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Posts posted by Anorax

  1. poo that looks like its windows only. dang, you guys get taiko, AND the erhu plugin. i guess people dont make eastern influenced music on macs.
    I'm going to go full retard for a minute here, but is Kontakt available on Mac? If so, maybe there's a good Taiko library/patch for you to utilize.

    Or someone could sample this VST and program a taiko patch from it I dunno

    Sorry for the useless comment, that's just my specialty

  2. I will increase my subs tenfold!

    Also, when OCR updates the youtube video to 1080p, it would be AWESOME if you made a single uniform custom thumbnail for every OCR upload. You could even go a step farther and put the artist information on the thumbnail, but that would require editing the thumbnail for each sub, which I'm sure would slow the process down even more. Nay, a single custom thumbnail that is nice and presentable would work just fine.

    It's not a huge deal, but I think it'd be a nice touch. Currently embedding OCR youtubes gives random snapshots that say to buy T-Shirts or something.

    Very excited to see what you guys come up with for the new youtube video. I hope it's simpler and less cluttered than the current one. Sometimes making something simpler and less cluttered can be just as challenging.

    how does one "custom thumbnail" on YouTube? I still haven't figured that one out

  3. Hi guys, I'm Darkroman, and I've been messing around with music stuff for a long time now. I know this site is more about remixes of video game music (which I want to dive my hand into), but I was wondering if you still allow people to show off covers (I know OCR doesn't accept cover submissions because of possible copyright infringement due to ripping MIDIs) and offer critique on more specific mixing and mastering techniques. Most of what I've done are remasters (mainly pokemon).

    Before I provide a link to my youtube channel, I'll await an answer. If this isn't the place, I'll turn back and only come here if I have an original remix. Thanks!

    While I don't know how well posting covers in the remix workshop forums will go, you can always try posting any original works of yours in the Workshop forums (Post your originals!). You can also ask any questions regarding mixing and whatnot in the Music Composition and Production subforum.

    Cheers, and welcome to OCR!

  4. So... I.. uh... accidentally punched a hole through Spawntown Station. If you're wondering why the server is down, it's because I'm trying to find a backup that I can copy that chunk from and paste it back in. Sorry for the inconvenience. :(

    question is, what on earth were you doing?

  5. lol in the long run it actually sold more than both PS3 and 360
    these are the same people who thought the Wii - the best selling console of last generation - was going to bomb because it didn't have any 'hardcore' games

    just in case clarification was needed

  6. Phanto.gif


    I'm hesitant to count Phanto because it hasn't been in any other game than Doki Doki Panic

    If Phanto came back... oh man. That would be the day. But yeah, Phanto aside, chargin' chuck is the worst. Scared the shit out of me in SMW as a kid.

    EDIT:just in case someone forgot:

    So how about those Wii Us, huh guys?
  7. Agreed. The SMG games were so fucking magnificent, music and all. (Dat SMG1 storyline!). Why didn't they add this much imagination and design into NSMB? Would have taken too much time to put together. AFAIK they just tossed together the code from NSMB Wii with small, easy-to-insert updates (cat suit, anyone?) and called it a day.

    Apparently Nintendo only provide a one year warranty on there products. A far cry from the Product Lifetime Warranty they used to offer.

    real quick quip about this

    I think part (ok, most) of the reason for the removal of Nintendo's Product Lifetime Warranty is the fact that they can't build their consoles like tanks anymore. Not won't, but can't. Too much delicate hardware.

    Take an SNES and a Wii. Chuck both at a cinderblock wall. Which one is more likely to start up afterwards?

    Point is, they could offer a lifetime warranty because the older products were much less likely to break, and thus less costly to fix (fewer incidents = fewer repairs = less $$ spent). Nowadays such a warranty wouldn't be cost-effective.

  8. Welcome, every one of you guys! I know this thread has kind of been a bit dry, but I do hope you enjoy your stay here at OCR.

    If you've been looking around I'm sure you've noticed the workshop forums, which is a great place to put up works in progress as well as discuss anything related to music production. Then of course there's the general forums for anything really not-music-production-related but still related to this site (as well as off-topic, which should be self-explanatory). Then there's the comments and review section, which deals with comments on posted remixes and OCR projects, as well as the Judges Decisions.

    For those of you interested in a)working on your own original music or remixes, or B) wanting to listen to people's works-in-progress, a good place to start would be the workshop forums.

    So, without further ado, welcome to OverClocked ReMix!

  9. Here's an interesting article on the whole mess. I didn't see it posted previously, but I haven't read the entire thread so it may have been. Those lifetime numbers are pretty dire.

    ...damn. When you look at it that way, it looks like PSN is going to burn out soon. Who knows what the hell Nintendo will do in the future, but if catering to the hardcore gamer is a dying business, then maybe Microsoft has got a [somewhat] good idea (and I say "good" cautiously).

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