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Everything posted by SonicThHedgog

  1. I think the Platinum is the best from east west, give mic postitions and all sorts of stuff, money is steep in the mid $800's but the space is more with 194GB of space needed, more or likely for external storage.
  2. Come on, Hero was good, not as great as bomberman 64 but still good. @cerrax Yes, HD Starfox looks probable, nintendo prob could not make a starfox wii because of the controller that is such a failiure for any serious kinda game thats not watered down.
  3. This is great, what kinda drums are those? rhodes/keys could use tiny verb but sounds great!
  4. thats not what im saying at all.... You said you can only open limited instruments, I said you can or I can and how i route instruments with the built in midi channels in East west player, a method of using the midi channels in your daw when you output midi from east west to a midi IN channel in ableton. good point...............did you change your name?
  5. I mean devs yes, but some people still like DK64 and Bomberman, yes maybe a port of quake, not a new one.
  6. I pray they make a new donkykong 64 style game, a diddykong racing, quake, bomberman hero, and all the other game they did not make on the wii 2 or game cube
  7. I Agree but i can open 9 intruments with midi outs tracks and 8 intruments midi out in ableton with not problems fir up to 5-7 min of music recored but besides that i usually resample audio so i dont have any uneeded problems and have ease of moding the sound. its all about how you get around in your daw of choice.
  8. I did not say ram was related and but becides the 2-4 wips your looking on http://soundcloud.com/aires/star-heaven I have tons of orcha tracks(that i dont post) but mosts of them are symphonic (Modal),I make (try to) alot of genres,orcha tracks are the easiest for me to make with out running out of ideas, and again you only need 2gb to run these samples, i run them on my temp pc often for some house tracks as well and its only running on a celeron and 2gb, or it was till i maxed it to 4gb and a core 2 duo(just gunna make it my main pc). composition has nothing to do with this anyways, im just saying you definatly can run east west gold with only 2gb. @BGC http://astore.amazon.com/overclocked02-20/detail/B000A76UOS Is this from MOTU the hardware company? I see it on there site, i did not know they made samples
  9. def try east west symphonic gold, its about 33gb http://www.eastwestsamples.com/details.php?cd_index=1090&cart=purchase?cd_index=1090
  10. I run east west with 2 gb perfectly on my pc with no lathency but it is a good idea to upgrade to 4gb or higher altho i dont see a need depending on your mother boards max memory allowance. Other then that you need atleast 20gb of space, well my set took me 32gb
  11. http://soundcloud.com/aires/final-bordum such a sad day for the bordum series this is the last of it but a new series will emerge soon!
  12. I prey this new thing is compatible to a fry pan or a toster
  13. I dont care what no one says, i'v been wanting to do this forever(months) and I remebered now, XD http://soundcloud.com/aires/pokemon I did this in a rush so bare with the shooting frequencys if there are. Edit:: deff my new ringtone
  14. - trailer - gamer - begginer - musician Any thougths on it? its suppost to use any real guitar, from electric to eletric acoustic, maybe a great replace ment to guitar pro tabs or guitar hero? and its suppost to be beginners friendly, so while you play a game your learning how to play guitar. well I doubt it can replace vhs/dvds or youtube guitar vids but hay, its worth a shot ehh?
  15. *Your mad over spread claims that no ones knows and i just said wait till e3... thats the internet for yah* I dont think you read my last post " this could be dated or complete bs spread on the internet, wait till e3/june then decide on excitement (like everything eles)" and for the most part, alot of the stuff that said are leaks, btw someone made a wiki already ;o http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_Caf%C3%A9 and if your crazy about the hologram post, nintendo has patent on the type of storage... (maybe i got it form bit-tech, destructoid or some other place, looking at my browsing history)
  16. lmao I will type more clearly now XD
  17. i ;; i already said it could be a moddified xbox processor at page 2 i think Edit :: its page 3 body 1 rply: again we dont know, a whole lot of this could be dated or bs, hearing that the console have 2 analog stick, it could be also that the wii-mote is compatible with the new system (knowing nintendo also does not want to waste money). and the interface could be like the gamecube and the gameboy advance, with some games like animal crossing and sonic adventure 2. 1.5 dont play them often 2: Again we only know that they ran it, have no idea what they ran it on i cant really make a statment on that, crysis is not a big deal be cause it can run on consoles, prob because it give use a little benchmark of what this new console is capable of. i just hope they leave the virtual console, its awsome
  18. were not/I am not standing(just) for the grafix or performance, lets be realistic here, game consoles have WAYYYYY less software overhead then pc's to use actual heavy hardware, that would be a large waste of money for them to make a console just to heat up with pc's, but it is a bit safe to forcast nintendo using some heavy hardware, cause nintendo has been expencive in the past with there systems. so yes it may be the same or better graphically no one knows anymore (i mean its nintendo, they gave us a wii, HD radeon tech based, maybe a special nintendo model, they might make realistic double rainbows j/k bad joke ; / ) the main thing im hyped up over, (and other fans) are the games, hearing that the contoller maybe one peice is all i care right now, i just want to play games with out using 2 peices of hardware that require motion (im tired of using my gamecube controller for games), and better responce in controls for the games. ign or something I forgot the source. But all we know is that they "ran" crysis on the console, no one knows on what settings , it could be 480p or 1080p so we will just have to wait till june, and yes quite possibly there is a 'project cafe' version of crysis since leaks are saying nintendo gave devlopers sdk's already , so maybe cryteck has been tinkering, no one knows or can confirm this, only a few weeks till E3 pops up or more leaks
  19. http://www.destructoid.com/controller-mock-up-for-new-nintendo-hd-console-198986.phtml XD Well the console was tested with crysis 2 and it ran with only barely 40% cpu load and Dev tools are gunna be Friendly as hell. CANT WAIT i just hope i dont get dissapointed http://gamerant.com/nintendo-wii-2-controller-console-photos-robk-81091/ NEW LEAKED PHOTOS! i smell bs now the format of this thing and dont say 20 gig cartridge lmao hologram is prob in 5 years , prob digital or disc, but def not dvd way to small.
  20. im porting every thing to ableton, fuck fl and its nonsence. gunna take a while to get this mix out....
  21. for some games your (rarly) did.
  22. thats why its in brace but analog sticks can feature buttons, but a screen in the controller is kinda of the same concept, but i heard its only at a premium, so im guessing you gottta buy it with it, but i also hear the screen is still in dev so it maybe way smaller
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