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Posts posted by Argitoth

  1. Hopefully at some stage i'l find more people who would want to collab with Reason, so we can send files back and forth... it'd be much better for me learning-wise

    Wha!? pick me, pick me!

    i prove my reason experience with this thing: www.argitoth.com/files/Tavern_Tales.mp3 (Note, turn down your subwoofer when you listen to this. I am having trouble getting the right EQing on my new speakers. It'll be fixed soon.)

    look, the truth is before two people can collab they have to agree that each of them has similar levels of experience, or the finished product will be lopsided... one doing more (or better) work than the other.

    arrite tiz all.

  2. I am using combinators to control dynamics, playing styles, attack, release, and volume to make it easier to create orchestrations. I'm going to create a few combinators for each instrument (including brass, woodwind, and of course strings). Piano to Forte w/Detache on/off, Piano to Forte w/Tremolo and Detache on/off, and a Pizzicato combinator (which will be nothing special). Both P to F and P to F w/Trem will have staccato/marcato for both detache or staccato. So far I've completed Violins and Cellos and made this demo in like 10 minutes. It was really easy with combinators: www.argitoth.com/files/performance%20demo.mp3 (warning, noob composition)

    I plan on paying an artist to skin the combinators to not only look good, but to give useful information about certain knob positions. The key to the easyness is firstly the automatic well-blending of the samples. Secondly, the ability to drag notation and modulation from one track to the other and have it work flawlessly. I have accopmlished this so far by making every combinator exactly like the last. Say you created an intricate violin line with dynamic modulation and keyswitching for detache on/off and you want the few last notes to be tremolo. Simply drag the notation to the tremolo track without worrying about it sounding like "a different sample pack".

    A more official announcement will be made when the refill is completed. More specific and transparent demos coming. Price will be around $30.

  3. Also, Battery is NOT like Guru. Battery is purely a drum machine - it loads a variety of drum samples and plays them back one at a time. It is not a loop machine.

    At this point I'm still trying to weigh the benefits between Guru and Battery. Guru is a very strong loop constructor, but in terms of sound tweaking, Battery has a lot more power. Battery is meant to be used with a sequencer which I believe can provide better flexability. But Guru has a lot of features in its internal sequencer that makes it easy to construct loops. I'll have to download the Guru demo.

  4. Give it some time, and I think you will be pleased.

    Yeah. I haven't had a computer for about a month now, but my new computer has already been ordered. Funny thing is my studio now LOOKS like a studio, just like yours, except a lot less expensive. I got a new computer, got new speakers, I planned on getting a new keyboard, but it's a waste of money. I need Kontakt more than anything. Hopefully I can find a deal on Kontakt.

    Anyway, Stylus RMX and Basement Arts ReFlex are both loop machines. Battery and Guru are not, except that Guru can work with loops. And when I say loops I mean loop wav files, not as in creating loops out of individual wavs, which Guru and Battery are meant to do.

    I have a question about ReFlex. The most important feature in a loop machine that I find is the ability to change the parameters of each individual slice. Concrete FX Dicer can do that, and I believe it is a very powerful loop machine for the price (haven't had a computer to try the demo), but it can't import Rex2 which is a problem. It can import Rex1 and wav.

    Can ReFlex change individual slice's properties?

    Zircon and Compyfox, please stop your quote war! Just chill. 8)

  5. Wait wait wait wait!

    Even in your first post you wrote that you might change to Podium. Then why all this rukus?!

    Yes, I would like to. But... I can't. It's another $90 I just don't have and I'd have to sell Cubase to get the money. And I can't do that because I need rewire support. Podium is *trying* to get ReWire at this moment, but Props noobs aren't responding. And I would LOVE to get rid of Reason so I don't even have to depend on ReWire, but I need things to replace Reason before I get rid of it: like a sampler such as Kontakt, and a drum machine such as Guru. I plan on buying Guru this year.

    But at the end of the day, for me, the only selling point for Podium is its low price because I'd pretty much be happy with SX3. :wink: But then, I still am really interested in Podium.

  6. The ability to use midi plugins is not a selling point... not now anyway. I would never switch to Podium just because of that reason. Also, by Cubase 4 I meant the new version of Cubase SL/SX... like Cubase SX4 since you said it was coming out I wanted to know if you knew any features that are planned. I'm not switching to Podium any time soon, I don't have the resources to do it.

    If there're users at KVR who're not happy about Cubase and want to switch to Podium due to those simple reasons, they simply don't know how to use it. And sorry to say this, but yourself included Argitoth.

    There are none, including myself, switching to Podium for this reason. I'm not even switching. It's the interface, the fact that it's a very stable program, the customer support, the fact that you can request features, things like that. That is why people are using Podium. Plus, Midi plugin support is not implented yet. To switch to Podium for that reason is... dumb?

