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Everything posted by KyleJCrb

  1. Yo dawgs, i herd u liek released projects: http://threshold.ocremix.org/
  2. Pretty sure there's no such possible thing. Those words don't go together.
  3. Nitro Game Injection #131: Breaking Barriers Kyle & Larry bring in Drew “halc” Wheeler to talk about his works and the upcoming Sonic The Hedgehog: The Sound of Speed OCReMix album. They also praise chips of both the edible and musical variety, do the R.O.B., blast some masters with drummers, get chased in a haunted place, and get a visit from Zappa. All on this episode of Nitro Game Injection! http://kngi.org/p=1227
  4. You need 2 finished tracks done. As opposed to what? 2 finished tracks that...aren't done?
  5. Because I heard it straight from the lion(tamer)'s mouth while doing a podcast with him today. He has a bad habit of not telling the important people things until the absolute last possible minute.
  6. Yeah, I know it's already a remix of a popular traditional Christmas tune. But come on, you know this arrangement is begging for some live guitar wanking.
  7. So we wrapped a great interview with remixer and director of 'Sonic: The Sound Of Speed', Drew "halc" Wheeler earlier today, and the episode will be coming very soon! I just wanted to announce that NGI will be temporarily moving to Thursday at 7:30 PM Eastern this week on account of some upcoming holiday-time engagements for the Oji Man, so be sure to make note in your calendars, set reminders, and whatever else you need to do to make sure you don't miss the NGI METUL SPESHUL. RAWK.
  8. So I heard through the grapevine that this is coming out tomorrow...
  9. I for one welcome our new Gyromite-playing evil overlords.
  10. By "Hip" Tanaka, The King of Catchiness, and yet nobody has remixed this. YOU SHOULD ALL BE ASHAMED.
  11. So does this mean OCR won't accept arrangements of this theme?
  12. Come on, Stevo: You know you want to remix Moon Over the Castle again, or at least put 'Lunar Dioxide' on this. I've decided that this will be an unofficial album, released through KNGI only. I will let others have their own OCR glory.
  13. And #dwellingofduels. Seems #thasauce and #ocad seem to have migrated as well.
  14. You are credit to team, Cyril.
  15. Haha, this is amazing. I love when folks uncover these little musical easter aggs (like the GameCube menu/Famicom Disk System intro). You aren't my friend anymore.
  16. I got tired of waiting around, so I started a self-gratifying album project for this song: http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=32492
  17. Hey man, I already have the approval of Danny Baranowsky. I CAN'T LET THIS FAIL NOW!
  18. Yeah, doing this is kind of pointless in retrospect. Let's get other stuff released first. ------------------------------------------- Okay, so I wasn't going to do this at first, but I've kicked the idea around for a long time, and with Hurry! and Thai Guy setting precedence for single-source remix albums, I decided I'd give this a shot. A lot of folks know by now that I'm a huge fan of the 'Moon Over the Castle' theme from the Gran Turismo games, and even though a lot of remixes have come to light over the past couple years, I feel that a full album of arrangements in varying styles would be the most fitting tribute to what I feel may be the single most defining moment of video game music. I want as many different styles as possible here: Rock and metal, orchestral, piano solo, rap, electronica, ambient, chiptune... Whatever you can come up with. I'm aiming to make this a tribute to the worldwide appeal of the GT series. I will also be attempting to hold the arrangements here to a high standard, but since there are so many albums being worked on for OCR right now, this is planned to be an unofficial release. If you want to contribute, please express your interest in this thread. Keep in mind that if you do not meet the expectations of due dates or quality, you will face a potential cut. I'm looking to have at least 10 variations to consider this a complete album, but I'll gladly accept all arrangements that are submitted to me, and will not be limiting the number of remixers on this album. The Source: MIDI, Gran Turismo, , , Gran Turismo 4, , (T-Square version)Interested ReMixers (NOT COMMITTED YET): Danny Baranowsky Sir_NutS Fishy Pongball Draconiator
  19. Almost six months later and the only change is that Virt's dog has taken over the VGMix domain. I'm not sure we'll ever see VGMix come back in any usable form at this point.
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