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Everything posted by Coyote-Trickster

  1. It's from the X TV OST series it's called Sadame by Satou Naoki took a second to recognize it as it's one of my fave songs on the Soundtrack. the track was played in the first episode as an epic intro
  2. so if it won't be "fixed" by the scrapped march 2011 ps3 release how long do they think people will wait for the "improved" game? 2012? ...2013? I agree with Nekofrog SE just disregarded the players and did their own thing now they are trying to save a sinking ship. Sinking so badly that the CEO had to openly apologize to shareholders. Him basically saying "Yeah it's shit but we are trying to fix it" doesn't boost confidence much.
  3. this is so neat. So what anime is this from? Hehe, It's a neat piece Lots Of Trigger love
  4. just for the hell of it http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BMYChAm5UcE&feature=related
  5. "The grid A digital frontier I tried to picture clusters of information as they move through the computer. What do they look like? Ships? Motorcycles? Were the circuits like freeways? I kept dreaming of a world I thought I'd never see and then, one day... I got in."
  6. So yeah, I have 2 bootlegs versions of the soundtrack but had no problem buying the official CD when I saw it today. Love it ~<3
  7. I'm so hyped for this just Listening to th soundtrack, I hope the movie delivers epicness. These two tracks sold me the dark Digital ambience fits the style
  8. Ironically that's what Ive been doing since going Rogue came out
  9. Playing LBP1 You would come across clever made levels of people using sound FX triggers to make music. as such I didn't know this till now but for LBP 2 They worked this into the game in a way anyone could do this using their Music sequencer. it's a great way to make custom music for your own levels. considering the nature of OCR I though it might be of interest.
  10. Epic Win Rawr likely one of the best versions I heard of this song Great aura of darkness to it ~<3
  11. I like heroes it was different, the team member swaping reminded me a little of the Sonic sat AM.
  12. off topic.. hey dood, does your corner of the country have them big contraband cigarettes rings? cause here in the Maritimes it's like the biggest crime, even over drugs.
  13. so... they're trying to be like China?
  14. http://pc.ign.com/articles/112/1123824p1.html a 6 pages journal review
  15. was reading some of the comments to Spoon's Video. This one stood out... --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mordaedil Today 09:17 AM I have played in the Open Beta test of Final Fantasy XIV and I can say wholeheartedly that their tech demonstration of the game doesn't do it justice. It is far worse than any game I have ever played. Not just with slow combat, but with unfair combat, boring visuals, terrible quests and a storyline I couldn't give a crap about, which does not star your character as the protagonist, but at least two other people you meet in a beginning cut-scene that are basically whom the story revolves around. It is the lamest type of gameplay I played this year and was a worse showing than the Last Remnant, which was barely tolerable for a game in that it could actually kill you if you glazed over. Square-Enix can't make good games anymore. It is beyond their capabilities. FFXIV is standing proof that Japan is behind when it comes to game design. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- it's over 1000 replies now and rather filled with hostile posts, kinda funny to read.
  16. I have to agree with this Alot of MMOs do that, they give "rested" bonus XP when you don't play a while. SE's way for 14, well If I get vacation time and decide I want to do my own little gaming marathon, I get Penalized for using my free time to play something I paid for? fun stuff I played FF11 a long time and honestly I could barely stand leveling the second jobs for my character. I envisioned her as a Red Mage and that's what she was till the end. I messed around with all the jobs eventually but lets face it. alot of people are loyal to a class, because they like it. some people cannot stand mage classes while others hated melee classes. people are entitled to their likes and dislikes and forcing them to play classes they don't find interesting or just outright hate doesn't seem right to me. I'm not even going to go into crafting jobs because crafting is as mundane as working.
  17. i'm certain the pvp game chat will have plenty of that to go around.
  18. I was greatly moved by a song I heard just this morning. I liked it so much that I searched youtube for it. I ended up being emotionaly moved by the video the poster put to the song. bombay dub orchestra - beauty and the east (banco de gaia mix)
  19. This came out on the blog today http://blog.us.playstation.com/2010/08/05/euro-event-report-james-bond-blood-stone-for-ps3/ "While much of the plot – from a script by Bruce Feirstein, the writer behind GoldenEye, Tomorrow Never Dies and The World is Not Enough – is being kept under wraps for now, we do know that Blood Stone’s globe trotting thrills and spills are set against a backdrop that involves the diamond trade, a missing scientist and a new Bond Girl: Joss Stone. Yes, Joss Stone. The lovely Miss Stone, who was in attendance at the announcement, has also co-written and performed the games’ theme song ‘I’ll Take It All’ with former Eurythmics man, Dave Stewart; it’s a catchy one!"
  20. you can see that screen in the Fire House in the last game on ps3. likely the other console versions as well I assume
  21. anyone know another online video site that is like youtube but less restrictive? I made a game vid but it 22 Mins and youtube won't let you put vids that are above 10 mins. I would preffer to keep the video in one piece.
  22. game will be on PlayStation Network on August 10th cute little trailer
  23. not really sure what this is all about but "Once we decided to go for the old school, side scrolling, beat ‘em up style with Scott Pilgrim vs. The World: The Video Game, we wanted to go all in! We brought in pixel artist extraordinaire Paul Robertson. The next step was creating an amazing soundtrack. We immediately thought of Brooklyn chiptune rockers, Anamanaguchi. They wowed us (and 5,000 others) at PAX and really captured the sound we wanted for the game. Here, the guys share their favorite songs from the game." there are short samples of the game music on the page http://blog.us.playstation.com/2010/07/28/scott-pilgrim-vs-the-world-soundtrack-goes-old-school/
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