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Posts posted by Garpocalypse

  1. Just got off the phone with gaylord.

    I was quoted a rate of 281.54/night which includes taxes and fees.

    Which ups the cost/person to 170.77/person for all 4 days IF we all split an executive. (4 adults, 4 "kids")

    170.77=MAGfest reg + 4 nights in a room

    The suite does have a king bed (2 people) with a pullout sofa (2 people) and the rest would be floor space. We also get two bottles of water in the room!

    They still have executives open though due to the somewhat southern accent, i'm not sure how many. :?

    http://www.gaylordhotels.com/gaylord-national/rooms-suites/suites/index.html -Suite info

    -Tour of Executive Suite

    -Tour 2 of Executive Suite
  2. Check the suite prices - I just know that they're not cheap. Also, if anyone goes that route, make sure there's ground rules set, since it's highly doubtful that that suite will sleep early, if at all (it's MAGFest after all).

    This is an ideal and possibly unrealistic scenario but if we can get 8 people to sign up (at $30 each) And somehow split an executive suite (229+%16 tax per night+resort fees) That would put the entire cost for the event minus food and travel at:

    170.77/person for all 4 days.

    Sounds good to me.

    Rather than fight over who gets the bed i think we should just let Kyzer and Jenner take it. They are probably the only two who would be ok with sleeping with each other at this point.

    i just need a pad for the few days. I don't expect to get much sleep. I could deck out my car with a futon($14 a night) but then i would have to beg someone for a shower. I don't want to put you guys through that.

    EDIT: Here are the suites. I haven't checked availability but it seems like the plan is doable. http://www.gaylordhotels.com/gaylord-national/rooms-suites/suites/index.html

    I strongly encourage someone else taking the lead for this as I don't have the credit to organize something like this right now. I can however get cash/paypal or whatever as soon as this plan comes together.

  3. Perhaps the characterization was improved?

    Nope, stayed the same.

    All characters:

    "why am i fighting?"

    "I have no idea so i guess i'll keep fighting until i figure it out."

    Laguna was the only character that didn't come off that way. Tifa I can't remember at all. and I didn't realize kain wore purple lipstick. kinda drained the character for me. :-|

    Fun fighter though. If you don't like fighters.

    TTT2 in 3 days!!!

  4. Name of the college? Are you auditioning on a classical style or is it a more liberal college where pop styles are accepted?

    Two days to do any type of technique building is really stretching it. Any new information now is probably going make you more nervous/more insecure when it comes time to audition. I think it would be far more important to expand yourself while playing. You can easily tell the difference between people who play with their audience against people who play at their audience or are just trying to get through the next passage.

    You're not going in to audition any more than you are just playing for one person. So get to know each other through playing.

    At this point don't worry too much about playing as much as possible. Two days of solid work can be good when your performance is a ways off but how will your hands be on the third day?

    Try some relaxation techniques. breathe. and just think about how you are going to blow the person you are playing for away.

    On second hand, learn this one and get into any music college you want:

    You got two days! get crackin'!

  5. Hey everyone, I have recently begun to record myself live and i noticed that when i record using the mic input of my DMX 6fire 24/96 (PCI) the signal is extremely low. Barely above the level of background noise. Once i amp that with guitar rig 4 i have a ton of noise killing the tone of my guitar.

    My DMX 6fire is by terratec and the product was discontinued about half a decade ago, so to put it one way, they are not helping me at all.

    Before I run out and buy a more current sound card I was wondering if anyone knew anything that I haven't tried yet to get the signal stronger.

    Windows XP/ DMX 6fire 24/96 (pci)

    I have tried

    1. Making sure all of the volume faders were as high as possible on XP

    2. Various boost and cut combinations with the soundcard's UI. All of which did nothing to boost the signal or decrease the noise

    3. Turning up the gain on the soundcard above the mic input. Increases noise.

    4. Boosting the finished recording, applying a noise gate, but the noise still kills my tone.

    5. Disabled the drivers for the onboard soundchip.

    6. Checking around the net and with terratec for people with similar problems. So far nothing. (the most current post i could find was from 2007)

    7. Swapping out various cords (all have the same amount of noise)

    8. muted all options on the soundcard. verified noise only comes from the mic.

    Everything i have tried either does nothing or increases the level of noise.

    I was using a mic earlier today and to get any kind of decent sound i felt like i had to scream into it at very close range to get something close to usable. This has occured with everything that goes into the mic input and it's always the same level of noise with the same level of signal.

    This leads me to believe that maybe my mic input is fried? I have been using the sound card for about a decade now and i used to mess around with my bass going directly into the mic jack (when i was a dumbass and didn't know what a DI box was) could that have destroyed my soundcard?

    Is there anything in XP that i haven't tried that would be the solution to my problem? I find it strange that I can get a decent sound just with no way to get it above the level of background noise.

    Thanks for any help you can give.


    p.s. Terratec has been no help, they don't even offer the drivers for my soundcard anymore.

    EDIT: should nothing else work i'm looking to get this

  6. Replayed it again about 2 1/2 years ago...still f'n loved it. Probably even more so. What was cool I played Crisis Core, beat it, and then immediately played and beat FFVII.

    I don't mind Cloud. I find it reasonable that he lost his mind. Anyone is a better main character than Vaan from FFXII.

    You mean the remixer who did one of my favorite OCR tracks,

    Winds of Inishmore http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR01719/

    didn't like the lead character?

    O wait, suddenly the game over remix is making sense.

  7. Getting all A's in Sonic Adventure 2 only to get one friggin remade level of the original Sonic.

    Soloing the Streets of Rage games.

    Losing count of how many times i beat FFVII. I'm pretty sure i just started number 11 today. (Square having me as lead creative director, or some other bs title, for the FFVII remake? I can recite the entire game's dialogue by heart...almost)

    Playing this piece of garbage and almost beating it:


  8. Oddly enough, I did the same thing in a sense. I bought the guide before the game, but my friend had the game and not the guide. So I brought it to school daily, then we'd go over to his house after school and play it until nightfall.

    My best friend pointed out to me on Facebook that FF7's 15th anniversary marks our 15th anniversary as friends as well. We bonded together over my FF7 strategy guide. I carried it to school, and he asked to borrow it. The rest is history.

    Let the power that is FFVII enrich all of our lives.

    This game is bad and you should feel bad!

    FFVII still loves you brush, in time you will learn to love FFVII. But if you don't you're gonna burn!

    Anyone else want to share their love of FFVII with us today?


  9. Learn to take critique.

    Be very careful how you handle your youtube account. If people checking you out for the first time see you flying off the handle because of what one person said that will turn them off quick.

    Being cool to the people who don't like what you do is part of doing any art.


    Try to listen to the differences between the two. Take what you like and reject the rest.

  10. And any game whose ending credits doesn't thank the players/fans, because we ARE customers and it's just a small little gesture to remind us that we're appreciated.

    I remember the good ol' days when developing games meant trying to block the player from making progress. Only if you CONQUERED a game (something no one says anymore with good reason) would you get the small "thanks for playing!" after the credits.

    Nowadays people blast through games like books.

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