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Everything posted by Garpocalypse

  1. Looks like strader beat me to it but yea. Every re release of the game I am aware of SE has picked the version with Aeris's name spelled the correct way. So who exactly is paying attention to the supposed canon here? The fact is the majority of players who have played the game have played through it with "Aeris" as the party healing, spell slinging savior of the world and not the succubus sounding faux-satanic "Aerith". Now, if SE wanted to incorportate Zombie Aeris as canon, and really they can do that at anytime because it's not like it means anything, I am all for calling her Aerith in that case. The planet is "The Planet". No where in the entire game is Earth ever even mentioned. So Aeris's name could not be an anagram of "earth" because earth does not exist obviously. You gotta look at things as they are, not as people wish they were. But! Let's entertain the notion that maybe Aeris's name was originally conceived as Aerith. But, since the person who created the character was concerned about the Japanese market and wanted Japanese players to understand the name he most likely wrote the name in Japanese right? That name he decided would be best represented as Earisu in katakana. (Looks sort of like earth doesn't it? It does only if you look past the notable exception that IT DOESN'T!!!) So, this game then gets shipped to hundreds of thousands of Japanese homes where every player sees the name as Earisu, thinks Earisu, and SAYS Earisu every time the character comes up even in situations no matter how unwelcome. AND! Since Japan is a non-violent society where disagreements over trivial things are not allowed, the original creator, realizing that he can not go against the majority of japanese people who are pronouncing her name this way agrees that the name is pronounced Earisu. Majority wins, everyone is happy, our planet is indirectly renamed, and no disagreements exist. Then the game releases over seas where some language dork decides to second guess someone else's work and creates a rift between hundreds of thousands of players for 2 decades. Logic people. you gotta see the entire picture here or your arguments aren't going to pan out for you. and just so everyone realizes, YES this is a HUGE issue. Wars killing thousands and thousands of people have been fought for MUCH more ridiculous reasons than this. Don't believe me? look it up. http://www.history.com/news/history-lists/6-wars-fought-for-ridiculous-reasons
  2. Already addressed. BUT! for the sake of argument: (and since i'm bored out of my mind at work right now why not?) How does anyone know that "Aerith" is the intended pronunciation? To say that "Aerith" is the correct and only translation of E-A-Ri-Su is to give in to the non native speaking Japanese translators (i.e. dorks) that think any appearance of a kana "su" should be a distinctly western "th" sound 100% of the time. This is crap and it should be obvious as to why. So with regards to the correct translation/pronunciation of AERIS'S name who do you think would actually know? Hint: it's not the Japanese. Another Hint: It's not the translators either. So ANYONE calling "AERIS" a mistranslation/mistransliteration is garbage. EDIT:...and by that logic why are we not calling Cloud's name Claude. Which it just as easily could have been mistranslated as. Though i think Star Ocean 2 might have a part to play in that choice. http://www.glitterberri.com/content/ff_series/ffvii/prerelease_screens/ff7bat39.jpg
  3. that was insane. I'm still sort of in shock over the outcome of that one.
  4. It's only canon because SE was pressured into turning the mistranslated name into canon. ...by the language dorks. Aerith is a falsehood and also has pseudo-satanic aspirations. To support canon in this case is to support satanism.
  5. I can get your frusteration with this aspect of music as it takes being comfortable with more music theory than someone might expect. For people who grew up playing scales it's no big deal but to a lot of people who use DAW's transposing can be difficult to wrap your mind around. To understand transposing you really need to understand the space between pitches called intervals. Even though the key changes, the relationship between the notes do not. The good news is transposing in a DAW is no where near as tedious as it used to be. Once you are able to hear and find what's called the Tonic (the note that the key is named for)in a given piece of music transposing becomes a simple matter of highlighting every note in midi you want transposed, finding the tonic and dragging it to the new tonic. For example If a midi is in Cm and you want it in Fm instead. Highlight everything, grab the C and drag it all until the C you clicked on is an F. Now everything is in Fm. You have some listening work to do in order to figure it all out but once you have it you have another musical weapon in your arsenal. if you want I can skype you through it sometime too. Just practice mousing in a major scale. Like C Major. (OR if you have a keyboard PLAY IT) Then make the entire scale a different Major scale by highlighting and dragging. That's transposing. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dycUSpcRJXA
  6. http://greekmythology.wikia.com/wiki/Eris It's entirely possible,nay probable. that Aeris was named after this greek goddess. "Goddess of Strife" should be all the proof that's needed. All other arguments are invalid.
  7. There's reason to suspect this was a translation error and that it was actually supposed to be "Aeris". Which is what her name actually is.
  8. Seriously this is the question that needs to be answered with the remake. In fact I hope they make an entire, darkly humored 12 hour quest in the game based around this one discrepancy. All I know is my launch day copy had Aeris's name as Aeris... ...and I will fight anyone to the death to defend it! There can be no other! ...even though I know that "su" when either starting or ending a word is commonly translated as a "th" in romanized kana. ... so really, when/if you think about it, both names are correct at the same time.
  9. Going out on a whim here but, Getting the most posted remixes in the history of the site? ...or deliberately screaming in my ear at MAG?
  10. It seems that the posts in the OCR forums have become little more than displays of pleonasm methinks.
  11. Let's see, Discovered the site in 2005 and by 2008 i was pretty much exclusively listening to OCRemixes on my 30gb (HDD) Creative Zen. This was the time I was starting my hero worship of various remixers who were a part of this VGM scene. The day Snowboarding Sonic got posted was the day I decided to commit to getting my own stuff on the site. Seriously, I didn't stop listening to this once i heard it for MONTHS. http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR01888 ..and it's been a rollercoaster of a musical trip since then but if it wasn't for OCR I probably never would have gotten into music recording/production as much as I have nor been driven to learn and improve my own engineering techniques. Not to mention that being a part of this community has led me to me being able to meet all of you in person at the annual MAGs which has been the best party of the year each year i've been there. The best memory though was squaring off with DJP, Level99 and others playing fighting games at MAG on Stevo's laptop the first time I went to the fest in 2013. I think Bushido Blade 2, Battle Arena Toshinden 3 and some others were covered and that was a pretty huge thing for me! Happy 16th!
