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Posts posted by Garpocalypse

  1. By the time OCR actually gets around to judging it you are probably going to see a whole lot of things you needed to fix that you never thought about or knew of before. That's the #1 reason why i haven't flooded OCR's sub box with my stuff....yet. Because I keep thinking that in another few months it could be alot better. In short, i'm not getting anywhere. :)

    Go for it when you feel you have something unique and don't take rejection too personally.

    Good luck

  2. Someone i knew spent some money on something that could interpret his guitar into midi signals. I think he was inspired by Travis Larson.

    I tried it for a bit and found it to be extremely unusable, but i think he had a pretty cheap one. It certainly didn't work like this

    I don't think there are any options that are better than a midi keyboard right now. Maybe in a few more decades.

  3. Can't wait to see this one. It's right up there with Dog Days season 2 for me ('cause of the... cat/dog ears... on people....chicks....)

    Is that a character based off of Nei or Rika in there?! Kind of looks like a composite of the two... Neika.... 8)

    Sega Vs Nintendo. Them's the good ol' days.

  4. Glad that someone is enjoying TTT2! I'd pick it up but am strapped for cash atm. I also don't get fighters on the first day anymore after SFxTekken didn't have couch co-op on the 360...among other giant problems w/ the game.

    Some online lag but it's probably the best launch of a fighter in the last 3-4 years. Alot of the online fights have been people just showing off their mains from T6.

    If I think the soundtrack of a given game is shit, I'm not really thinking very highly of the director in the first place.

    I just can't stand licensed music in games. While i never thought very highly of the soundtrack in any of the tekken games at least namco is still using a team to make original music. Unlike THQ's UFC, EA's MMA and the entire friggin Fight Night series.

    To anyone else who has the game try popping this little classic on the soundtrack


    Thanks DJP, for helping make games better. :-D

  5. I was never a huge fan of custom soundtracks in any game. The director always makes decisions with the game with in mind so why get rid of his hard work? However, Being able to get rid of that god-awful Snoop dog track just saved about every fight i'm ever going to have on that stage. :-D

    (how do you punch anyone to this?)

    Another feature i love is the practice mode while waiting for an online matchup. Kind of makes me wonder how much time I wasted in T6 just waiting for the next match.

    I remember now how bad it sucks to get juggled for 12 hits or how it's near impossible to read lilli. Guess on your blocks and hope for the best. However after about 30 matches i'm hanging around a 70% win ratio so i'm still having fun!

  6. Fighting games have gotten far better over the last decade. i have no idea what you guys are playing... :)!!

    Back in the days of SFII, Mortal Kombat, then VF and Tekken i used to think of how impossible a task it must be to make a fighter as dynamic as a fight scene in a movie. We now have it and people are...complaining?

    Competitive play has refined the genre to near perfection. There is no more garbage like Kakuto Chojin or the early MK's where certain fighters were grossly overpowered or had a technique that could break the game. The demands for arcade fighters are so high now that only the studios that have fighter experience are still making them. Everyone else's is dead. (where is my tournament ready BLOODY ROAR 4 damnit!)

    Tekken never demanded the technical prowess of Virtua Fighter. Where not only one move could make a difference, one frame accuracy could make or break a fight. Though I gotta admit, not having a combo list in front of me for my pair in TTT2 (jin/jun) and trying to discover the tag juggles has been pretty fun. Love it or hate it juggles are a key part of tekken's gameplay. Learn it or lose. I'm hoping that by this weekend i'll be pretty competitive to go online for a few rounds.

    Do what I tried to do and go back and play Tekken 2. Which is still one of my favorite games ever made but maaaaaaaaaaaaaaan, playing through that is extremely painful. :mrgreen:

  7. I loved DoA until DOA4.

    After hearing about Ninja Gaiden 3 I don't think Team Ninja is going to do anything great with DOA5. Stranger things have happened, like Mortal Kombat being balanced for tournament play, but lets not forget that Team Ninja's greatness died at the start of this generation of consoles and that was over half a decade ago.

    I'd love for it to be great but if it's only as good as DOA4 then i'm going to pass. I still can't believe Itagaki had the nerve to call that mess "the pinnacle of fighting games."

  8. I think i'm on to something.

    I found out that if I rotated one of my guitar cables I would eventually have a sweet spot where signal levels would be recorded as normal. It just seems to be one cable though that this is possible with. The other cables seem to do no better.

    I reported this info on another forum and it was suggested that I might have some corrosion in the mic jack and that a remedy would be to lube up a 1/4" male end with wd40 and punch it through the mic jack a few times. (i really really tried to phrase that as pc as possible)

    Before i go wrecking my $200 sound card (in early 2000 $'s) with a $5 can of wd40 I was wondering if anyone else here would do something like that or know of another alternative?

  9. All good points, Moseph.

    I'm wondering though how many voice lessons you would be getting for $450. If i'm reading it right, limiting private lessons to their teachers is ridiculous. College teachers tend to ask for alot more than someone who is making a name for themselves locally.

    I took a few voice lessons before my freshman year for $15/hr. They were really good lessons too in the pre youtube era.

  10. Well,

    I passed my audition on the guitar, sight-reading, theory and aural skills were good...on guitar. But I am not a singer and therefore I found it difficult to match pitch consistently with my voice.

    They were willing to make an exception, but on the condition that I take singing lessons there....another $450 on top of costs already over $1000. These singing lessons would unfortunately have to be taken in place of an aural skills course which all involves matching pitch with VOICE. So this means that I would have to go to the college for another half a year for just a single course. A course I don't want to take.

    So even though I would be accepted in, I turned the offer down. With music, I like to play in bands and would love to compose music for a professional video game one day. I can continue to improve my skills in recording and playing using my own self study as well as lessons from other professionals; lessons that I can start or stop at any time and cost a whole lot less than college study.

    That seems..... extremely questionable.

    Before they would accept you they required you take private voice lessons with their faculty? How do they require something like that?

    Oh right, this is Canada... :)

    I felt I was pretty lousy singer, which i was, but in my voice classes there were at least half a dozen people under me. I don't see why anyone would need instruction prior to a beginning voice class.

    All music colleges are struggling to stay relevant. With good reason too. I've learned more on youtube over the last few years than i did in my entire four years at college. (of course youtube wasn't developed until my junior year and even then it wasn't anything more than people lighting each other on fire)

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