

  9. Quoted for truth and great justice. It's all about the music, man. Bonuses are all well and good, but it shouldn't be what holds back some awesome music for release. I'm sure the people who took part in the project have been waiting eagerly for their stuff to be released, so you've got the listeners AND the artists wanting this thing to go.

    Pretty please with a cherry on top?

    I second this. If need be, we can release the music first, then put up the album arts later. If I were in the same situation, that's what I'd do *Expects a response like, "then you wouldn't make a good director because...."*

  10. Really nice job with the teaser trailer! A few days ago, it dawned on me that the director didn't just pick this game blindly: There's a LOT of really good source material in Super Dodge Ball that I've only just heard. And the ReMixes? They have some of the best relations to said source material since the first half of last decade! I've read somewhere that 2010 is going to be the year for Around the World, and because of how much I liked the preview, I'm holding my breath on that idea being legit.

    Exceptional job, all of you!

  11. JaDe ARaN HaRuNo: The Original Trilogy!

    (beep) I hope this works! If I was making some freeware in the distant future, this "original trilogy" would be among the first collections of songs I'd turn to for back ground music!

    By the way, February 20 is when you want at least 50 rough WIPs, right? I'm having trouble getting my facts straight on this one...

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