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Everything posted by SonicThHedgog

  1. its also said like the dreamcast eight buttons (including two analog sticks) and a camera, with a 6.2 lcd screen but all we can confirm is, it blows ps3 out the park
  2. ibm triple core processor, (modded xbox 360 core I be tinkin nintendo means big buissness), and gpu bases on amd r700 tech, so games could be looking like this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ayq16iDAV64&feature=related im selling my couch, for this if its great! http://www.tomsguide.com/us/Wii-2-Project-Cafe-the-Stream-Controller-Buttons-Controller-Display,news-10938.html http://www.destructoid.com/here-s-the-latest-leaked-project-cafe-image-199406.phtml - leak pic
  3. http://soundcloud.com/aires/deep-mono i dont post wips usually, but only when im making a remix i'll fix the highs and the kick later *play with speakers or moniters*
  4. if system specs are up to date with todays pc's then no, since ps3 and xbox 360 are already (since 06) way behind in computing, wii2 may have some tricks up its sleeve.
  5. http://wii.ign.com/articles/116/1163764p1.html playable at E3 june n64/Gamecube days commin back? i hope so!
  6. Altho i use ableton, im making somthing in fl (i which i'll prob port to ableton cause im not liking fl) but when i make a clip, it cuts off in like the midi is not detected on some/random clips, im like wtf, anyone know why? i also made sure nothing is overlaping....
  7. XD it was in the bible, but it will fri you eventually but hay
  8. 4/20 every one is high and gets fucked, 4/24 now your some kinda religious son of a bitch........ oh america stole it from my news feed but the truth,
  9. what neblix said and i chaned my mind, is gunna be very very VERY Deep/Prog House
  10. does anyone know a bitcrusher with dither and a good filter plugin with an LFO?
  11. Im working on the working on this on this when i get my dual core or i7(celeron 2.00 are not fun to work with, even when overclocked, i wish i had my old extr core2duo , Dang water), maybe next week or this weds, i added some stuff in the intro aswell (since you guys said its so bland XD), here is the sub version http://soundcloud.com/aires/ice-cap-derezzed-1 nothing much but removed the filter on top that gave it that 1989-1999 house feels and i re eq'ed lots of things that did not show up on my headphones that showed on my moniters (waves ssl and c4 are awsome!),the album version of this song will be atleast 6 min with my new arsenals of crazy synths that you only find playing in n64 games ! but till my cpu comes in, im gunna work on my new bomberman hero - monogenic remix mix it gunna be dub step as shadow said but more agressive then this track. also does anyone know a bitcrusher with dither and a good filter plugin?
  12. i was joking im editing parts of the song, and i linked the wrong song lol.
  13. well its glitchy, there (should not) is not much of phrasing --------- heres an update http://soundcloud.com/aires/guess-2
  14. im using peaveys amp sim and i was wondering if there are any good amp sims i can try out. heres what my tone sounds like so far http://soundcloud.com/aires/guess-2 ^btw guess the movie if you can for bonus points XD
  15. I could bump this to 1-2mins and make it non repetitve as a oc version, if thats what your saying , but agressive electro house is not that musical in the first place.
  16. Well there are not riser effects on this track be sides for transitions, but i did not notice a pause at 40.
  17. Well the entire track is a whole diffrent spin, it bearly sounds like icecap(which i shoulda avoided) and there only 2 parts with daft source, the first part and the end, and if you listen to mainstrem house(or the ones i listen too), the tracks are 3x longer (5-7) and they get seriously repetitive, just with risers and sound effects and cutoffs to decorate the track. and besides for me to make this less repetitve is to shorten it, or replace the cool synths that are there that rob less of my headroom and cpu. when it that there is not audio, and which 40 seconds? oh the layered synths out of tempo. hmm..... well i will check the patterns and my externals and see if every thing is ok. the kick is centered(duhh), not the cymbals, in house, people image there hats, atleast from the years ago when i learned house, people told me to image the hats (and rarly snares). altho i did not sidechain everything but im fixing that now(which i shoulda done b4 i rendered), and the mids on the layer synth.
  18. Update #1 Ok i stopped being lazy, i made the track louder (commercially) and fix the stupid filter effect i put on it that was making the mids on the spectrum go crazy, other then that, that is all. (also the track is not that repetitve, i copyed the repeats from the original:|, i say main stream house form.)
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