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Everything posted by Garpocalypse

  1. Once we get a NEW Darkstalker's or Star Gladiator game then i'll be inclined to agree.
  2. ...elaborate :/ Assuming you were talking about what i said about the more recent games in the series... here's the formula for Re4-Re6. Run down hallway/shoot enemy/open door repeat for 20 hours. I liked the games for what they were but they were not RE games. Part of the problem is that since the games went to a 3rd person over the shoulder action game, the tools/devices that the developers used to generate fear and anxiety in the player had to be thrown away. The early Resident Evil games were great because no matter where their character was facing the player HAD to see the jump scare as it was intended and then watch as the monster closed in as they tried to run away. In RE4+ once you turn your back to anything you are unable to watch it close in on you which leads to back hits that just generate more frustration than fear. Now if the developers took the route that Slender did and tried to trick the players into looking at something before it attacked you, then it would have worked a lot better. In RE2 the tyrant entrances were some of my favorite moments and i can't see them working at all with the current design of the games. Also, this is probably just a pipe dream but If capcom really wanted to get in good with the fans they would release what was completed for Resident Evil 1.5 as an unlockable in the remake. Somehow it's making its rounds and i have no idea where to get it.
  3. Loved RE1 and 2 but 2 was definitely my favorite entry in the series. I'm cautiously optimistic about the remake. It would be awesome to see more of RE2 but one thing the series has suffered from was the feeling of being completely lost in a building swarming with monsters while trying to figure out how to use the nonsensical puzzle pieces you have to progress. While RE2 was certainly more linear than the first game if the remake is as bad as the series has been from RE4 on up i'll be disappointed. Revelations was sort of step in the right direction for the series but no where near what it needed to be for fans of the originals like myself imo.
  4. Garpocalypse-Nightmare Tank Police MMMDop (Slash Beast in Doppler Stage 1 [X3]) Winter Weather Advisor (Blizzard Wolfgang in Doppler Stage 1 [X3]) Tropical Relaxation Method (Cyber Peacock in Doppler Stage 1 [X3])
  5. Not really sure what you mean by "strengthens the strongest harmonics". Saturation brings out weaker harmonics and evens out the overall signal. The more you use the closer you get to noise which has equal energy across all octaves.
  6. Ditto to the drum discussion. I almost always lightly saturate the snare and if I split the kick drum I usually saturate the top end of it. Most of the time I'm using the one that came with Sonar but there's a really good one here from Variety of Sound called Tessla SE. I would also recommend their console saturation plugin Tessla Pro if anyone was looking for one. https://varietyofsound.wordpress.com/downloads/
  7. It's not overdone to the point of it being abrasive but one of those things where once you notice it you can't stop noticing it.
  8. I was somewhat familiar with what Uilleann pipes were for a long time but It wasn't until I played The Witcher a few years ago that I went overboard with them. Love that OST like crazy and can't wait to play the 3rd one that just came out. You know, despite my love of folk metal and symphonic metal I've never really been into Nightwish. It's a band with a lot of talent no question but they have yet to do anything that really jumps out to me. Maybe that album will be what converts me. I'll have to check it out. I do dig hietala's beard tho
  9. Yea it's an Irish inspired track. I picked up East West's RA a little while ago mostly because I have a recent obsession with UIlleann Pipes. I mean, bag pipes are (cliche) really cool on their own and everything but they can't glissando like uilleann pipes can! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dq3m_R3Lnu4 It also has a hurdy gurdy so it was a win to pick that library up. I'll probably get it subbed sometime after the compo.
  10. Were there any plans, official or otherwise, for a listening party tomorrow? If it's towards the evening I should be able to make it.
  11. It's been a cluster of a week but my track is nearly finished. Just going to do some mastering to it when i get home and send it in before something else happens. Willrock, hope you're going this week.
  12. Garpocalypse - Nightmare Tank Police Firefly (Shining Hotarunicus in Palace Ground [X]) Bounce Too High (Vanishing Gungaroo in Palace Ground [X]) Wanderforce (Gravity Antonion in Palace Ground [X])
  13. With Round 1 Underway it's time to introduce the: Over the course of the WCRG 2015, QUESTIONS WILL BE ANSWERED! Will The Nightmare Tank Police be able to make every deadline? Or will stress, and terrible photoshopping of MAGfest photos threaten to tear the team apart?! ...and just what is REALLY going on behind the scenes of the NTP? Stay up on the WCRG each week to find out!
  14. Is it possible to get nostalgic about a track that was created in a competition dedicated to nostalgia from twenty years earlier? I think it is.
  15. We have our three! Nightmare Tank Police 1. Ladywildfire 2. Esperado 3. Garpocalypse My Picks: 1. Flame Stag 2. Magma Dragoon 3. Vanishing Gungaroo 4. Storm Eagle 5. Toxic Seahorse
  16. For some reason i love the obviously fake cello patch in the Myst soundtrack. It's not the dirtiest of secrets but...eh.
  17. I guess i'm better than i thought at the whole coercion thing. Right now the team looks like it's going to be Wildfire, myself and a third that I am currently waiting on a definite from. Will post picks once finalized.
  18. What's the status on the teams? I was on the fence about joining this for awhile... maybe too long If anyone needs a member or wants to form a team I'd be up for it!
  19. Updated version of my FTL Milky Way Battle Remix for the Artist Appreciation Competition. I changed up a few parts from the original competition version and added some sound effects. For fun I also did a version with a rage scream by Brandon Strader. Enjoy! Remix: https://soundcloud.com/garpocalypse/ftl-fate-of-my-crew Rage Scream Version: https://soundcloud.com/garpocalypse/ftl-fate-of-my-crew-rage-scream-version Source:
  20. massive ditto. Especially since SO4 was supposed to be the final entry in the series.
  21. This may be personal opinion but given that Sakuraba was unable to successfully remake his own music from previous Star Ocean games for Star Ocean 4 I don't think Uematsu will be able to pull it off any differently for the remake of FF7. At least not in any way that would be accepted by fans of the original. To elaborate: Given that OCR has already "dealt" with SE in the past. There may be some opportunity to get some ReMixes out for this game. Just a thought.
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