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Posts posted by mickomoo

  1. This is amazing I dream of making music this well mixed. I only really posted to compliment this arrangement. The only critique I have is extremely subjective so you can disregard it. Before the guitar starts playing, and even maybe a bit after, you could put (choir) oohs. I just heard them in my head while listening to the song. But in any case this amazing I can't wait until it's done.

  2. What you need to keep in mind is that fundamnetally, Kontakt is a software sampler. Yes, it comes with an extensive and growing factory library, but that library alone is not the only reason to get Kontakt, in fact the best sounding Kontakt libraries (aside from the stuff Scarbee puts out) are not published by Native Instruments at all but rather by 3rd party developers who explore the depths of sound and sample reproduction and truly exploit the technology while utilizing top-notch sampling methods.

    I was watching a simple tutorial (albeit the products used are expensive) and even the "dry" samples sound good for kontakt 4. And by the time he was done comparing his mock up to an original it sounded like a high quality library sample. I in fact have little idea of how he got his tone to sound so decent before applying revberb, because out of the box the samples do not sound like that.

  3. Thanks for the feedback. I actually think this remix is above my current skill level, I started about a year ago so I'm still getting the hang of things, but I like orchestra and was inspired, so I guess it's a noble attempt lol. I just thought it'd sound better than this.

    Anyway, I'm using Kontakt 4 for most of the instruments, I should be able to get a better sound of them right? The thing is I really don't know how to mix, aside from EQ-ing the instruments and reverbing them I don't really know what other options I've had. I know this isn't EWQL but it shouldn't sound this bad.

  4. I'm not done as I'm still figuring out the transitions between the songs... and I'm in fact running out of free time. I'm probably about half way done


    I particularly wanted feedback on how to improve the mixing and the tone of the instruments. As well as a better transition around :47 and 1:31.

    Also, with regards to the timing I could have sworn I recorded in time, but it seems I'm having midi lag. I'm using kontakt 4 in a daw and it's quickly consuming the memory of whatever computer I'm on. Is there any way to either allocate more memory or expand memory.

  5. The old stuff is dragging this whole thing down. There's some decent ideas in there, but the disparity between your skills then and now is probably making this difficult to work with. I say you should start this from scratch - you're not familiar with the source and you've learned lots since you started this... so take all that to a fresh blank project file and start writing and mixing.

    If you wanna do stuff in this style, in this sound, listen to stuff like this, listen lots and listen close. Whether it's western movie soundtracks or country music or whatever you can find that you can learn from, learn from it. Listen to how loud and distinct each part is, how far it is from the listener and how it's played. Apply what you can, and you'll improve. :)

    I literally rewrote it from scratch. It's just that I really wanted to incorporate some of the old stuff, I thought rhythm was the problem with the old material which is why I reused it.

    The only part repetitive is the guitar from the start to the end. I would strum it sometimes just to change the feel a little bit.

    Yeah I'm feeling like I need a real guitar, I can't really strum with the VST and strumming would allow much more variation with what I can do with that part.

  6. I posted this song earlier in the year, but I've rewritten it from scratch. Due to me still getting a feel for these samples, and probably needing to rework the rushed and dragged out middle and end, this is a wip. I kinda forced myself to write a genre I'm not familiar with, but yeah. Anyways as I've said before, this is my first remix, so any advice on the sequencing, the quality of the sound, the mixing, and the composition would be great. Thanks!


  7. Feeling can be subjective though it's kinda hard to infer feeling. I'm a beginner but typically my friends infer feelings similar to mine on music I've written, however if I show the piece to other they don't derive something similar. Expression IMO might be critical as that's what distinguishes notes from on another that and effects of course. Certain tracks based on their role in your music should either have reverb and whatnot. But you probably already knew that >_<

  8. I wrote this around February, forgot about it and now as I'm reworking if not rewriting everything I've written, I've tweaked it a bit. I actually never posted this here surprisingly, I'm possibly going to rewrite this from scratch but as of now I wanna know how the piano and overall piece sound.


  9. That was really amazing! I don't have anything extremely constructive to say because I'm personally a beginner, but if you're looking to make a formal version of it you could import the midi into a program as simple as garage band and mix it. Even some basic mixing would make it sound extremely formal. Anyways, amazing composition I look forward to hearing the others! :-D

  10. Free good guitar vsts are hard to come by it also depends on what type of music you're looking to compose but pettinhouse has free/light versions of its vsts and it's accustic guitar vst is really good even if it is just the free version. The only downside is that you need Kontakt or the Kontakt player. The site also has free versions of it's two electric guitar libraries... they're not as impressive as the acoustic, but they are free and they're not atrocious. I think the site also has a few free drum libraries I believe. If not, the Kore player comes with a really good basic drum sets.

  11. "The life of a musician is a pattern of uphills and downhills until the uphills end."

    One of the greatest things about music in my opinion is that perfection can never be obtained. Whether it's in composition, performance or production, we will always be able to find areas in which we can improve. It's those who stay on the endless, bumpy road to perfection that seperates musicians from those who just want to play rockstar.

    There's times everyone wants to just throw in the towel though. I've thought about it sometimes. But then I think.....what the hell would Duke Nukem say?

    I think that's with any craft or art, but yeah music more so has had a way of leaving an impression on me... lol

  12. Season 9!? Jesus. I stopped watching at 3. Is it still good?

    After season 6 I believe the series becomes more action oriented rather than just random humor, it's pretty good. Roosterteeth does a decent job a the transition I didn't think they could pull it off. It still has funny moments though of course

  13. I believe music adapts a context once you supplement it with external content, which all artists do (genre classification, name), it's just that some artists chose to provide more information than others. If something comes from your heart then I think it's important to let that context define what you're making, it's the reason you create. That said, everyone views something differently. I feel what you're saying though, I'm a beginner and I haven't quite taken this craft seriously, so in the name of context I've made structural decisions that are quite weird to many people and cool to others, so when I want feedback for something other than production I have to keep that in mind. In the end I think it comes down to your audience, though a musician who places his/her work in the broader public eye should be aware of what any audience wants to hear and thus write something that is potentially capable of transcending its original context. Even so, unless this is your living, you should write things that first pleases you. After all, that's how new styles and genres, and new ways of thinking are born.

    Also for the cat, try bitter apple spray (they usually hate the smell, except for my stupid cat, he grows resistance to everything we've used to deter him) or wrap your cords in substances that feel funny. Something like tinfoil I think...

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