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Posts posted by Garpocalypse

  1. Still not back on topic yet? I'll save this...

    I always wondered why Tri Ace killed off Star Ocean while the Tales series keeps going. For those that didn't know Tri Ace made the first Tales game then were stripped of the IP which Namco gave to another studio. In response Tri Ace made Star Ocean which by Star Ocean 2 was the superior RPG. IMO. (gotta keep it internet PC right?)

    Maybe i'm overplaying the rivalry but I wish Star Ocean kept going. 45 min to go i guess we'll find out.

  2. oh goody another jrpg that isn't a skies of arcadia sequel

    You have no idea how much i'm waiting for that one. If today's SEGA would just get there %^& together. :)

    BUT Star Ocean is one of my favorites and if you had a problem with SO4 then you probably didn't play SO3. Which wasn't bad but was pretty damn not great. It did have the best OST from Sakuraba though in my opinion.

    The series peaked with SO2 but if this is a new game then i'm really really freaking excited. Hopefully they'll get back to what made SO2 great and fix the problems they started with 3 and 4.

    I agree that the soundtrack to 4 wasn't as good as it could have been. The remixes of previous games' battle music was a complete miss and all of them lacked what made the originals energetic. (Cutting Edge of Notion remix was so bad it brought tears to my eyes)

    Anyway, you got my hopes up. If this isn't a new Star Ocean game then i'm gonna freak.

  3. Being a SEGA oriented videogame enthusiast my exposure to megaman has been really limited. But I am getting excited about this game.

    My only problem is they decided to put it out for free for the PC crowd because it would have been much more expensive to go the console route.

    Console gaming is dying ...and that bums me out.

    Willrock should have been on the soundtrack. IMO. Congrats to A Rival tho.


  4. If choral music doesn't speak to you then you won't get much enjoyment out of it regardless.

    The trick is not to close yourself off to that fact and just listen to the work that went into it if you can't find anything else to relate to. I've been very much anti vocals myself and never really found much enjoyment in listening to a choir. Even though i used to sing in them...

    The good news is that there are so many hybrid styles out there now that eventually you are going to run into a piece of music you really love that uses an element that you really used to hate. Try finding some music you like that uses choirs in the background and eventually you'll gather more of an appreciation for it.

    This thread kind of reminds me of the times when i was going to deathmetal concerts with my friends who didn't understand how i could also play in orchestras. The more you expose yourself to the better you will appreciate what you get to hear.

  5. Thanks Ambient.

    That second section is a huge problem i know. I rode the small distorted bass part in the source to the end and hoped that was going to be recognized well enough to allow me to improvise over it. Now i see that it wasn't. :(

    I have a pile of remixes i'm working on fixes for so i hope to crack this one open again at some point. I guess if i can get it submitted in the next month or two i should just barely make the posting for Halloween 2016 right?

    Kidding. :)!!

  6. http://www.vgmusic.com/music/console/sega/genesis/

    Yea it does sound very close to Duo the Fox's "Harmony remix" on VGMusic.

    Midi rips can be used for production practice. I just wouldn't post them anywhere since it's not really... your work.

    Start with playing the melody across all the instruments you know, then experiment with different chord progressions in whatever styles interest you to make the source your own original interpretation.

  7. Letting you know I may be a few days late with the WIP due to various other projects that dropped within the week, but I can assure you it will be with you by Monday at the latest. :)

    Same. I had four versions of Collision Chaos I was working on for the past few weeks and not feeling any of them. Went to bed depressed out of my mind last night then promptly woke up at 2AM knowing what i wanted it to sound like. About time right? 8)

    I'm on Ver. 5 now and i'm trying to bust my ass to get as much of it together as i can before tommarow. I may end up being just past the deadline but not more than a day or two.

    Congrats on a great remix posting btw Rexy.

  8. Meanwhile, I've got like 3 different versions of my track going. I have a really solid minute and a half and then each version branches off somewhere different - none of which are really impressing me at the moment hah.

    yea i know that feeling. 8)

    love the game, love the music, love being on this album, love OCR, love spencer....platonically. And..... i'll get something...sooner or later.

    EDIT: just thought i'd ask. Will the remixers for this album be getting a forum sig? Maybe one with their zone on it? I only ask because i have no talent for that kind of thing. :)

  9. Hey Roz thanks for the crits.

    I was rushing to get this thing done and i made some really bad calls that i hope wouldn't have been noticed so easily. For one, I grouped all my drums together in one track and processed them together. ...whoops. But i didn't have the time to record each part individually.:wink:

    I'm going to redo a few things and send it off to the judges in time for next years halloween.

  10. It's with a heavy heart and deep sadness that I regret to inform everyone who may care that I am unable to make it to MAGFest this year.

    Sorry to hear Cyril but there's one thing i gotta know so that this doesn't happen to me.

    Who was rooming with this guy?! I need a pad! Floor space, Closet Space, Table Space, hell if you have a suite and keep the fridge empty i'll use it! :<

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