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Everything posted by KyleJCrb

  1. So are Andrew, Deia and Vinnie the only judges left? Are they the only survivors after a bloody judges panel civil war?
  2. I like this whole "we'll do it live" thing. It makes recording and releasing episodes much quicker and more consistent. Anyone have time and interest in getting shownotes written up? NGI Episode 129: A View to Kill This week, Kyle and Larry take a look at Machinae Supremacy‘s newest release, A View From the End of the World. They also discuss the gray legalities of the Japanese doujin scene, the rise of game music composer prominence, praise NES game Shadow of the Ninja for it’s mind-blowing soundtrack, and tons more. http://kngi.org/p=1126
  3. hai gaiz i herd u liek purple flyin jestarz
  4. Blistered Thumbs interviews Daniel and James What's this? Dan pitch-shifts his voice? MY LIFE IS OVER!
  5. Hilarious =/= not stupid. Believe me, I'm a big fan of stupid memes and phrases and find them amusing, but that doesn't mean they aren't stupid.
  6. Yeah, I saw that last night (Angry Joe is awesome.) Good thing nobody cares about Free Riders.
  7. So like, yeah. This thing is like, practically done. It's like, awesome. Ohmahgawd.
  8. That's because only people in the US say stupid phrases like this.
  9. It's surprising, but Colors is quite good, and puts the franchise back on the right track. Now hopefully they don't fall off again...
  10. Mind = blown. Project = amazing. Bahamut = the man.
  11. The second attempt was a resounding success, and I am very pleased that there was a good crowd and that everyone enjoyed the show. The archive of the episode is already available here. As a special bonus, episode #127, which Larry and I recorded back in January, is finally available as well, found here.
  12. Now that's a fuckin' sandwich. Sure, just eating one will take several decades off of your lifespan, but it's way better than any McRib.
  13. Never had Five Guys, but I can honestly say that In-N-Out is highly overrated. They're not bad mind you, but the best? Not even close.
  14. Not sure I've ever had a show crash and burn that hard before. What a way to cap off a weekend that has already been problematic. Anyway, we'll be trying again tomorrow at 9 PM Eastern.
  15. You might've never known it anyway, since it was never featured in any western release of the game until GT4 (and even then, half of it it was edited from the intro and relegated to hiding on the in-game BGM list). However, it's a so good that even Japanese doujin arrangers Preludio, who otherwise stuck exclusively with Final Fantasy songs on their albums, couldn't resist doing their own version of it. Yes, so awesome that even Final Fantasy fanboys sat up and went, "damn."
  16. You were bad on the everything. OH SNAP
  17. I didn't hate it, but a lot of Metroid fanboys sure did. RUINED FOREVAR, they cry.
  18. Haters of Other-M would disagree.
  19. Every time you ask, k-wix delays it another six months.
  20. Nope, but they do let them still cook those flimsy excuses for burgers.
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