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Melbu Frahma

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Posts posted by Melbu Frahma

  1. So I've given the whole thing three full listens-through. There's definitely some good tracks on this album. I think the standouts for me are as follows:


    All of Kate Covington's tracks are superb, as per her usual M.O. - I think You Don't Know Me is probably my favorite thing on here. FixationsLunar Rebellion, and Craic in the Castle Walls are all amazing, particularly as they showed off tracks I had no real expectations for due to their being tracks that weren't particularly favorites of mine in the game; Fixations in particular struck me strongly, as I had totally forgotten about the wedding music in the game. As Long as We Remember is an excellent rendering of Garnet's theme, and The Knight of Woeful Sorrow, Crystal Tempest, Doomed Lovers, Black Mage Master, and Filtering Through the Memories are all really great takes on some of my favorite parts of the OST.

    There were some disappointments too, but I won't go into detail about them here. I do have a question though, and Mirby/Pipez' posts made me think of it: Is it my imagination, or did Eidolon Wall also get missed? Just for curiosity's sake; it's possible it got worked into a track and I just missed it.

  2. I already said this on twitter, but the dude was a programming legend. The guy singlehandedly (more or less) programmed Earthbound, and shrunk Pokemon GS down enough to fit Kanto in. As CEO, he halved his pay when profits dropped. Maintained a priority toward gamers throughout his tenure as well. The man was a monolith in the gaming industry, and will be sorely missed..

    This, plus the way he ran his company, the way he always tried to put customers' fun first, and many other reasons, were why he was one of the very few game execs I had even the slightest respect for. He was definitely one of the good ones.

  3. My God.

    I'm not exaggerating here, this remix literally brought tears to my eyes. I don't think any other remix has managed to do that, save maybe "October Rain." A beautifully layered-together piece featuring several of the best pieces off of the masterwork that is the Final Fantasy Tactics soundtrack, that somehow takes them and brings the moving scenes of the game to life in a deeply articulated way, while at the same time more than the original tracks (not better, just more). 

    This track made Daniel Kaelin my personal hero. And Stevo for actually making it, of course. Made a somewhat shitty last couple of months all worthwhile just to hear this piece.

  4. from FF7.

    It makes me feel like finally I'm on the home straight, you just need to make your last effort to defeat Sephiroth finally.

    It makes you feel like the all the things that you have done along the game are nothing compared to this, and you have the enough strength to keep pushing until the end. No one can defeat your determination right now.

    So basically, this song makes me feel determined to something, and gives me strength to make things when I'm off. Sometimes I even listen to it on the gym.

    ^ Gotta second most of this. When I first heard that song, I felt this realization of everything coming together, and a strong determination to take my people down there and end Sephiroth, no matter what came or how many we lost. (I got my ass kicked, incidentally, and had to come back 30ish game hours later with a much stronger team.)

    While we're on FF7,

    are also hugely moving songs for me. Every time I hear Aerith's Theme, I see the first time I saw her die again, when I was so upset and horrified (and angry) that I spent the entire battle afterward cursing Sephiroth and wanting to leap through the t.v. screen and strangle him. It's an incredibly sad song, but with a hopeful, almost brave, tinge to it, which is how The Great Warrior affects me too; I remember feeling Red's pain and his loss when he realizes the sacrifice his father made. But it's a good sadness, almost a proud sadness, on Red's behalf.


    is one that's similar to Judgement Day for me; it's definitely one that makes me feel inspired and ready to take on anything that comes my way.
    of FFT fame is a harder one to pin down as to the emotional content for me, on the other hand, because it's used for so many epic and important scenes that it really has a widely varied array of emotions that it can call to mind; sorrow, hope, courage.

    I could go on longer about other songs - Suicide Mission of ME2, Build That Wall & Mother, I'm Here from Bastion, Everything's Alright of To The Moon, basically the entire first two generations of Pokemon music, the music of Sapiens (a Win 95-era PC game), and several others, buuuut unfortunately I have to go shovel snow. Yaaaaay winter.

  5. Ghost In The Shell, especially SAC is one of the only anime series that I actually would call myself a huge fan of and I really don't like most anime. Inner Universe is what drew my attention to the show. Her collaborations with Yoko Kanno were always amazing - I'd have to say that "Rise" was my favorite though.

    ^ Seconding pretty much all of this, although "I Do" is my personal favorite.

    It's a crying shame she's gone. She was easily my favorite foreign language vocalist, and was ridiculously talented.

  6. Something randomly promoting new artists could be cool. I'd love to hear more ideas about discovery that aren't best/toplists/most popular.

    You could have some sort of randomized "track of the day" featured at the top of the homepage/top of the forums, in the space between the "about forums games" line and the "thread title" line, perhaps complete with the ability to play just the song (no video or anything) while browsing the forums. Maybe moving up the Remix Roulette on the first page would help too.

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