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Posts posted by SonicThHedgog

  1. Yeah, I'm not sure if it's clear (haven't listened to the tune) but I mean: you adjust your low pass filters to 100 Hz. Then you proceed to match the hi pass filter of the drum with the hi pass filter of the bass, from zero hertz to more (0+ Hz). Say the bass at 40Hz and the drums at 50hz, but then you match (fine tune) them using your ears. There is always a sweetspot. Once this is done, you bring those lo pass filters back to their starting point values (example: guitars 12kHz, drums 18kHz, bass X kHz) and match them. But the point is that the bass would be even in the ensemble, giving you a chance to EQ tracks or the master buss. It's just an experimental approach I found. Don't tell anyone.

    I'll keep it quiet;-)

  2. Someone i knew spent some money on something that could interpret his guitar into midi signals. I think he was inspired by Travis Larson.

    I tried it for a bit and found it to be extremely unusable, but i think he had a pretty cheap one. It certainly didn't work like this

    I don't think there are any options that are better than a midi keyboard right now. Maybe in a few more decades.

    What The Gar said. plus after some keyboard practice, you'll find that playing difficult melodies on the keyboard... well anything difficult really might be eaiser.

  3. I cant tell how deep my low end is for these 3 songs. http://soundcloud.com/aires/lost-city, http://soundcloud.com/aires/air3s-heavy, http://soundcloud.com/aires/air3s-transmission

    I only know transmission is a bit muddy because it sounded muddy to me for some reason.

    Since im still getting used to listening/breaking in my new (but not that great sennheiser) headphones, its a bit difficult to tell what I should cut or if I should just kill some freqs on the master track.

  4. Band - SuperFX

    Game- F-Zero

    Level - Mute City

    Original Composer(s)

    Yumiko Kanki

    Naoto Ishida



    Great cover! Amazing tone! but for lead you might wanna reduce the distance of your mic for some attack and more direct sound imo. nah it sounds great! just with there was some delay XD (dont mind me, I really like delay soaked tones)

    what amp are you using and what bass are you using?

  5. Scheduled on new album for metal remix, same for the Advertised intro.

    For the advertise introI learned all the leads and I can play them at the same speed, but I need to get it down a bit more before I start recording :)

    For now there is one song on my bomberman 64 album that is 70% done which is the boss fight theme


    Then after those 2, Blue resort is scheduled for a dubstep remix, White Glacier metal, Green Garden jazz, the rest TBA .

  6. Alright. Here' my YT channel; if you want some more examples I can easily record something for you. http://www.youtube.com/user/JLawrenceKenny?feature=mhee

    Talent and very strong voice, but a bit classical and theatrical .... do you have a modern pop song example?

    also Im doing a jazz/blues remix for the paper mario project, your voice would be perfect!

    Do you know the song "At Last" by Etta James?

  7. This thread is for anyone who wants to share chord progressions and melodies or ideas free for anyone to use.

    Why? maybe you have a chord progression that you made but never quite liked and maybe someone here (Even new comers) can pick up that idea and modify it and make it sound lovely.

    Basically a bank that is open for all the use, or like a recycle thread or what ever best describes it :)


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