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Profile Information

  • Real Name
    Aaron DeFoe
  • Location
  • Occupation
    Temporary oddjob contractor...i.e. unemployed :(

Artist Settings

  • Collaboration Status
    2. Maybe; Depends on Circumstances
  • Software - Digital Audio Workstation (DAW)
    FL Studio
  • Composition & Production Skills
    Arrangement & Orchestration
    Drum Programming
    Mixing & Mastering
    Synthesis & Sound Design
  • Instrumental & Vocal Skills (List)
    Acoustic Bass
    Acoustic Guitar
    Electric Bass
    Electric Guitar: Lead
    Electric Guitar: Rhythm

AaronD's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)

  1. Yeah, I was too lazy to read through the entire thread.
  2. ePSXe is an awesome program. If you still have your discs you can pop them into your CD/DVD drive and emulate them from there. The only thing that sucks about emulating PlayStation (at least with ePSXe) is that you usually have to configure your video and audio drivers ad nauseam to get your games to work sans glitches. I finally got FF9 to run perfectly (very recently), but it was no easy task! It's just a lot of trial and error, but it's worth it.
  3. Uploaded finished track to the server. Been spending a lot of time trying to find workarounds to improve it while keeping CPU at an acceptable level, and I consistently run into dead ends. It's just way too frustrating with only half a gig of RAM and an overall shitty computer.
  4. I'm so relieved. My doctor told me that if I didn't stop sequencing, I would get severe arthritis within 48 hours. I was crushed, until I found this. Now I can make faster, much more efficient musics with no looming fear of gimp hands. Thanks, Remixanator!
  5. John Murphy - Sunshine OST
  6. Very nice. I feel like your drums could be boosted a tad. Great arrangement and overall songwriting though... The string accompaniment gives it some nice atmosphere. The count is 9/4 by the way EDIT: I would also like to hear some more processing on the vocals. Maybe some wet reverb, HP delays, and some phasing on a few of the sustained notes would give it some serious pop methinks.
  7. Methinks I don't have private message privileges yet? In response to your message: thanks for the warm welcome! I'm glad to be a part of it. :)

  8. It's one of two things: 1. Your link isn't inverted. Go back to the "Link to controller..." menu and make sure the type is inverted (drop down menu, bottom of GUI) 2. The volume (base I think) on your actual peak controller should be at about 50 or higher. Any lower and it will raise your levels or just won't drop them all the way if you do have your link inverted. Hope that helps.
  9. Chamber music? Liek with harpsichords and what not?
  10. Full draft up: http://soundcloud.com/aarondmusic/hurry-12b Weeded out some of the clipping (can't hear any on my headphones, but if someone else can, let me know), enhanced "solo", and worked out an ending.
  11. Do. Not. Slack. Link updated, or just click on the SoundCloud link in my signature. EDIT: There are some serious distortion issues, which is what I'm needing help on. I use FLStudio9, so if you're familiar with that and some of the problems...
  12. So phat! Wicked LFO work man. < EDIT: BASSFACE Hey Zeroboros: Muchos thanks for recruiting me when you did... Almost missed the train! This is gon' be fun.
  13. Thanks for the feedback guys. Will work out the clipping issue and get to work on reworking the snare/finishing the tune pronto. I'm glad you folks find it enjoyable! @Hy Bound: For some reason I can't get to your WIP link. Checked out your tunes on MySpace though and I'm definitely interested to hear a dubstep cut... Do you have it hosted anywhere else?
  14. Not sure what the genre is for this, but it's up for a listen on my ->SoundCloud<- page. If I had to label it, I'd say... orchestral IDM downtempo ... f**k it. Techno music.
  15. AAS Lounge Lizard has great Wurli/Rhodes sounds, and Edirol Orchestral has some great brass patches. No guitar, though.
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