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Posts posted by Garpocalypse

  1. How about requests for remixes? I'd like to see one of my mixes broken down. But due to the volume of remixes I could see my mix never getting reviewed. I like the idea though, for sure.

    It wouldn't be a review, i think OCR has enough threads dedicated to reviews and "how this remix makes you feel". This would be an analysis that would try to be as selfless as possible. Only what went in and what could have gone in and why. Anything like that can be posted and the group would be open to everyone regardless of experience. Seeing how other people learn about music is the goal of the whole project.

    The only problem i see right off the bat is how to interpret the analysis.

    Here is an example of what you wouldn't be able to do, something like "Willrock's Snowboarding Sonic is a classic Neo Conservative example of Radicalized Right Wing 1940's Pre-Modern Post-Deconstructionist Politics" and then distort everything just enough to support your point. :) Just Music, Game and DAW related facts.

    Of course I support the idea for a vote but since it's likely that we would end up with 15 or so remixes with 1 vote each there would have to be a way to narrow the results. Since it seems like there is more interest than what i was expecting i'll try to get the ball rolling asap. I'm not the most forum savy OCR'er so i have little idea where to hold something like this.

  2. This is an idea i have been kicking around for a little while that I think would help everyone with their remixes.

    On a weekly/bi-weekly/monthly basis, a remix would be selected from the site to be torn apart by the group. Every possible line drawn, every note realized, all production techniques speculated (if not readily provided by the remixer :))

    This would not be a review of the mix but an analysis of the chord progressions, voice leading, key modulations, scales/modes used, overall idea of the mix, it's relation to the game, use of the title, possible mixing and mastering techniques and so on in order to learn everything that went into the creation of the work. If anyone has taken a literary analysis class or did some music analysis it would be the same idea and more than likely a combination of the two.

    I think it would be a great way to dust off some older remixes and keep information flowing between posted remixers and OCR hopefuls. Would anyone else be interested in something like this?

  3. What's your rate on growls BS?

    I've had a few mixes i've wanted you to scream on but i'm afraid you'd put me deep in hock. Not because you are that good, but because that's the type of guy you are.


    Cool concept. It's all in the execution. If it works it'll be great if not it'll be a colossal failure.

    That would probably be very very annoying.

    The acting might be a bit much unless you get some very convincing voice actors. I prefer to let the instruments represent ideas like that, but then chances are it would be lost on most of the people listening to it.

  4. Something with Time Zones could be a title of a track for sure. I don't know, i just think the title for an album needs to invoke some type of imagery that relates to the work on it.

    It's the first impression that's left on a listener before they even listen to anything so it needs to be everything it can.

  5. I personally think "Time Zones" is a great idea, because:

    1. The game had different "Zones"

    2. The game has different times

    3. The two soundtracks were in different parts of the world, which are in different time zones.

    I really... don't think... it's a good idea. at all. sorry.

    First there is nothing that cuts, or grabs attention. Time Zones lacks everything it needs to stand out as a title and comes off as redundant when trying to explain it. Not a bad idea but not there's enough to it. Usually when people discuss Time Zones, it's an obstacle.

    Divided over Time/Divided in Time is what i'm leaning towards but i'll get some of my own suggs up in a bit. You can tell I spend way too much time thinking about these things than a normal productive member of society should be...

    I spent a solid 20 minutes trying to come up with a title for this one before submitting it to DoD.

    EDIT: Here is a brainstorm I pulled off of my phone, Most of them suck but if you see something you want to use or run with then go ahead. I'll add to it as i think of 'em.

    Time/Rivalry Themed:

    Clash of Time

    Clash of/over Time and Tranquility

    Contest of Time

    Duel of an Era

    Duel over time

    Blue themed:

    The two Blue Time Travelers

    Back to back blue

    Shades of Blue (probably not this one, apparently it's close to some book)

    Two Oceans of Time

    Oceans of Time

    Duel of the Sea colored hedgehogs

    Sparkles in the Sea of Time

    Blue Blue Skyyyyy Blue Blue Sky i see!

    It's either a concise representation of the duality of man, or it's two hedghogs kicking the crap out of each other.

    Synthetic Themed:

    Soul of a Machine

    Soul of a machine mind of a hedgehog

    Sparkles in a Sea of Machinery

    Sparkles in a Machine Sea

    Purity Assimilated

    Blue Assimilated/tion

    Imitation Themed:

    Echoes over Time

    Echoes in an Ocean

    Echoes of a Synthetic Sea

  6. Something along the lines of a split timeline (think Back to the Future)... like "Divided in Time" or something.

    EDIT: or maybe make it a play on grammatical tense in the English language? Like "Past Perfect/Future Progressive"

    Divided in Time isn't bad at all. Divided over Time? Kind of refers to the split between the listeners over the different soundtracks as well.

    When i'm in class today i'll try to think of something to play around with.

