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Posts posted by Anorax

  1. If Microsoft DOES go through with this, it will be a big hit AGAINST Microsoft on the hardware gaming front. Obviously, Gamestamp won't be able to buy - or sell - used 720 games, and because of the LACK of exclusives nowadays, other consoles (PS3/PS4, WiiU, even OUYA maybe?) will get more sales because they won't have the DRM restrictions.

    Basically, they'll be shooting themselves in the balls if they go through with this - unless Sony and Nintendo follow suit, then it all goes to hell for Gamestamp and the used game industry.

    5) Exclusives. They get rarer every year, and are less of a selling point. If Microsoft was Nintendo, they'd have a better shot of embracing the strategy of selling a console based on exclusives, but even Nintendo has somewhat abandoned that notion.

    is this on Nintendo's part, or the 3rd party developers?

    Take the new Rayman game (Rayman Legends I think?), which was supposed to come out real soon (April? May?) as a WiiU exclusive, but was bumped back six months by Ubisoft to develop PS3 and 360 editions just so they could make more money off of the PS3/360 markets.

  2. Honestly, I don't know why they'd do this, or even what sort of malformed logic would be required to make this decision.

    However, I do know that it would definitely hurt companies that do deal with selling used games (Gamestamp), and they would have to stop with that part of their business dealings.

    It'll just end up being a huge mess for everyone involved

  3. Theme

    Twice this season, we've done "retro" themes, so now it's time to look to the other end of the spectrum. All mixes should either:

    1. Be based on a source or sources from a game that came out for a game system that's currently being manufactured. Backward compatibility doesn't count, nor do PC games, arcade games, or rereleases. Or:
    2. Be based on any source, and done in a futuristic or sci-fi style.


    • Cash and Change with pu_freak
    • Anorax with Flexstyle
    • Esperado with Syllix
    • Tuberz McGee with hakstock
    • The Eluryahn with ectogemia

    for technicalities, does Minecraft XBLA count?

    Not sure if I want to use this as my source, just wanting to know if it's an open option for me to choose from.

    EDIT: probably need to get in touch with Flexstyle ASAP too

  4. I guess I'll sign up.

    For those who are new to this, you want two examples, right?

    here's one - an instrumental-only version of a remix. Really repetitive and boring IMO without the vocal samples.

    here's another sample of what I've been doing. It's rather old though, and it could use some better mixing

    What's this episode's theme? Did I just miss it in the OP?

    no, you didn't. Read on:


    All deadlines are 12 PM (noon) Pacific time (PST).

    • Signups until Wednesday, February 6, 1200 PST. If you're signing up as a Novice, and didn't sign up for a previous episode, you must post links to at least two samples of your previous work! They don't have to be good, they don't even have to be game remixes, you just have to prove you're not brand-spanking-new to this music production thing. Things you've posted to the WIP forum are preferable but not required. If you're signing up as a Star, say a little bit about your strengths, and maybe post a link or three to remixes you feel best represent them. You can mention anything else you think would be helpful in working with you (software preferences, instruments you play, etc).
    • Announcement of the pairings and theme on Feb. 6. The theme will be broad enough to allow many, many options, serving mainly as a unifying factor. It's announced later so that no one gets a head start.
    • ReMixing from Feb. 6 to Wednesday, February 20, 1200 PST (2 weeks). Rules and guidelines above.
    • Voting from whenever I get the compilation posted (should be no more than a few hours after the deadline) until Wednesday, Febryary 27, 1200 PST. Votes should be based on, in roughly descending order, use of source (i.e. interpreted but recognizable), arrangement, production, and enjoyability. How appropriate the submission was for the theme shouldn't be considered (since this is easier for option A than option B). You'll pick your three favorites, in order. Your first-place vote will get 3 points, your second-place 2 points, and your third-place 1 point. Participants (both Novices and Stars) may not vote for their own mixes, but participants who vote will get a free first-place vote added to their score. Please send me a PM with your votes, like this:
      1. First-place ReMix
      2. Second-place ReMix
      3. Third-place ReMix

  5. sweet! how do claims work? do I just fly out into the middle of nowhere and start up,?

    Not quite. Basically, you kind of have to be online the same time as Abadoss (and/or Itch maybe). Then you and Abadoss will work out what kind of claim you want terrain-wise, and then he'll try to hunt it down and set you up.

    Of course it's probably a good idea to pick somewhere with resources, otherwise you'll have a hard time. So, a claim in the middle of a desert is a bad idea.

  6. Does anyone have a rollback to 1.4.5 for the minecraft.jar so I can get on the ocr server? Apparently when I had last updated (whenever that was), I updated to 1.4.6 from a version that was less than 1.4.5 (I think?)