  7. here are some midi plugins:



    Look what I found:

    "MFX (or MIDI FX) is a part of the DirectX music specification that allows for the processing of MIDI data. All recent Cakewalk products (SONAR, Project5, Home Studio, etc) can use MFX plugins, and recent Cubase (SX/SL) offerings can use them through a wrapper provided by Steinberg." http://www.tencrazy.com/gadgets/mfx/

    uhh... well ok, but where's the wrapper?

  8. Steinberg will not lower the upgrade price when they bring out a new version. (The upgrade price from SL to SX is $300) If they were changing the price at all it would certainly go up, not down. And yes, I'm talking about midi plugins. I guess they are not VSTs. But like I said Cubase does not support it and Podium will. I have given you reasons why I would want to use Podium, you don't have to tell me how great Cubase is.

    I'm raising awareness about Podium because it looks really great. I wanted other people to know about it. That's it.

    Compyfox, do you know anything about Cubase 4?

  9. Er... wrong... totally wrong.

    Cubase SX uses MIDI insert effects since SX1 (same with SL). A bit more difficult with a couple of tools since VST5, but it uses MIDI insert effects tohave an arpeggiator for example, pitchshifter, automatic input transformer/filter, logial editor, etc. On the other hand. Cubase can also let VSTi's (not VSTs, you seem to not understand the differences yet) control other VSTi's. That can be done with the freely routable input/output of the MIDI tracks.

    Compyfox, when I say "support for midi VSTs" I mean support for devices outside of Cubase. There are a good number of cool midi VSTs out there that will not work with Cubase or Podium. Podium will support it in the future. Plus, upgrading for Cubase SL3 to SX4 is still going to be at least $300. Podium will have had many updates by the time Cubase 4 comes out.

    Anyway, there are already people using Podium that have used Cubase already. Just read the reviews. Even on the forums of Podium there are many "converts", those who've been using other programs and now use Podium.

  10. Is there something special about podium's freeze method or is this just the first time you've heard of a feature that 90% of hosts have had for a while?

    Nothing special about it. Right now it's just "click and record" to bounce a track in real-time. But in the near future it will become better, as in not real-time.

    ...what the hell are you talking about?

    I quote this because I'm responding to your entire post, Zoola. First of all, Steinberg is a very well established company and therefor there's not much evolution in their products currently. But right now Podium is new and it will get MUCH MUCH better in the future and it will get better very quickly. One thing I look forward to is the ability to use vst midi effects (VSTs controlling VSTs and VSTs controlling incoming MIDI). Cubase will not support this nor I doubt we will see an update ANY time soon. Now since Podium is new (I'm being redundant, yes) I will be able to request features that have a GOOD chance of being added unlike Cubase. Now, Steinberg limits you purposely because I didn't have enough money to buy Cubase SX which still imposes limits, who knows why. But Podium will never waste programming lines to impose limits. Limits are just plain stupid. :x

    ONE LAST POINT TO BLOW EVERYTHING AWAY!: I have Cubase SL and Cubase SX is $300 upgrade. Podium is $90. Come on, Zoola... come on... just do the math... 8) I could sell Cubase SL and get enough money to pay for Podium and have some money left over.

    And Cubase has a freeze option; its right next to each of the VST instrument names on the selector.

    I know. I'm just saying Podium can bounce tracks. I really like that.

    Might it have a score/notation view? (most likely not, but I'll definitely give this a shot if it does)

    Naa, what do you use notation for? Most of us are electronic artists.

    Oh, but I have used more than 8 effects on one channel before.

    Yep. Cubase is the only host/sequencer that I know that imposes limits. I've wanted to use more than 4 group effects (which is the limit of Cubase SL) to do some complex and convenient routings, but I was limited. :roll:

  11. I hear it's very stable, very ergonomic, and can compete with any sequencer out there. Take a look at the reviews: http://www.kvraudio.com/get/834.html

    Frits Nielsen is the only developer and he updates his product very often. It's looking really promising and I might replace Cubase with it because of all the limitations that Cubase purposely imposes for GOD knows why (such as the limit on VSTs, insert, send, and group effects, it drives me insane).

    The product is still in its infancy, but it looks AWESOME. I can't wait to try the demo (no computer yet). The coolest feature I think is the bouncing (freezing) of tracks. Check out the video files on the front page.


  12. Just fyi

    The less restricted you are in the creative process [e.g writing songs], the harder it is to come up with any good ideas.

    yes definitely. Like I said earlier, before you start a big project, you must limit your selection so that your creativity will come more quickly. Limiting your choices also helps to make the sound more distinct, blend well together.

  13. Man, I'd feel so helpless amidst all those machines. I always liked the idea of getting the most out of a small set of tools, and sometimes I'm thinking that I don't even use my only hardware synth to its full potential.

    Definitely. Actually, I got some good insight from one book I was reading and it basically said before you start a project you MUST limit your choices in terms of sounds, synths, whatever. You must have a small gathering of resources so that you can spend more time using the tools that you have decided to use than to continuously waste time looking around for stuff among your entire studio.

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