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Posts posted by Anorax

  1. I'm terribly sorry guys, but with having yet to make any progress since my earlier post here due to school-related issues (not to mention the fact that I hadn't gotten in contact with my Star for this round), I will have to withdraw from this episode's competition. :sad: I would have loved to have the time to compete but alas I have not had such an opportunity. Good luck to the other two novice/star teams, may the best team win.

  2. Super Mario Bros. and Super Mario Bros. 2 don't have map themes.

    Valid games would ostensibly be

    • Super Mario Bros. 3
    • Super Mario World
    • Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island
    • New Super Mario Bros.
    • New Super Mario Bros. Wii
    • New Super Mario Bros. 2
    • New Super Mario Bros. U
    • Super Mario Galaxy
    • Super Mario Galaxy 2

    because those are Super Mario games with maps, but this list may be pared down in the interest of focusing on more iconic and recognizable themes (i.e just SMB3 and SMW).

    And this is specifically map themes, not overworld, underworld, athletic, or castle music. I'll be working with Flex to nail down full list of valid sources, but I urge people to not start or claim anything until Flex plans out the album requirements. This is going to be a very tightly controlled album, built from the ground up to be very cohesive.

    Oh, no I knew that SMB and SMB2 couldn't be used due to the lack of maps, I was actually wondering if the soundtrack to these games had significantly changed from their NES release to their SNES rerelease through Super Mario All-Stars (and if that would therefore make them different sources). However I decided to check myself and there isn't really a difference besides simple reinstrumentation from 8bit to 16bit.

  3. I have a question about what games can be used as source, specifically the SNES remakes of SMB, SMB2 and SMB3 in Super Mario All-Stars. I do know that these games were mostly redone visually for the 16bit capability of the SNES, but I don't know if the soundtracks were recreated entirely or just re-mixed to 16bit. Would this really be an issue or not?

  4. Ohhh man I love this idea so much. Question though, if this project does get off the ground and completed (really hope it does!), can it include a DJ mix of all the tunes in the album? I'm not talking about making the album a gapless playback album like the DKC3 album as an example.

    Although in reality this bridge should ideally be crossed when you get to it.

    Basically, what I'm trying to say is I like this idea a lot.

    EDIT: I should probably be on topic.

    I'd love love love to contribute to this project but I would most definitely have to polish up my almost nonexistent EDM skills for this.

    And as for co-directing... I'd like to, but I don't have the experience, neither do I think that I can commit the time to it at this point. Sorry :/

    EDIT 2: Technicality question, would this project include Super Mario World or just strictly the SMB series?

  5. Obviously, selling Wii games is just a front for the actual money-making scheme!

    offtopic but brandon I can hardly ever take you seriously to begin with but the gif of miley cyrus's wrecking ball with Nick Cage's face seals the deal. anything you say from this point on is officially null and void in my book.

    ok, back to an actual topic for this thread.

  6. i'd need a bit more info than that. i've done some stuff with touchscreens but not any custom work, if that's what you're asking.

    I'm wanting to try and build an android-powered device from scratch, with a touch interface. i was asking because I was wanting to know if you had any recommendations for this or not.

  7. Megadave. I hate to break it to you. Nintendo likes money. Also, the Rumble figures are selling like mad. So. Nintendo is making the money they so desperately like. Which means more figures that you can't see.

    I think he meant figurines

    Oh god, the idea is to trade figurines. But you just know some are rarer than others and so it means you'll be trading like ten figurines for the really rare one and OH GOD ELEMENTARY SCHOOL FLASHBACKS.

    next thing you know there will be gold foil and other special edition figurines

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