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Posts posted by Argitoth

  1. I'm posting this because I'm so glad I found the answer to my question :D

    How do I find out what knob/slider/button uses what controller number?

    For example, the controller number for the pitch bend wheel is 144 while the modulation wheel is 001 (which is a standard for all reason devices).

    So how do I find out what controller number corresponds to what? Like what is the controller number for the Attack amp envelope on the Subtractor or the Maelstrom?

    BTW, a standard midi controller number is referred to as a Midi CC.

    There is a PDF called "MIDI Implementation Charts.pdf" in the main reason folder.

    Note: These steps are only how to make each note the same length. Quantizing note length to the closest #/# is impossible with reason; but quantizing selected notes to the same length *IS* possible.

    1. Select every note you want to make the same length

    2. Drag their note length until your mouse is behind the note (so that the notes have the smallest possible length)

    3. Now choose a time signature and snap it to grid (or not) and drag to any desired length.

  3. I'm presuming that you want a General MIDI set in a soundfont?



    I've never used it for actually making music, but I used the PC51 soundfont to try to improve the quality of my General MIDI playback through my SB Live!.

    Could you give me a direct link? I've been searching that website for a while without luck. Not sure where it's hiding.

    EDIT: My gosh, it was hiding! Had to do a website search to find it and I couldn't even figure out how to get there from the homepage after I did find it. LINK:


    This is a link to a general midi collection.

  4. I'm not sure what your problem is, Argitoth. Are you saying you can't find the default MIDI soundfont or that you don't know how to use it in Reason.

    If you wanted to know where you could find the default soundfont, I can't really help you, but if you have it and now just need to know how to use it, you're in luck; I was having the same problem not all too long ago.. NNXT can play sf2 files. Load it up as you would a normal sample.

    Also, Redrum can load up sf2 files as well. Load the sounds individually like they were wav files you wanted to insert into a kit.

    Heheh, I don't have a problem. It's a soundfont request.

  5. Now I got a question! How do you quantize the LENGTH of a note? Right now the only way I know how to do this is to do one note at a time by lengthening or shortenting it on 1/16th setting or 1/8th setting, etc.

    I've tried selecting all the notes at once and trying to get them the same length but it doesn't work. All it does is shortenes each one by the exact same amount so if one note is like longer than the other and you're shortening it down to the closest 16t.. and uhh, yeah. IT DOESN'T WORK!

    Would exporting as midi and then quantizing it in a midi program work? Anyone know a midi program that could do that?

  6. I have a technical Reason question!

    I often use the mouse in the sequencer to lay out triads. However, when I do this, all of the velocities are the same, and that's really dull and boring, so I want to change them.

    But in the velocity lane, it shows the three notes in the one lane, and when you use the Pencil to draw in the velocity, it changes ALL THREE notes. I can't change the velocity of one note at a time unless I drag one note away, change it, and drag it back. This is a total pain and I hate it.

    Is there any better way to adjust the individual velocities?


    Off-topic P.S. Is anyone here beta-testing Reason 3?

    Dam... I wish I had been here when this was posted. I still can't believe SGX doesn't know this! Here's how you do it:

    STEP UNO: Select

    STEP DOS: Hold shift

    STEP TRAISIAS(sp): Drag with pencil or line tool.

    Lets try this again people!




    Edit: You might want to fool around with the alt key. Pretty helpful! :wink:

  7. I'm looking for one big soundfont or NN-19/XT refill for Reason which includes all instruments.

    String, Percussion, Brass, Woodwind, Synths, SFX, Choirs, and maybe ethnic instruments.

    Basically I'm looking for something like the setzer's SNES soundfont except a bit higher quality... as in not the restrictions of the SNES. Something that is basically what an old midi keyboard would come with or what any cheap midi program would have. It would be as if I was trying to make midi-sounding music without using a midi program (like Reason).

    Anyone know of anything like this? Is there any way to use default midi soundfonts?

  8. HAha!race? you guys are way behind... the WIP I submitted for owa rounding the judges panel corner.. I know because I submitted it about 3 weeks after BOF :) it was finished then, and it is finished now :)

    I submitted mines about two weeks ago. Mine should show up in the judging panel soon. I changed the link and have notified DJ Pretzel, haven't gotten feedback, sooo HOPEFULLY I'll at least get to see

    *NO* "Ultima Online: Rennasiance - First Day in Minoc"

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