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Posts posted by mickomoo

  1. I'm no stranger to music as well. My dad had a band in the 80s, and has a studio today. My mom played the flute in elementary school. I went to catholic elementary school, so we had to study theory every year. I also played piano from 4th grade to 8th grade, and I played Tenor Sax in 10th grade. The irony is I wholly for the most part detested practicing or playing until I "realized" that video game music could be "remixed" and that I like anyone else was capable of composing my own music.

    That said my theory is somewhere between primary and intermediate levels. I can't tell any more, but I've been there for awhile given my exposure, but my delayed interest. So I've gone the route of playing things out in a DAW, which means every time I recreated a song it'd not be consistent. However what I've started to do now (and did only half seriously before) is pre-play all parts on a piano before actually recording with vsts. Now the only thing I fall short of doing is hand writing (typing) the notes on a formal score (which I should start doing). I'm still at the stage where I'm "playing around" but I intend to learn more formal theory.

  2. Should be a download link beside it on the page with your serial numbers.

    All that's showing up for me are my serial numbers =/

    Bit over your budget, but have you checked out Wallander?



    There's a demo on the site too.

    This looks good! And it's cheaper than Garritan. Does anyone btw have experience with garritan jazz/big band samples?

  3. Calum I've found your feedback on my work partly fundamental in my own growth. You clearly know what you're doing... not to be sycophantic or anything. What my dad has done is essentially go to a studio ever so often to either get lessons are speak to some (small time) producers for some general feedback. A good friend of mine specifically works on collabs all the time just as a test of skill. Although he's key'd into a very specific genre (electro) so its kinda easier for him to find people to work with on a consistent basis.

    More to the point, there was a topic in the originals section where people posted a track, and gave feedback to the one above theirs... I'm certain it's long gone by now though. Although we're not of the same level of experience I empathize with your search for feedback and ways to improve lol. Good luck.

  4. Dito. I'm looking into some big band samples and couldn't find Kontakt's anywhere. Free... that's kinda hard to find, at least of good quality. Maybe some companies might offer trial/demos.

    Garritan has been recommended to me, though I don't feel it's the best. It's $145 at its cheapest. I've heard of Kick ass brass, can't speak for it, it's more expensive. I've heard of sample modeling's prodcuts, while really really good, each instrument is sold separately and would cost you together over 1000 euros for a sax section plus trombones plus trumpets. >_<

    While there is no dearth of orchestral samples, free, expensive, decent/good. It's hard as hell to find samples for big band. Just my experience... I'm still looking let me know if you find anything lol. I'm really regretting letting go of my tenor sax. =/

  5. Yeah I'm starting to realize how crappy tech support is for EW products. Now it's a direct trade off between product quality and support. If I buy I'm essentially betting on having few to no problems >_<

    I know Vienna and garritran exist as alternatives, but its seems like EWQL really has the sound that I want. I might just do their june sale, buy two products, if I don't like them... just $400 down the drain. Also it looks like the gold mic positions are not coming back, why the hell do they have misleading information on their site. It's like they want you to hate them -_-

  6. I've been asked to create little demos of music that may or may not appear in a friends game. I'm probably going to recompose them when I get a better library or mixing skills but right now I just want feedback on composition and any tips for improvement:


    This is like a battle theme, or some sort of encounter... there are transitional points which will probably be "stems" or changes that would occur depending on the scene


    This is an uplifting happy song

  7. I'm starting to feel like a noob... >_<

    The reason I asked that is because in the instrument listings for the set choir articulations only appear under the tab labeled silver. Another somewhat unrelated concern I can't find a link for the gold mic updates at all, and when I went to the upgrade section, gold's default upgrades are platinum or platinum plus, how exactly do you request the alternate mic positions?

  8. Thanks for the quick responses. And XPRTNovice, I definitely have to check that site out. Yeah I was looking for big sites, but I forgot sometimes small knit communities significantly provide more fertile ground than larger ones with more people. It's just that it's always so hard to find such communities aside from word of mouth and a handful of other means.

  9. So I'm going to probably wait to get the CCC until it's on sale... I've seen it for $777 before, last cyber monday. But to hold me over I guess I might buy one set with an educational discount. I'm thinking the symphonic orchestra, but I can't decide between silver and gold. I've noticed that Gold has no organ or choirs, while silver contains some of these things, albeit I figure they're stripped down versions of EW other products like symphonic choirs or what not. Is it worth getting silver for these things or does the full articulation set of gold outweigh all of this?

    And if I got gold, would the instruments mesh well with other non-EW samples on a count of their reverb? I tend to like to place choirs and orchestras together and was wondering if I didn't get silver or symphonic choirs with gold that the instruments won't go well with any other choral vsts I already have.

  10. How do you guys feel about using music apps to help in the music creating, composing, or even producing process? Anyone use music apps on any iOS or other portable devices and have any recommendations?

    Personally, I downloaded like several, some DAWs, but recently I've been using chordbot seriously.

  11. Basically I wanna know if there a communities like ocr, but centered around other activities. So just like ocr is a community for people with an interest in video game music and composition are there communities for writers and artists?

    So I know for art for example I'm assuming deviantart would be a good place, but does anyone know any for creative writers, specifically for short stories, science fiction, poetry, and/or graphic novels. Are there sections of people on ocr with these interests with their own sub-community? I'm aware of the writing competitions, but I was looking for something more. If not we can turn this topic into a place for people to link their own writing, if not create or go somewhere especially dedicated to these things.

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