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Posts posted by Argitoth

  1. I'm not "that" amazed (which doesn't mean I'm not). Sorry.

    Sure it costs money (money I don't have, so that's where I'm envied). Sure this is a lot of (impressive) stuff. But... do you really need one extra keyboard for only one sound? Does she really use "everything" in each new production?

    It's not the equipment that makes you famous, it's what you make out of it.

    And to be honest, less is sometimes more.

    I agree, it's what I was trying to say.

  2. Thanks Yoozer.

    Actually I think this thread should be deleted. After reading a huge article on how great 24-bit recording is, I'm convinced. I'd rather wait till I have $800 laying around to get a professional field recorder. I'll get the TASDP01 if I'm desparate.

    I was pretty much more or less convinced when the article said something about how 24 bit recording is the future and 16 bit is old old old.

    Edit: Article: http://www.24bitfaq.org/

  3. yeah. ok. screw the first post. I just want to know what I would need to harness the portability of a laptop and at the same time record highest quality possible.

    Edit: WAIT WAIT... scratch the laptop idea. The laptop is too noisy... well maybe if I got huge extension cords to be far away from the laptop when recording... that's just bizarre. Any other suggestions? (including use of a laptop)

  4. I was looking for something that would fit my requirements, but I can't seem to find anything. I'm looking to specifically use it for sound design (field recordings). Here's what I'm looking for:

    -Around $350

    -Rechargable battery

    -A way to send files to computer

    Let me explain what I DO NOT need.



    -Pretty design

    -Built-in mic

    I don't care if it's bulky, I don't care if it's as ugly as a garbage can, I don't care if it's as big as a computer. I just want the HIGHEST quality of recordings possible with a good price tag. The handheld ones I've been reading about just don't fit the professional bill. I'm beginning to think I'll have to pay at least $800 to get what I want.

    thanks in advance for your help.

  5. Why is everyone so amazed? Having that much stuff is cluttered. It's a bad enviornment for creating music. That's a horrible workflow. Think of the money required to buy all that stuff. She could have spent that money on things to improve her workflow. Now, I bet you anything that richer musicians have much less stuff than her, and those musicians are superior.

    EDIT: OHHH, she's a collector. Well, my statement stands in a hypothetical case if she got all that equipment specifically for music.

  6. Miku! Go use winamp or iTunes (or RealPlayer) and find a chillout shoutCAST station. You can search here: http://www.shoutcast.com/ (search with the term "chillout")


    Digitally Imported

    those are some good stations to check out. I think I know what you're talking about and if you listen long enough you will hear a song that fits your description. Be sure to get the artist name and song title when you do hear something.

    Miku, from what I can gather you're talkin some sweet flute lines, jazzy rhodes and a funky bassline. Throw in some DnB style stuff in the background and some punchy beat in the foreground? Don't forget some sweet ambient pads to set the right mood and then a screaming synth lead that evolves over time?

  7. why would you spend money on usb stuff? you are wasting those precious slots! If I were you I'd spend money and a good soundcard (specifically for composers? 1/4 in/out spdif, you know, the works?)

    and then you have an unlimited selection.

    like an emu 1212m for $200

    BETTER YET, screw usb all together. Go get yourself a FIREWIRE pre-amp :D

  8. I'm asking about sound design, but I realize it would take long posts of careful organization to teach something that I could already figure out on my own. I didn't put much thought into my question of many posts ago.

    What I'm trying to say is: nevermind about my question.

    Does anyone else have anything to contribute to this thread?

    BTW: I got Absynth 3 in the mail todayeeee

  9. I'm digging. Effects within the syntheziser are the main thing to creating the sound because all those effects can be controlled by lots of LFOs and envelopes. Absynth all by itself can create awesome sounds. Of course outside could change the sound completely.

    When I say spacey I mean heavily ambient with little musical content. Lots of slow evolving pads, sound effects going in and out, sprinkled with heavily destructed percussion and a cherry on top. Also, when I think of spacey music I think of emotion. This music I am thinking of should be very emotional. When it is dark, make it VERY dark. When it is mysterious, make it VERY mysterious.

  10. with the right effects and settings, you can get the sounds you want.

    I figured that was your point, it wasn't obvious enough for me. It's not so much that I am rejecting his advice because I will surely use sound effects. It's more that I'm continuing the discussion, trying to get more information or something... know what I mean?

    Well, I got some advice from someone at KVR saying I should use a contact mic (if that's the right term, which is a mic that records off of surfaces). Didn't know my dad owned one till today. Found out he lent it to someone who has taken it to Japan. Just my luck. :x

    The contact mic will provide some good material to work with for SFX; like tapping the metal railing of the staircase or hitting a glass cup with a spoon.

  11. http://www.spectrasonics.net/libraries/distortreality2.php - The demo for Distorted Reality 2 was very nice.

    Zircon, I didn't say I need many tools to create something spacey. I'm not sure what you mean by advanced oscillators. I'll take your word for it that Distorted Reality came out before softsynths were prominent, but I don't understand how it supports the point you are trying to make. I am not sure what your point is.

  12. Zircon, when you say, "turn even simple waveforms into great sounds," I'm not sure what you mean. Taking simple waveforms and turning it into great sounds is what synthesizers are made to do. Are you not referring to synthesizer architechture?

    Earlier I was talking about "formulas". Listen to the sound example at wikipedia for "ring modulation". It's a diatonic scale played with ring modulation set to 2500 Hz. Quite inspirational IMO. Listening to simple stuff like this always gives me ideas.

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