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Posts posted by Anorax

  1. Hahaha Baby Yoshi would be awesome. Imagine three of them stacked on top of each other trying to drive a car, it'd the cutest and most awesome member of the roster.

    You just won the internet. Somebody email Nintendo, there's a DLC to create!

  2. Because his hands and feet are glued to the adorable blob that is his body. :P

    Had to do an image search to see if they've changed the baby Yoshi design since they first appeared.



    Nope. Not one bit.

    Yeah, I'm not sure how they'd be able to make a cart for a baby dinosaur with the equivalent arm-length-to-body-size ratio of a t-rex anyway :-P

  3. Let me zoom in real close to the tip of your weapon real quick. Oh, but you say you can't see where you're shooting? It's ok, this is a cinematic camera, and that's all that matters. Look at the glowing bits! Don't worry, you probably won't miss your target. Maybe.

  4. That's some pretty annoying DRM, and I'm not sure if this is so amazing compared to other VST's that do the same things, but I signed up anyway just in case.

    it could be argued that anything using iLok is ridiculous DRM, but hey, it's a small price for free!

    Also, just saw this appear on facebook today from ISW:

    We're proud to announce that VOCALISA: Slavic Women's Choir will debut on JUNE 16th! This choral library includes FOUR sections (mezzo, alto, soprano, fullchoir) plus a soloist, with multiple syllables, articulations, FX, and a gorgeous interface. With an intro price of $99 we think you'll find an excellent place for it in your palette. To hear the library in action, check our SoundCloud link below!


    I'm going to assume the intro price constitutes as a "software deal" in order to post this in this thread. I'm keeping an eye out on this one.

  5. Despite the name of the website, this freebie (Eventide Ultra Channel) is for Pro Tools as well as VST and AU formats. No iLok is required. Grab it while you can!


    sweet, it's x64 only. While my computer is x64, my DAW is 32-bit, and will remain so until Mixcraft releases their next version w/ x64 support. :|

    What the hell, I'll download anyway, just so I can be future-ready!

  6. I don't know about you but when I opened up the Youtube link announcing Sticks, all I noticed was "Boom Sticks" in the video title.

    As for this, like OP, I'm cautiously optimistic. I'd like to see something like this come to fruition and be amazing, both the cartoon and the game. Time will tell, of course, but still I'm waiting on this one.

    sperglord furries.

    My screen is now soaked in soda. Be proud

  7. Long time listener, maybe first time poster.

    I don't know if this is a known issue, but I'm on a computer running OS X 10.7.5 (Lion) using Chrome and Firefox ESR.

    Whenever I cmd+click (equivalent to ctrl+click on Windows) a link on the "Latest Remixes" tab, it opens a new tab (what it's supposed to do) and the current tab follows the link as well (what it shouldn't be doing). The other links I've tried on the site seem to work as expected.

    Confimed (Win7 x64 running Chrome 35.0.1916.114 m). What's interesting is that if you ctrl(cmd)-click on the game title to open the game's page in the new tab, the remix page will load in the original tab. One CTRL+Click opens two pages, the mixpost page (parent tab), and the game info page (new tab).

    EDIT: I think the problem here may be due to this little bugger right 'ere:

    6. ReMix listing sidebars are now clickable ANYWHERE - if you don't click an explicit link, it'll go to the mix, but if you click game or artist, those links still function

    The main page is receiving a click, activating the clickable anywhere function, while the browser is still doing the standard CTRL+Click operation for any link you click in the listing, whether it's the remix link, or the game or artist link.

  8. Is it bad that I'm tempted to pick something from Spongebob Squarepants: Battle for Bikini Bottom (in an annoying color that you can't read) as one of my choices? It'd have to be a boss though because there aren't any real Hero themes, unless there's a specific theme in the Dreamworld stage for each character (There's only one theme, but it's technically called "Spongebob's Dream" so I don't know if you could call it a theme for Spongebob...)

    I'll have to think over this some more. When is the signing up deadline again?

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