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Everything posted by Desperado

  1. Another Mario 3 batch! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SYInzvMIn3I
  2. Ok, it was a bout time a Mario game got its own episode:
  3. And another one! First Final Fantasy entry featuring Final Fantasy 8!
  4. Greetings. Question: Is there a place here where you can post remixes that are not part of ocremix? Regards
  5. New episode! This time for Street Fighter 2!
  6. A new episode! A Chrono Trigger Special!
  7. Greetings, I've been asked to promote this remix album for a signifcant portion of the Monkey Island 2 Soundtrack. If this is not the right forum for this kind of video, I apologize:
  8. Hello, sorry, I didn't visit the forum for a while. The videos are uploaded in the VGML channel. A fourth video already exists, a fifth is in preparation. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnlNvrrgjA_Ks9ZQPbSeqrg/search?query= i know that tune The videos are based on a blog which can be found here and which gives a peek at the things to come: https://www.destructoid.com/?name=PhilsPhindings&a=445139&start=0&chaos=ok&who=me
  9. Episode 3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GsqVbmyWP2I
  10. VGMLs dGecko made a video version of Phils Game/Pop music similarities blog. Thanks a lot Gecko! It features comparison between classic video game tunes and pop music that may have influenced it. First Video features Mario, Sonic, Final Fantasy and Mega Man Songs. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wpaqjE3rq4Q
  11. Greetings, I have a blog that is video game music related. Unfortunately, the response is quite small so I think about moving to somewhere with a larger community. My requirements are quite simple: -Text -Embedded Youtube links with timestamps. -Tagging would be nice -No real life authentication. I would like to stay anonymous for now. Do you have recommendations? Thanks.
  12. I have several entries about Final Fantasy pop music similarities in my blog: https://www.destructoid.com/blogs/PhilsPhindings/
  13. I lazily link to my blog: Sonic 1: https://www.destructoid.com/--540968.phtml#post Sonic 2 Master System: https://www.destructoid.com/--543627.phtml#post Sonic & Knuckles: https://www.destructoid.com/--552033.phtml#post
  14. Hello, I didn't see someone quoted here, sorry. Well, my blog is in the other direction: Game music that has been inspired by pop music. But you never know where the journey will go if the interest is there...
  15. Greetings, my name is Phil. I like video game music. Sometimes I find pop culture music that sounds suspiciously similar to the video game music I like. Thus, I started a blog to publish my findings. There are also some high profile games on the list: https://www.destructoid.com/blogs/PhilsPhindings/ Hope to see you soon!
  16. Hello folks, I'm trying to identify a song I have heard a couple of years ago. It is labeled "FFX-Skytheme", however, it doesn't sound anything like the song labeled Sky Theme in numerous Youtube videos. It starts up with some kind of horn fanfare, then has a short hard rock segment, than turns more silent with bells and stuff. Later, it switches to piano. Does that sound familiar to you?
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