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Everything posted by Pyrohazard

  1. for half an hour to an hour thats awesome I think you should keep at it, I really like it. One thing I think you could put in there (that I think fits) is the Super Mario Bros. 3 - Hammer Bros battle theme in the background Link to what i'm talking about - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FYDo0k-lu0E
  2. I must have miss your post, sorry XD. But thx for the mix though its awesome and I appreciate all the time you put into it =D.
  3. I like the mix a lot, although through most of the song it sounds empty. I don't remix myself, but I was working on a Super Mario Bros. underground theme but I got stuck and haven't had time to work on it. anyway I really like the theme your going with on this song and maybe to fill in some of the parts you can just add another instrument that would fade in and out. it would be a good way to find a fill in.
  4. all the download mirrors for Castle Crescendo dont work. if i listen to them on iTunes it will skip to the end of the song after getting almost half way through it. i want this song! can someone help? OH! and this hole album is awesome although i don't really like the ones with lyrics.
  5. dang it, now its gunna be even harder to choose which Donkey Kong Country remix is my favorite. thx a lot Ross XD. but seriously this mix is so dang great I should do something about it. *grabs hand-cuffs* sorry Ross Kmet your under arrest for making the most awesome Stickerbrush remix I have ever heard. Amazing, keep making more.
  6. just bumping this up cuz well this game is cool.
  7. AWESOME thx XD.
  8. I was on youtube and there was a remix for Mining Melancholy called Life in the Shaft Lane it sounded great! in his description he said he sent it to here OverClocked Remix and I was wondering what happened to it? Life in the Shaft Lane
  9. I love this game its simple and awesome and its actually challenging. (unlike the 2nd one which has unlimited days) This one you only have 30 days to get 30 pieces. NOW enough the game now with the music =D 1-Forest of Hope 2-Forest Navel 3-Impact Site 4-Creature Montage (Credits) 5-Final Trail The music from this game is great and SOMEONE need to do something with it.
  10. I don't know a thing about Remixing and I was wondering if there is a free remix software thingy >.> if there is what is the software and where can I get it. If not please let me know.
  11. This game... THIS game is awesome with music to match! My only one problem with the game is that it is too easy. Everything else, the story line, the characters, and the overall idea! is epic. So on to the music I am requesting (BWAHAHA! >=D) 1-Ultimate Showdown (Final Battle) Can't wait to see what happens with this.2-Champion of Destruction no comment its too cool for comments (wait was that a comment uumm...)3-Brobot L-Type Battle (which is sort of a remix of Mr.L's theme anyway >.>) I'm thinking something with a piano =)4-O'Chunks Battle epic5-Sammer's Kingdom Probably my favorite song in the game.I DARE SOMEONE TO REMIX ONE OF THESE!
  12. I'm not mad I'm just baffled and confused WHY ON EARTH IS THERE NO REMIXES FOR THIS GAME! this game (and all the other Mario & Luigi games) is awesome topped with epic sauce (the music is the sauce XD ) My top 5 list of songs that should be remixed from this game: 1-Rookie and Popple battle http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NEdfp96zYik&feature=related 2-Final Boss Battle (Cackletta's soul) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5go1BQ5ul90&feature=related 3-Normal Boss Battle http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b5AOHgi2IIE&feature=related 4-Koopa Baddies arrive http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PqssxKKkiSc&feature=related 5-Stardust Fields http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K9zoxRphIAA&feature=related plz someone remix these songs (or any of them from the game they are all good anyway =D)
  13. I would have gotten that song actually, but the website link on all of the songs weren't (or aren't) working so I couldn't get it. =( but now I have it thx =D. Oh and I agree we do need more versions of this song.
  14. ya the letter thing was crazy. O.O I just got a brilliant idea! Someone should remix Tubba Blubba and Mocho Grubba together. That would be awesome! Tubba Blubba song
  15. wow the Newgrounds one is awesome but (not to be picky or nothing) its too short.
  16. this is probably the best star to get in the game, and maybe my favorite music, I don't know hard to say. I agree SOMEONE remix this so many things to do with it.
  17. This is my favorite song from the game, cuz when I was playing it I always felt that tension from the music in the background, good times. XD But this remix is even better then the original I WISH I could play the game with this remix in the background. everything in this song is perfect to me. My one problem which isn't that much of a problem is that I can't find the luigi's mansion in it, other then the part at 2:43 - 2:50 unless thats the only part. Overall this is the greatest Super Mario World remix ever! Thank You.
  18. ya the title says it and stuff. I'm surprised that this song hasn't been remixed, its awesome! there is ALLOT of techno things someone could do here, or even an orchestration would be a nice change from the original either way it NEEDS to be remixed I can hear it begging XD. Link to the song P.S. why isn't there more remixes from this game anyway
  19. my list of songs I would want to be remixed would be these songs -Tubba Blubba (Boss Battle) -Hey You! (mini boss battle) -General Guy (Boss Battle) -Attack of the Koopa Bros. (Boss Battle) although any of the songs from this game would be awesome to remix these are just ones I would want more. =D
  20. OMG why hasn't anyone remixed this song yet its my favorite level and has my favorite music from that game so ya. >.> someone do it... NOAUGHW! plz link>
  21. Lol thats funny XD. Well I guess when I imagine this song remixed it would be something kind of like halc or chthonic would do. (I'm not specifically requesting them just their style I don't know if that against the rules or not so please correct me if needed to)
  22. I love Snowboard kids and all the music and if someone could please remix it that would be awesome. I don't know too many people that even know the game exists but hopefully i'll get something. here is a link of I guess my favorite song. (I don't completely know which one is my favorite because all of them are so awesome) Link:
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