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Everything posted by KyleJCrb

  1. TWO WEEKS?! OGNOES! MAN THE OARS! DIS SHIP'S GOIN' DOWN! Honestly dude, I know you're excited, but these projects tend to have a bit of time between major updates. Just relax.
  2. So, Mustin is a traitor to his own Bad Dudes? Things are about to throw down.
  3. Man, that's more blatant than Dragonforce's references. Awesome.
  4. So yeah, we went on break for awhile, but we started doing this NGI thing again yesterday and had on Ian Flynn, current writer for Archie's Sonic comic series and the upcoming Mega Man comic (recording coming soon.) Also, GameFuel is on tonight, so be there in 30 minutes OR ELSE.
  5. Yeah, it says right at the beginning of the video, "Tales of Symphonia Like a Glint of Light Power Remix by GiulerPowerGamer," and he then proceeds to proclaim in the comments that it is his remix. I just looked through the rest of this guys' videos, and it turns out that he's also done the same with a number of other tracks from SoS. Very interesting... Also a couple of Super Metroid remixes in there which are likely not his.
  6. You are doing right by tracking this album down. It still remains one of the absolute finest masterpieces of video game music arrangements ever. It is best to contact him via The Shizz, as Bahamut suggested.
  7. Hilarious YouTube plagiarism. It's not an OCReMix, but it is from an album:
  8. But "this sounds like Microsoft GS Wavetable SW Synth" just doesn't have the same ring to it.
  9. It isn't, because it's not the original series.
  10. If we got Bahamut or Stevo to do it, it would go quick. inb4 stevo says "TOO MANY PROJECTS"
  11. It's still on the site. Lyrical content isn't grounds for removal or rejection.
  12. Japanese aren't bad at web design, they just have different design philosophies than western cultures. It's schizophrenic and nonsensical to us, but they seem to do just fine with it.
  13. The server migration is complete, but the DNS needs to propagate. The forums will be back online in 12-48 hours. Thanks for being patient, everyone. Project members: Please refrain from using your FTP accounts at this time, as they don't work. We'll be working on getting them set back up soon.
  14. Yes, someone has taken on this song: http://remix.thasauce.net/song/RTS0207/
  15. There will be a little bit of downtime as we get things migrated. Right now the forums are locked so that we don't lose posts, and the site may go down for a little bit until the DNS propagates to the new server (when it's ready.) I apologize for the inconvenience, but we'll be set up with a more awesome server when everything is all said and done.
  16. BLueBERRYKiWi is an awesome, awesome man and will be hosting the site. Thank you so much, Pierre.
  17. As you probably know, KNGI.org has been down for a few days now. Rest assured I've contacted BLue about getting it back up, but I haven't heard anything yet. I will be updating you guys here as things develop. EDIT: We're back! http://www.kngi.org/
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