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Posts posted by Anorax

  1. In fact, I just hate the whole idea of getting rid of physical storage.

    I'm waiting for someone to go out and get a PS4 on release and figure out how to jailbreak it and somehow implement BC.

    Wait, virtual exclusives? that's just awful.

  2. the only impressive thing I see here is the "suspend mode", AKA Hibernate mode for people who use PCs (and maybe Macs?), and even then it's not THAT impressive.

    Not impressed with the Vita/PS4 connection. Basically, "buy TWO Sony products to do something a competitor has built-in with one!" Unless you sucker up to buy both (and I'm sure a LOT of people will), I don't see that many people engaging with this mode of play.

    Touch pad is kind of cool I guess, and I am intrigued by the "download-while-you-play".

    However, the lack of backwards-compatibility is a shot in the foot fired from your own gun.

    ...Then again, you have to have a Vita to play your PS4 elsewhere in your house, so... I guess Sony's idea is to get consumers to buy as much as they can, sans convenience?

  3. Please check your PMs.

    And I kindly reciprocate this by asking you to check yours in return. :)

    That being said, I have a feeling that I'm going to get a case of the coulda-woulda-shoulda's in a little bit...

    If it plays out the way it always does... I'll take a second listen to my track and go

    'oh wait this isn't as good as i remember'

    If I had a penny...

    This. Always this.

    That, and sometimes I do that halfway through a work-in-progress. Stupid perfectionism...

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