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Everything posted by Coyote-Trickster

  1. song for today Apple Bobbing/-Joe Goddard http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XskFk_4ySqY
  2. Hey guys, Over the past year I've been listening to the chill channel rather often and have grown to love alot of the songs they play. I'm the type that likes almost every music genre be it 40s big band to J-pop. The "chill" genre has a special place because it tends to be music that makes you reflect or feel better. hell it might just be the thing that makes the work day decent. I'll post songs that I find neat on here so I can share. first off, groove armada/-shameless hope you like <3 I belive in the power of music and that it can better our lives
  3. We can't forget that the economy hasn't faired that well lately and most companies have gone into panic mode to try to make sure they don't crash and burn. So if you can save and/or earn an extra buck, sometimes that can make all the difference. Obviously someone at EA though that this code deal was a good way to earn extra income at low cost.
  4. as mentioned before, EA's move could be the start of a movement that could affect the way the industry operates in the future.
  5. usualy in the end of the booklet in super micro print
  6. it's nice seing things like this, very creative.
  7. this is the key thing, if the online content of these sport titles is on their own servers they have right to do what they want. Charge you 10$ to use them, maybe we should be greatful it's not 12$ a month like a certain other game genres... ;p
  8. Just out of curiosity... How hard is it do trade data? I mean I have a north American PSN account and a Japanese one. I can play what I've downloaded from the Japan store on my NA account. I've Also I've heard of people hacking PS3 data to "break" certain restraints. Could it be possible that a clever gamer could hack EA's gamecode deal? People on playstation Home in particular Are hacking Japanese items to their NA accounts, something that should be imposible in theory. but from what I understand they hack the region setting, I had a look and it seemed like a major pain in the butt though. I wanted the Hatsune Miku outfit ;_;
  9. yeah, good point. Everything you do these days seems to cost crazy amounts of money, I'm just waiting for pay toilets to come back, then we are screwed lol ^^
  10. Oh geez, you just reminded me of how expensive Australian gaming was. Games there were 80$ to almost 100$ Thanks for reminding me of those horrible days ;p Tinus I hope that crash doesn't mess up everything over there in europe, I hate it when things like this happen...
  11. My point is you don't need to spend that much, other companies have done popular titles for far less. I can't seem to find a recent sales figure but in 2008 GTA4 sold past 6 million units worldwide. Still a good return for their investment. Here are the numbers I was able to find http://www.wired.com/gamelife/2008/05/grand-theft-aut/ i'm getting the impression that people think that devlopers need our "help" to survive. The entertainement industry is doing rather fine by itself, don't think they need donations from us. the only thing that really hurts them is piracy, not the used market.
  12. I trully agree Gaming is so popular now that they are selling ALOT more games now then they did the NES era. Also companies ditched costly cartriges to disk formats that litteraly cost nothing to produce. with these increased sales and cost savings they still have to find ways to get a few extra dollars? GTA 4 cost 100 million to make and apparently holds the record for the biggest game production cost... So... We need a hollywood budgets to make games now? 100 million dollars to create a digital "world" that isn't even real? maybe these people need to learn to control their spending.
  13. unimpressive would also be a good description of their last updates of Home...
  14. on that note we can't forget micro transactions, the real hidden cash cow of the internet. 1.45 can go a long way >>; say.. X50 times.
  15. Thanky Curly ^-^ Though one day this type of charge could apply to any type of game thats used, who knows.
  16. heh, I heard about this last week. Companies are having fun with us. first was that ubisoft online thing and now this. We're coming to a point with technology that online console gaming should have free online as standard. ...especialy with games that would be multiplayer heavy. paying 10$ for each game I'd buy used to get online would make me Rage, would add up if your a sport game person. it's all about what companies can get away with I guess they aren't forcing you to play their games online, or to play them at all. So I guess they can do what they want. ...even if it sucks lol Oh btw, about the gamestop thing in the video, I wonder if they will be so excited and supportive when companies start all doing direct Downloads of their games via networks such as xbox live and playstation network.
  17. Thx ^^

    Flandre Scarlet, rawr

  18. Also If you have or can get Sirius Radio the channel "Area" Chanel 38 plays trance 24/7 with hosts like Paul Oakenfold Armin van Buuren Ferry Corsten One of my favorite shows is Above & Beyond Trance Around The World A gift to you, their shows can be heard outside Sirius via http://www.aboveandbeyond.nu/index.php just click (radio) show 308 that aired 19-02-2010 is a favorite
  19. You should invest in compilations It gives you a taste of various artists. some of my favorites have been "Gatecrasher" and "Godskitchen" I started collecting Gatecrasher in 2000 and lost touch after 2006 when I left Australia. They released CDs to at least 2009. I was fortunate enough to go A Gatecrasher event in Adelaide one year, It was one of the best nights I ever had in my life. In person, the music and enviroment become vivid like a dream and the people give out a possitive energetic vibe. good times.
  20. Wow this happens more often than I thought
  21. will just add this one too I use to play it on the metropolis zones in Sonic 2 at 2:25 it seemed to go well with the level I don't think it's similar to Metropolis Zone theme though.
  22. A few years back I noticed a mild similarity, I just remembered the song just recently Sonic 2 to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z3lqjt3w5_o
  23. some games don't age well, yes others go beyond that and become a legendary black plague that haunts you to this day. such as.. http://www.youtube.com/watch#!v=kPubA8kH_6A&feature=related
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