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Posts posted by SonicThHedgog

  1. When I make effects heavy electro songs, I mix in mono because if my songs aren't mono friendly, no label will even bother listening to the song.

    Songs that arent mono friendly tend to sound suboptimal on devices other than the device it was mixed on (what I noticed imo).

    If your song is going to be played live, then your instruments should be centered or the audience will not get a balanced sound no matter where they are in whatever venue. the only thing stereo if the master for the song is a "live version" is probably delay effects, reverb etc...

    What I noticed too is that eqing conflicts with other instruments are easier when the mix is in mono (excluding using the eq for sound design reasons) and sometimes leveling tracks can be easier when the track is in mono. Then again I dont EQ conflicts unless its a very serious problem. I started noticing that the more effects of any type of effects even for production purposes tend to gently chew off quality of the sounds I am working with IMO.

  2. When I make effects heavy electro songs, I mix in mono because if my songs aren't mono friendly, no label will even bother listening to the song.

    Songs that arent mono friendly tend to sound suboptimal on devices other than the device it was mixed on (what I noticed imo).

    If your song is going to be played live, then your instruments should be centered or the audience will not get a balanced sound no matter where they are in whatever venue. the only thing stereo if the master for the song is a "live version" is probably delay effects, reverb etc...

    What I noticed too is that EQ'ing conflicts with other instruments is easier when the mix is in mono (excluding using the eq for sound design reasons) and sometimes leveling tracks can be easier when the track is in mono. Then again I dont EQ conflicts unless its a very serious problem. I started noticing that the more effects of any type of effects even for production purposes tend to gently chew off quality of the sounds I am working with IMO.

    Some people have mono headphones since some people have a hard time listening to stereo on headphones (please note that I am a speaker fan, and I think headphones should stick with MP3 players and cellphones). Same thing with laptop speakers, older TV's that dont have stereo.

    And as said some radios stations play their songs in mono.

    there are alot of reasons to have your songs mono friendly, and there are probably more reasons.

    If your audience is not that big and most of the people you know who listen to your music are probably listening on a stereo device, then maybe you should not worry too much on your mixes being Mono friendly.

  3. What danthr said.

    Another thing, if its not your signal chain when you record anything and just your guitar amp recorded giving that hiss, then using a EQ (that can shelf) or a filter to roll of the high end you dont want is one idea to fix your problem(alot of people do that).

    Here is a simple tip.

    Make sure that your mic is properly connected to a mixer or interface with decent cables, and if your mic needs it, make sure your mixer or interface supports phantom power 48v.

    If your using a preamp, make sure your connecting it to your mixer and/or interface properly.

  4. Gamer Shredding is a group made up of gamers dedicated in making covers for video games. This is a new project, where we combine different styles. We hope you like the covers.

    Hope and help us with the spread for this project can be heard by all.

    Regards from MEXICO !!




    Mega man x - Spark Mandrill

    Mega man 3 - intro

    Mega man X6 - Gate's Laboratory

    Mega Man 9 Magma Burning

    Mega Man 9 - Flash in the Dark


    Final Fantasy Mystic Quest - Boss Battle


    Great stuff! *bumps*

  5. Thankyou on the wonderful feed back!

    As always, I will not respond to remarks on the composition since it's opinion, but I will try my best to respond (or agree) to the mixing queries from not only this thread and other sources.

    One soundcloud person said it should be louder... for softer songs, I don't make too loud and will not make the song louder.

    Another said the bass line feels to center-ish... I agree, I should have widened it a little.



    The kick is fine, it's not meant to be a low/mid-end heavy kick like other electro tracks, but I did boost the 100hz, a little sweet spot I found for PA's for kicks.

    hmm, there is no snare in this song, not sure what you mean. (funny you mentioned high end, a friend on aim told me there is too much high end on some sounds and most of my other song.)

    Piano has verb but little decay, I don't like pianos with a lot of decay, makes it sound odd to me, but I hear what you mean.

    I just used a limiter and EQ'ed the Master and no compression at all. No intentions of making the track thick/big

    The lead at 2:51 has no compression, it just does not have as much verb as the other tracks giving it the feel like it is compressed, but if the other tracks where not verbed, I prob would compress it because the lead sounds weak, tho the track is not intended to be a fat track like my other tracks.



    What sqaure-ish bass? I did some re-Eqing to one of the Bass lines on the lowend for my new version, not a whole lot of difference though.

    Im not sure what he meant by mastering issue, I would however like for him to elaborate more on his view to see what I would do.

  6. Also, the performance makes a bigger difference than the mixing in most cases. So study some metal tracks and learn how those drummers play the songs, then just copy it via your sequencing.

    ^ This

    I did nothing to the drums but boost the cymbals a bit and tiny compression so the drums can pump : /

    its all on performance, sounds, and your master bus.

  7. oh yeah sure


    this is with my "improved" kick - might have to fast forward a bit to hear

    Dream theaters drums use all sorts of different instruments in there kit, the sound you got going sounds like mike portney's images and words sound.

    How does this sound for you? made it in 2 or 3 hours


    also please dont bug me on me playing clean, have not played my guitar since last summer hehe, got kinda lazy on some of this ; (

  8. I got studio drummer with Komplete 8 and I'm looking for a preset that will help me turn it into a great prog-metal kit. Right now it all kind of sounds like a really nice rock kit, but I need everything to have that metal punch/snappiness to it. I'm not an expert when it comes to editing samples, so I would only waste my time if I tried to do it myself.

    Could you post 2-3 different loops (that you would hear in a metal song) so I/we can hear the kinda sound you got going on please and I will see if I can find a easy way to get the sound your looking for.

  9. If you save a MIDI as a Type 0 MIDI, this happens.

    Oh 0 midi...

    dont they have converters for Type 1 midi? This does not seem like a problem, but a work flow problem.

    One concern I have is if he needs to use pre-made midi clips for most projects instead of composing it or just for things he would like to arrange or for ideas etc...

    @Esperado Are you using live 8(or suit) or a low version? Ableton is a very good Daw and if you get used to daws like Cubase and Protools, Ableton will feel like a great tool for composing.

  10. D/A ?

    i mentioned it in this thread here http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=42351

    i guess i never got back to the thread on what i ended up doing. which was that i have been completely unable to find a working copy of dent du midi, and the only midi converter software i found, ended up being a bunko demoware thing that only converted half the file.

    If you are going to use ANY type of reference monitors worth their grain of salt, you should seriously buy a audio interface with decent converters

    Headphones mix

    (Haunted House on beatport soon)

    monitor mix on 5" at a friends house http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qUla17c8UDo (diddy kong racing remix) (but composed with headphones)

    Im using Sennheiser HD203, So good for me :)

    That is a weird problem having all midi data forced to one track.

    here is another question, do you need to always import midi for every project you do?

    IF possible, could you post a video, or pictures of your issue

    For Daw recommendation, I say go with Cubase my favorite for recording and mix, not not so much with midi unless im live performing on my keyboard. for composing midi, I handle all that with Ableton.

  11. from the perspective of more experienced producers and remixers, which would be more important to a newbie such as myself? studio monitors or a slightly better DAW? I have 200-250 and currently im using a mix of ableton and garageband, but i have alot of issues importing midi to ableton that ive been unable to resolve and garageband is somewhat limiting (i find, mostly in the automation department). Logic pro is only 200 which is a steal as far as daws go .

    what kinda midi import issues, and what kind of D/A do you have?

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