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Everything posted by Coyote-Trickster

  1. Full DC online trailer release at the San Diego Con http://blog.us.playstation.com/2010/07/26/dc-universe-online-for-ps3-full-comic-con-trailer/
  2. Devs listen to fans? Wow, the world is sure to end lol
  3. http://blog.us.playstation.com/2010/07/23/infamous-2-for-ps3-new-comic-con-cutscene/
  4. <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
  5. going through Batman: Arkham Asylum again
  6. http://blog.us.playstation.com/2010/07/22/kevin-butler-and-new-zealand/
  7. this reminds me of when my old walkman casette player had dying batteries. good times.. *twitch*
  8. it's ment to be up tomorow, i'd have to chek the site to see if something else happened >>
  9. Champions online was guilty of that... >> Had problems galore at launch cause they rushed it out.
  10. I ment FF14, I made a typo okay ;p
  11. I checked E-mail yesterday and found out I got accepted. It started the 13th but the way it looks they are having major problems with the client. it's now the 16th and it looks that it won't be addressed till Sunday. Other testers are freaking out. lol SE isn't really saying what's going on or when it will be fixed. they just posted that all current tests periods this week are cancelled due to difficulties. I hope it gets resolved my Beta account is ment to end in the end august and I still Haven't been able to get it to work dood. Curious to see it and all @@
  12. lol.. I still have my PAL PS2 and 12 or so games for it (ot to mention a pile of PAL DVDs, regional block... great fun) If you use Playstation home you really can see the difference between the PSNs... japan, UK, Hong Kong and North America. Funny thing is... currently they have the Global Pitch. A soccer area they made for the world cup. You can meet people there from ANY PSN area and see their neat items you CAN'T get. All this stuff is running the same system it's just that little region code that blocks you from getting these items. I'd love the Hatsune Miku Costume Japan has and there is a way to hack the area code to get these items but it's... a hassle >>. Oddly I made a Japanese PSN account and DL'd games from it, I can use them on my NA account. this whole region thing is starting to ge retarded. Edit: If you do use home, you can have a look at the differences here http://www.alphazone4.com/store#cat110 they log all the stuff and areas. great way to find out what your "NOT" getting.
  13. You also can't buy stuff on Japan PSN with a NA Visa/Mastercard. Some japanese law about it or something. I use ps3/PSN alot but it's game devs that are pissing me off. NIS in particular lately. I was Interested in Trinity Universe UNTIL I saw they released 21 DLCs for it. 3/4 of it is pay content and half of it came out the day after the game was in stores. around 25$ of DLCs companies are starting to get cocky with their microtransactions. it's rather obvious that they "Leave out" content for extra $$$. They even release themes of the game (wich are usualy always free from devs but they charge 2$ per character. I don't mind random DLCs for extra stuff but jeepers, 21 in 2 weeks? Think I'll pass.
  14. Hard to really pinpoint but the first soundtrack I had to get was FF6 (FF3 US) It cost me nearly 80$ back then to get from Japan(I was a kid at the time so 80 bucks wasn't easy to collect). Then came Chrono Triger and the hardest to find at the time, oddly... Secret of mana. though I recall humming alot of the game songs from Sonic 1, 2 and 3. Now as for first Remixed video game soundtrack.. it be you guys, from when I found OCR in 2002. thanks to all of you that put your hearts into these game remixes so that we can enjoy and love them, all over again. My heart goes out to all game music artists and remixers ~<3
  15. http://www.totallyradshow.com/episodes/episode-172-cheesebender.html Revelant to topic
  16. was fun tonight guys, sorry that my two friends were a little newb, cause they were lol. They started playing today. It went well enough though
  17. Klonoa was real sad, I was so happy to have beat it, till the ending cuts your heart out. Losing agro near the end of shadow of the colossus got to me too.
  18. I figured that most have but there is usualy some that haven't. either way when the the topic loses interest it just fades away into forum oblivion so I didn't really have much to lose. Besides that's about all the vids I have so it's the end on that. ;p
  19. Why not just have it any night at that time? I create a room usualy so me and a friend mess around. I might as well have it be /room OCR and have random pop ins.
  20. another silly thing for your enjoyment had to add this classic as well http://www.youtube.com/watch#!v=XHdXG2gV01k&feature=related
  21. I don't know if you guys have seen this before on here but it's funny enough to see again if that is the case
  22. Infamous is the kinda game that makes you realise how difficult being good can be and how power can be so dangerous. How often have you tried to help people but end up killing them by accident? Water puddles were a #$#%@%^%^!@!
  23. look at what I found http://www.youtube.com/watch#!v=nRGWdqLUlME&feature=related not sure if it's real but personaly I always wanted to see an OCR rave.
  24. Handle Khepera it's funny seing people flip out lol especialy at glitches Shaman... oh the preasure
  25. If that's the case then I don't blame you. to be honest I moved back to the country after spending 6 years in a big city to avoid weird stuff like that. thinking back now, there are alot of bad seeds in that social group. I'm just too friendly and indifferent I guess lol. personaly they never bothered me but the whole Furry con thing puzzles me... If not weird me out in general. why were they at an anime con anyway? Oo;
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