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Posts posted by Anorax

  1. As much as I'd like to not burst your bubble (or at the least deflate it), this kind of project would have a ridiculously fast turnaround, faster than any other project on this site AFAIK. This would have needed to be started quite a while ago to come to fruition in time.

  2. Well, considering the fact that exercising affects your body's chemical balance, a prolonged period of no exercise could potentially affect you negatively. The only real way to find out if this is the case or not is to start exercising again and see if your body aches diminish or go away entirely.

    Although, you're the health professional between you and I, so I could be spouting absolute bullshit right now.

  3. Touchstone, I think you should contact a moderator to give you control of the first post, so you can update it (it might mean locking this thread and starting another). Good luck with the restart!

    Technically, they can't. I've seen a thread takeover elsewhere where the thread was modified to have an OP from someone else, but there needs to be an existing post somewhere on the forums that's older than the OP. The moderator can then move said post into the thread.

    Seeing as Touchstone's only been here since this year, I dare say a completely new thread will be needed.

  4. Well, I wouldn't say more 'powerful', but I definitely think it's a great addition to a glitch plugin arsenal, and provides some incredible contrast with those mechanized possibilities. :D Something I'm obviously going to get.

    EDIT: Feels straightforward; not too difficult to use, and although only 4 effects available, automating them helps bring out more variations. Pretty good for free! :) In about 10 minutes of trying it out with automation, and then deciding to press Randomize several times, I got these.

    And only ~20 MB RAM per instance. ;)

    The system failure one sounds the best out of the seven IMO, although I should probably try listening with headphones instead of crappy laptop speakers :tomatoface:

  5. That's unfortunate, but thanks for the heads up. I've made a note of your withdrawal. I'm prepared to close the voting thread now, but before I do, I want to know if you guys still want to voice your opinions on that match up even if Jason Covenant advances by default. I'll leave it open if you do.

    Thanks for the updates as well, Heroes. Also don't forget to vote on the Villain tracks everyone.

    I personally would still like to hear people's opinions on the match up, just to see what others thought of our tracks.
  6. Damn, go ahead and remove my WIP status from my claim, because I'm pretty sure I've lost that project file in a hard drive failure. I'll just start all over then with that one.

    to clarify, I'm still claiming it, but there's no WIP to go with it right now

    too bad we're cutting it down to one game though, as I've got a rather decent track in the works for Deathevan's track from BoFII... I'll just hold onto it until we get to the second album then!

  7. Alright, so before we get much further, I'm going to go ahead and throw in the towel, because even if I were to win between Jason and I, I'll be out of the country for a week starting this Saturday, and most likely wouldn't have time to participate in Round 2. Again, that's assuming that I would have won the vote.

    That being said, good luck to Jason on the rounds to come. Go kick some villainous ass!

  8. I feel like Ralph from A CHristmas Story trying to decode the radio message with the secret decoder ring trying to get into this tournament. For fucks sake nintendo
    While racing, make sure to take a break to drink your ovaltine
  9. Is there any way that I could pull a track from being put on the judges panel on OCR? It hasn't shown up yet but I don't even think it's close to something being good for the site, which I didn't really think about when subbing it. : /

    The song's "Drowning in a Sea of Bass"..

    I'd rather redo it later than have it go through the panel feeling it won't pass..

    But even if it doesn't pass, you can still get some feedback from the judges panel on what you need to improve in your track
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