    EDIT: never mind, found it with a not-so-well-placed google search

  7. If you're going for more professional stuff, then there isn't much stuff that is cheap. Like some of the others before me have said, there are sort of like dumbed down versions of all the pro stuff for cheaper, but there's hardly anything you're gonna get that's really good that you'll get a lot out of.

    If you had a Mac I would've suggested starting with GarageBand...

    Mixcraft should get a mention for being equivalent to Apple's entry-level DAW, GarageBand, and its full version is 150 bucks. If you're serious about music and can handle the probably higher learning curve right away, getting a more advanced DAW from the start is probably better, even if it's one of their cheaper versions, but from what I can tell, Mixcraft is a pretty good place to start.

    While I have to correct Rozo on minor technicalities, mainly being that Mixcraft has a full version at ~$80 (with it's own good share of instruments and effects), and a "Pro Studio" version at ~$150 (which includes another Acoustica product and even more effects and instruments and can basically be considered an "add-on pack" to Mixcraft), I will agree that Mixcraft is mostly entry-level so far, mostly because there are some things in it that aren't quite as sophisticated as other DAWs have (sidechaining, advanced automation editor). However, Mixcraft have some decent instrument samples to use, as well as a pretty large royalty-free sample library to pull from (~6000 samples), and they also have a piano roll (then again, most DAWs do. Some don't, but most do).

    I suggest you look around and try out some demo modes, see what you like, and what kind of functionality you'll get for the price of the DAW. Keep in mind that some DAWs have ridiculous demo restrictions (FL won't let you reopen files you saved earlier while in demo mode) while others aren't as strict (Mixcraft has a 14-day full-functioning trial, after this period you can't mix down to audio files but there is a workaround for this built into the DAW). Just go find what works best for you

  8. so... This is my first time on a forum... I guess I can try to get to know people on here. I'm AJ, I made an account here not to make music, Oh no I have too much stuff on my plate as it is... but to chat with the community here! so... what's up?

    Why hello RD... or AJ... um... not sure which to call you by.

    Anywho, I'm assuming that this is a thread you'll like to frequent, eh?

    Since it seems you're new to the whole Forum thing, I guess the basic rule is try to get to know people. Look through the forums and see what interests you in what's been posted, and just go be yourself.

    Well, there are other actual rules to the forums, but I don't have a handy link sitting nearby.


    Welcome aboard the OCR Forums!

  9. Update, I contacted Omegas3 directly and dropped some "It's not cool to steal people's music. Do the right thing and take all the stolen stuff down and I'll forget all about it, or I'll have your account shut down." And he seems to have closed down his account. Good for him, I hope he learned his lesson.

    In other news, Megaclown is back! https://soundcloud.com/megaclown

    His song WTF is according to Shazam ripped off of an artist by the name of BeatMagic -


    I hope Soundcloud shuts him down again. It's ridiculous that they'd allow a repeat offender like him to stay unpunished.

    I highly doubt SoundCloud monitors accounts that have been previously shut down. Besides, people can easily change their URLs making it harder to track them.

    It seems that BeatMagic is already on the track though, so maybe he'll report infringement

  10. Teaganbear once said about his posted remix, "I thought it would be okay to use a drum machine similarly [to a rock drum kit], with crap drum samples. I also had no patience or appreciation for production techniques." So did just I stumble upon the secret for having a mix the judging process altogether and get directly posted by DJP?


    Someone needs to frame this somewhere

  11. So, what I got was a hoodie, gym shorts, a game of "Catchphrase", and $100, all from my grandmother. She likes to spoil us.

    From my parents, I got some equipment for my car AKA an air compessor, an "emergency kit" that includes tiny jumper cables, a wireless computer mouse with accompanying Duke-University-themed mouse pad, clothing of the variety that I won't go into detail over (besides the two pair of Wrangler jeans - comfy!), and this son of a bitch


    hell yeah

    a Blue Yeti USB Microphone

    I got $100 worth for EB Games and some cash, new shirts and lots of candy x.x

    you wanna share that candy? :-D

  12. I submitted one remix four months ago, and another a bit later. I didn't receive formal denials for either(I submitted the second one assuming the first one had been lost)and I never saw them anywhere in the judges' forum. The guidelines say I can check in the judges forum to inquire, but this seemed the place to be.

    My first submission was Snakemetal from MM2/3(9/17), and my second was Curious from Secret of Mana(10/17). They were submitted as Melodious Punk.

    Thank you!

    while I'm not a judge so I can't really answer for the judges, I will say this: The OCR submissions queue length is legendary, and by legendary I mean several months long. You might have to wait another two months before they get to your submissions.

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