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Everything posted by KyleJCrb

  1. So is MM1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, MM&B, etc. etc. And every project runs on Valve Time. You know that.
  2. I liked Sonic Adventure and Sonic Adventure 2, and I actually thought Heroes was okay. Heroes has the speed of the Sonic stages from SA1 and 2, level designs are fairly clever, and the soundtrack is great (the glitches and finicky camera kinda suck, but they're not really game breakers.) Shadow The Hedgehog was the turning point for me: Stupid story, terrible "morality" and gun-toting mechanics, worse voice acting than the first 3 games, and bad glitches. The soundtrack again was good, but that wasn't enough to save it. After that, things went downhill with '06. Secret Rings and Black Knight did a small bit to bring the series back to being at least decent (Unleashed less so), but I just haven't had the same interest in the 3D Sonic games since Heroes.
  3. o hai Mega Man 9 remix project
  4. I understand, but I don't really hear the GT3 version in this (not that there's much overall difference between the songs used in each game aside from different intros and outros anyway, but still). But, I guess I trust Stevo to know what he's doing. Sometimes.
  5. Why not? I trolled the fuck out of the Tales project thread. It was awesome watching everyone SQUIRM.
  6. You are aware of this, right? http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=27078
  7. Armored Armadillo is my favorite track from X1, and I can safely say that the VGMix Plush Bagels have done justice to it.
  8. Internet arguments: THEY'RE SERIOUS BUSINESS. I'm not really sure even who Jack is arguing with anymore. He's just writing long-winded overblown posts directed at nobody in particular.
  9. This may be true, but SEGA seems adamant to keep the series alive. We'll see if they've made any turnarounds with Colors and 4.
  10. Like Heroes and the Adventure series, It's not for sale anymore since it's from the last generation (except for any unsold copies still sitting in bargain bins). It's not being restocked like the ones listed are. Also, Sonic Colors actually looks decent. I'm still waiting for the terrible "surprise" to crop up in it though.
  11. The hell? I've never used any Lunar avatar. My last one was Vanessa from King of Fighters, and before that it was Tikal from Sonic Adventure, Millia from Guilty Gear, and Sonic. And probably something else in there too that I'm forgetting.
  12. It's brilliant and awesome, but you all already know this. I'm just curious as to why this is classified as remix from GT3 when it's a remix of the same song that ilp0 remixed from GT1. The song does appear in GT3 as well, but wouldn't it make more sense to attribute it to the game where the song originally appeared?
  13. I changed mine, but only because I started looking through them again and noticed that they added album-related avatars.
  14. I like how I'm just "pretty cool." It's aptly nondescript. Also, my sigs for the last few years have featured characters of my own creation. Drawn by other people of course, since I'm a talentless hack, but my own characters nonetheless.
  15. Oh man, this is exciting news. Will rockin' my number one favorite VGM tune of all time? Yes please!
  16. That would be a waste of money. The Wii Shop is accessible no matter how much homebrew you have. If there's an update from Nintendo and the Shop stops working, you just use NUS Downloader and MMM to update to the new version of the Shop channel (and the one file that it requires) and you're back to normal again without getting rid of your homebrew.
  17. He's still around. He had many other releases, a lot of them on VGMix.
  18. Well, since Doulifee's site seems to be down right now and I can't link you to OCReMoved, here's the remixes in question: http://www.kngi.org/mirrors/OCReMoved/Sonic_Water_Warning.mp3 http://www.kngi.org/mirrors/OCReMoved/Sonic_Water_Warning_(UCantBreathe2This).mp3 Also, I've mirrored OCReMoved here.
  19. Yeah, in my experience, bugging from outside sources only makes it less likely said person will actually finish their stuff and not quit out of spite.
  20. Done before? Yes. Needs to be done more? Hell yes. Get on it, yo.
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