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Posts posted by SonicThHedgog

  1. I guess it depends on what you define as 'popular' - I'd say that drum n' bass is definitely NOT popular, relatively speaking. Deadmau5, Tiesto, Swedish House Mafia, Skrillex, Madeon... that's the popular stuff right now. Abrasive synth sounds, 4x4 drums, 130-140bpm. Check out the Sirius XM "BPM" and "Electric Area" stations for a good blend of stuff that's being played right now in clubs and dj sets.

    just want to add the range 120-128,129 since alot of electro is in that range for dj's.

    dont mind me people, just lurking

    *swims away*

  2. I never use quantize when I preform live stuff. because I play the guitar HAHAHAHAHAH XD! (if I could quantize guitar my shredding for perfect melodies..... on day, one day technology!!!!1!)

    nah seriously. I dont quantize :/ same with piano and synth stuff, I just keep recording till I get it right, a old habit that is actually doing me good really (for some reason).

    If I REALLY need to quantize that means my pc is lagging to the point that live play is impossible. but that does not happen often since I resample or use external sounds.

    that's just me though.

  3. I've tried both extensively now, and I'm wondering what situations people here use each for. I personally use hard knee on drums and percussion, and soft knee on the master. Just recently discovered that soft knee seems to work way better at handling supposed overloads.

    Softer knee I use when I need to make a compressor when I need the transition from compressing to not compressing to be soft or the opposite when it to be sharp.

    things like drums depend on what im working with.

    vocals I use a ratio or 1.5.1 with pretty low thresh and mild knee (depending on what im working with)

    things like synths and instruments, I usually dont compress often, but I low ratio of 1.x.x to 2.0 and a mild or soft knee depending on what im working with just to make it sound warm

    on my master track, I usually don't compress and just EQ unless I think the track needs compression to add some warm, power or something. (or if I want to add something/fix something to the track, a multiband. usually when I want a band to dominate the others which im starting to do more often.) then I limit depending on what song/genre im working with.

    I really only compress when I feel I need it.

  4. To be honest, it sounds like Oscillator Sync to me, which is REALLY similar to detuning two oscillators, the difference is that the secondary oscillator is reset every cycle.

    It was probably done on a little phatty, but thats a guess. but it does sound very thick though....

    Massive does have a oscillator that does that, but I cant remember.... it maybe in the manual.

  5. Hey guys, Just wondering if they can help me make this Synth sound or find a synth sound.

    Really looking for the 'genesis'y type synth lead used in the classic levels from Sonic Generations :)

    Any help would be appreciated :D

    Heres a youtube clip of one of the songs so kinda get the idea if you dont know what am I on about.


    2 detuned saws under notch/bell filter (with the cutoff and/or the resonance automating in some range) with alot of distortion/bit decimation or overdrive.

    I do this synth a lot http://soundcloud.com/aires/air3s-thinking (starts at 2:19) and some portamento (gliding) on the synth

  6. I thought that some people here might be interested in an easy way to post remixes and track changes to them. I created a new feature that would allow anyone to embed a remix in this forum, should the admins choose to make a simple 30-second change.

    You can see a sample of how it works at http://www.shoemakervillage.org/grdemo.html. When some BBcode is inserted, a song box like those displayed in the linked page appears. Clicking inside the boxes plays the songs, displays the user's profile picture, and provides a link to download the lossless or 24-bit version (if the user has uploaded one). Statistics, like song views, are tracked as usual.

    These boxes are always updated to the latest version of the song, so if the user creates a new version, it automatically updates to the latest version. Older versions are still available by clicking on the "download" link, of course. I tested this in Firefox 16, Chrome 23, Internet Explorer 10, and the Android browser.

    It does not require Flash, so it works on iPhones as well.

    The code to add a song listening box would go something like: [gameremix-song]3223[/gameremix-song], where the parameter in the middle is the "song number," which is displayed on the user's profile page.

    The manual on where in the control panel the custom code feature is is located here: https://www.vbulletin.com/docs/html/bbcode_add.

    All you have to do is type "gameremix-song" in the "Tag" field, and in the "replacement" field, put:

    <iframe src="http://gameremixes.com/song/embed/number/{param}"  width="445" height="155" seamless="seamless" frameborder="0"  scrolling="no"> 

    Feel free to offer comments. If people use this feature, I can also make a [gameremix-album] or [gameremix-compo] tag. If no admins see this, I'll try posting in a different forum.

    I like this Idea a lot, but I'm not sure if they would easily add this feature to the website yet

  7. I care because most people who offer mastering services have no idea what mastering is. If he is offering REAL mastering services for free then I'll definitely send my stuff to him, otherwise it's just some kid with a fancy compressor that he pirated and doesn't know how to properly use it.

    Well, can't argue with that.

    Maybe SapSpecial will prove other wise?

  8. Ok, do this. When you get your new computer, download all the installers for your VSTs again, and install ALL your VSTs to the main hard drive on the new computer, whether you use them often or not. There's no advantage to having ANY VSTs on an external hard drive.

    Then, put your sample libraries on the main hard drive or external hard drive as you see fit. Those can be copied over from your old machine via the external hard drive.

    I will install my vsts (for the ones that need installations) to my main drive, I guess I will just install the ones I use if I will have issues keeping vst's on a external drive.

    Thank you for the help!

    VSTs are applications or plug-ins for applications--they do NOT stream from your hard-disk, the only performance gain you will experience is a minimal decrease in load-time on instantiation.

    There will be no true performance increase.

    The only thing that does stream from the hard-disk is DATA, and for you, specifically audio data--as in an associated sample library or impulse files.

    You will experience a performance increase installing libraries on a separate drive from your OS--but only if that separate drive is quick, as all samples must be loaded into RAM before playing (or streamed from disk by loading portions of samples into disk) and thus you want the data flow from sample installation location to RAM to be quick.

    This is NOT necessarily through your USB. If you have several other peripherals plugged in to your USB, or if you're busing information through the USB besides your VST libraries, then you may notice a performance DECREASE.

    I see, did not think of it that way I guess.

    well I guess I will leave behind the unuseful vsts and just install the ones I use the most on my pc's main harddrive as said. I usually do load my samples in RAM, but I need to figure out how to make Ableton do that by default for all samples used.

  9. Hm... Is there any chance you're mistaking "clipping on purpose" for bitcrushing?

    I know Porter Robinson and madeon bitcrush some of there track, but wolfgang definatly has a clipping kinda sound on his older tracks. you could be totally correct though.

    Amazing. Just great.

    You should try doing one of the Mario Kart Menu from the original Super Mario Kart. It's the same thing over and over again, but if you could make it non-repetitive by doing really sexy stuff like this, then it could be really cool.

    I was planning a rock cover of that when I move pc's

  10. That just confused the issue more, so let's back up a step.

    You're getting a second computer. When you have it, what do you want to have on each machine?

    Sorry on the mix up

    What I want to have on the new computer is my 3 main Daws which are Cubase, Ableton, and Flstudio. Then I want to have my most used vst's and samples on the main computer.

    Everything else that I dont use often such as some vst's and other heavy sample libraries to stay on the external harddrive.

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