  12. Going with the scheme of things these days i'm planning an episodic christmas for my victim. First set is away second set is coming third set... who knows...
  13. Agreed. Not about just the battle system either but all of the aspects of old JRPG's that have been thrown away instead being of developed properly which is what a lot of people were probably hoping a remake of this game would change. For at least a little while, it looked like japanese developers had the right idea in keeping the genre rooted. Star Ocean 3&4 showed how you can get around random encounters and have a world that feels more alive by having enemies existing in the world have giving the player the option to fight or run as they explored. Tales of Vesperia did a great job bringing the world map back and keeping it relevant for modern JRPG's. I wish SE would get that subtle changes to existing parts of the game are far more welcome in remakes like these than completely over hauling everything to make it look like and play like Tomb Raider/Resident Evil/Gears of War/Dead Space and the like. BUT!! Still buying it.
  14. ...wait aeris's WHAT?! i kind of freaked for a few minutes when they said it was going to be episodic but if it means they are able elaborate extremely well on each segment of the game it'll be fine methinks.\ Still i'm hoping for at least 15-20 hours of play per segment and not the usual hour or two that most episodic games have been. For once, and never again, i may be overly optimistic.
  15. Aeris's Theme on Didgeridoo and a choir of Mongolian throat singers would be much more noteworthy methinks.
  16. I'm all for an EXPANDING of the original ATB which is what we are talking about here. and btw Aeris's theme was already on piano.
  17. I've played the game far beyond what would be deemed the occasional nerdy obsession. Even though i'm not 100% anymore how many times i've beaten the game exactly i'm fairly certain i just completed my 17th playthrough last week. And yes you are correct. As good as the combat system seemed to be in retrospect, it was really just an illusion that came from the awesome materia system. However. I was really talking about how monotonous action-RPG combat is and even though everyone acknowledges it for being repetitive and dull it still seems to sell. I really enjoyed Crisis Core but the last thing I want in a FF7 game is another 3hit-combo-until-everything-is-dead kind of game. The original ATB system still has a lot of untapped potential if you think about it. Introduce player positioning and correct timing of actions and you could have something that would be more mentally engaging and still pull off the requisite amount of action/cinematics to make a game successful. Or even look at Dissidia's RPG mode. Lots of movement with only some precise timing needed from the player for the inputs. It wasn't perfect but something like that would work far better (IMO) than what it seems to be so far. If SE doesn't take enough risks with this game and introduce some new things it's probably going to have exactly the opposite effect the game had when it launched almost 20 years ago. I'm still gonna buy it tho. ...mostly for the Gold Saucer. ............and to see which version of AERIS'S name they are going to go with. 'Cuz they really screwed that up in Crisis Core
  18. I am of the opinion that there is still a lot more that SE could be doing with a modified ATB system instead of using the usual action rpg combat forumla. i.e. hold forward and mash X until dead. if you look at what tri-ace did with resonance of fate for example where the player had to consider current and future placement of the characters on the field it would make for something much more interesting while keeping fans of the original happy. I'm as excited as all hell for this game but i'm praying to every deity that's ever been mentioned in a remotely positive light that SE doesn't mess this one up.
  19. You can't say that hamburgers make people fat anymore than you can say fat people make hamburgers. Which they do, at least 50% of the time. but that's beside the point. The point is, you are making a transparative colloquial statement on the social dynamics of fat people vs anorexic drug addicts and setting up a false dichotomy. or in your words. people who get high off of snorting the souls of the dead in mountain dew-like form vs those who don't. A little Proportionalism is all that I ask.
  20. No you're straw manning. i said nothing about his bigness or relative bigocity. I was only talking about proportionality.
  21. At least some questions are getting answered with this trailer about what they are planning on doing with the soundtrack. Looks like it won't be a completely original score after all. As much as I was worried about them FF10/FF13'ing it and making it too linear I am significantly more concerned about Cloud's apparent anorexia. Someone get that guy a hamburger!!
  22. Going completely against the spirit of the season, I am officially holding my secret santa recipient hostage. I will not send my gift out until i receive mine. So. Whoever has me. I'd advise you to send your gift quickly or be held responsible for ruining someone's Christmas this year. kidding obviously
  23. Yea last month was a really good month for DoD. I had no idea that Tekken was never done for DoD before either. I mean, i get that Tekken tracks are difficult to remix due to little melodic content but it seems like the groove heavy ost's would have been DoD'ified at some point. Before I sub I want to check and see what people think about the rain backing the entire track. It took a rather large amount of processing and planning to get it where it is. It's not just a cut and paste i spent HOURS just working on the various rain tracks to get them to where they are right now. I had a total of 5 audio tracks dedicated to it and they are all processed differently and automated so that they fit around the rest of the mix without sounding over EQ'ed and noisy. If it sounds full and rain-like i'll keep it but if it's just coming off as noise then it's gonna have to go. :/
  24. I had originally planned on having this track as an audition piece for an Apex album from not too long ago. As I'm a huge fan of fighting games I really wanted to get something on there. However as time went I had less and less faith that it would be accepted and eventually rearranged a significant amount of it to make it what it is now. Planning on paneling this shortly so have at it! Source:
  25. Ditto to that for my subs as well. I've re purposed one of my tracks and the other 2 are in no condition to be posted anywhere or included in any compilation.
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