  7. Love ya The Damned but your Anti Sega Post War Neo European American Conservatively Liberal Pro Nintendo Agenda (w/ dubstep influences!) has been clear for some time.

    Well, let's see:

    1. Character archetypes that we've seen hundreds of times before.

    2. Bleh designs and art style. Nothing interesting or refreshing.


    Go ahead. if you have time, run (well, swim)over and try to introduce something new to the Japanese. You'll find progress for even a small change can take several decades or longer. This is the entire reason i stopped using anime to study Japanese for about a decade. I guess now i'm getting back into it. :<

    3. Mediocre plot based upon a long-settled argument over market shares of an entertainment industry.


    market shares? where the heck are market shares discussed in this thing? that would make for a boring show. Maybe some land, power, and chicks but market shares?!

    Mediocre plot for sure. But...

    4. Poor attempt at parody, or half-assed attempt at appealing to fanboys? Either way...

    ...it's appealing to all the former kids who used to beat the hell out of each other on the playground screaming for either Mario or Sonic. Conflict is perfectly natural. Don't interfere with nature!

    If you prefer Nintendo that's fine, but let's enjoy and keep the fighting going!

    The geek equivalent of Jersey Shore mayhaps?

    I wouldn't quite take it that far... I am firmly against any show that makes it's viewers want to punch women. Even if they kind of look like something that crawled out of a sewer. and somehow got famous.

    Still not clean from watching Tails die in the opening minute... Worst part of the show for me. :(

  8. Either my love of old Sega is blinding me, or we have some friggen Nintendo fans in here. :<

    Pilots are never great. Unless you are talking about Fluppy Dogs. That was a great pilot. :) Everything else tho has great suckage potential.

    Any word on when episode II is coming out?

  9. Heh, that lead sounds awfully familiar ;-)

    Not much to say, I think it sounds good, aside from the noise/glitch that doesn't really add much imo.

    What's that dinosaur burp sound at the end? I mean, what's it supposed to sound like? :lol:

    Halloween... Theramin... I was hoping everyone was going to think that using that instrument was cliche so that it would end up with me being the only one having it. :)

    The last lead was one i made with dimension pro awhile ago. It was supposed to sound really nervous so i boosted 2k throughout most of that faux solo at the end.

    The glitch was supposed to represent a reflection. I was planning on having slight panning adjustments then reversing them each time it glitched to give the impression of things being a little backwards. Didn't work.

    Monster Sounds were slightly edited Resident Evil 2 clips. Monster pounces. Remix over.

  10. As much as i love to cut and explode wide I think Dafydd had a far better one on his entry.

    Sandy ended up coming through here while I was finishing this thing up and i was worried i would lose power at any second. So, in order to make sure the appropriate amount of rage came across in the mix I periodically ran up on top of my roof, faced the wind and the rain, shook my fist at the heavens, and screamed "YOU CALL THIS A STOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORRRRRRMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM??!!!"


  11. Happy Halloween OCR!

    Just thought I would post the most recent version of what was to be my entry for Remixing with the Stars for this month. Got sidetracked by mid terms. :(

    For this one I used:

    Dimension Pro


    Resident Evil 2 Monster sound clips

    Ministry of Rock

    I'm working on a more OCR friendly sound so let me know what you think!

    Special Thanks to Syllix who was great about helping me keep the right frame of mind after a tiring couple weeks of tests and work, and providing me with a near complete book of mixing advice.

    Remix: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CyvS_Gt6RRw&feature=channel&list=UL

    Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?mfz75gux8i74yf2


    Bonus Points: To anyone who can guess what was going through my head for the last minute of the remix!

  12. Thank you. It's not that I'm theory illiterate; it's just as a bassist my expertise lies with basslines and using stuff like 12 bar blues, etc. If you have any advice for me in terms of stuff I can learn that can help, let me know!

    Best to start learning from the master himself.

    Pay good attention to 2:35

    I talked to this guy twice in my life for a few minutes and each time it was life changing. (The first time i talked with him he said "You look like a bass player." to this day it's the greatest compliment i've ever received)

  13. My son wants to cover a song with me. The original singer has a high voice, so it should be within his range, but I'm not a vocalist. Other than making him practice the song over and over, I'm going to do these things;

    1. Make him stand and aim the mic down at him to force him to open his throat and lungs more.

    2. Build a ghetto vocal iso booth around him with pillows and comforters on a frame.

    3. Many, many takes.

    4. Have him drink warm herbal tea before and during.

    Is there anything else I need to know?

    Don't force or make anything. Make sure he wants to do it. Standing posture should be as natural as possible. (no head craning back to get the mic for example) Limit the recording session to under an hour at a time. (maybe even less than that). herbal Tea. Good. I recommend a blend of Hibiscus and Chrysanthemum though i'm not sure about giving anything to a nine year old.

    Is it a Rush cover? :)

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