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Posts posted by SonicThHedgog

  1. Also, other than simple plugins that consist ONLY of a DLL, you can't use an external hard drive to transfer already-installed plugins to a new machine, because you won't be able to copy the plugin and all associated files and registry settings to the new machine. The new machine won't see the plugin as being installed if all you do is dump a DLL into the VSTPlugins folder; you'll have to get the installer and reinstall it.

    This is what I really wanted to know.

    Maybe im not being detailed enough in my typing, here are(or were) my intentions. I do tend to be unorganized when I type out my ideas in a rush, sorry about that.

    Space is not so much the issue here, im really concerned about moving.

    1.) Move my most used software to external hard drive ready to be moved to main OS drive. (which I'v done with games and other software from my program files in c:/ but not so much music related things on a small flash drive.)

    2.) leave a good half of my sample library on this current pc.

    3.) if possible, keep vst's on drive, but as you said, I should keep things like that on my main OS drive, which is the new pc I am moving too soon.

    sorry for the poor typing.

  2. He's pointing out that you mention partitions in the first post, which I responded to, and then you later said that you didn't ask about partitions.

    I see, that thread bump sucked ass then:sleepzzz:

    But thankyou guys on the help, I think I will buy a usb 3.0 desktop drive and move my vsts to it.

    I only need to move my vst and some other stuff incase I move pc's, im not too convinced to move my entire sample library though, alot of unused stuff.

  3. I have no idea what you're thinking. The size of a drive doesn't have much to do with its speed. Get a large drive, put all your junk there, keep the main drive for all your music production.

    yes I know, Im looking for just a small drive, but if you suggest I should get a larger drive then I will give that ago. was only saying that stores around here dont carry the best of computer related devices

    My current pc is not that bad, just trying to keep things off my main drive like you said.

  4. Do you understand how partitioning works? That question makes no sense.

    Yes... I was only asking if I could use a external drive to run vst plugins, I did not ask any partition questions.

    Performance-wise, you're better off putting a second hard drive into your computer (if it's a tower) than using a USB connection, and a USB hard drive probably won't cut it for large orchestral sample libraries, but for something like the odd instrument from Kontakt, or the Omnisphere library, an external hard drive will work just fine. Basically, it's the amount of data that needs to be streamed (and so, the size of each sampled instrument you want to load) that matters.

    Oh I see.

    Im not really running out of space, im just avoiding using my main drive for things other then compiler files, documents and mp3s. all my 2-6gb samples libraries need to stay on my main drive for personal reasons.

    Yes only for vst use. I will buy a internal harddrive when I transfer my kontakt and eastwest stuff to my other pc.

    I tried using fm7 on a small external harddrive but all 3 of my daws could not get it to run, or maybe It was the device I was using, but that was a while ago.

    Fast drive + fast connection = fast loading of whatever's on it.

    I will try to buy a fire wire drive, but not sure if I can find one thats less than 500gb in the stores around here.

  5. Sonic, what do you mean "not concentrated to one idea?" It doesn't have to be one idea, just 50% source, preferrably from the same game, and not a medley. I'm not sure what is happening starting at 2:01 in this song, I don't recognize that part, is that what you mean? You could always bring the Kart Select theme back in after this part, blend it, make it even more epic, and it's not a medley, problem solved.

    I wish you would keep working on this because It Sounds So Good. That sexy piano, the cool sidechaining, "dat bass," I love it. Really.

    Thats the double dash theme I think your pointing to.

    The aim of this is to be a house medley of 3 games (maybe ds and 7 to be added), if I do cut a section and extend on that, I could submit it like you said.

  6. oh man oh man oh man where did I find this one plugin and what was it called...


    Oh! Found it!


    These are pretty damn high quality considering they're all FREE. There are a lot of M/S procssing plugins here, some more complex than others to suit your needs, whatever they may be.

    There are a lot of good plugins here to use, there's even a "de-clipper", if you will. Not sure how it works but it does, somehow


    thankyou! seems perfect for the guitar mixes!

    Will try this in my next mastering sess to bring out sides a bit more

  7. Thanks for the links/advice guys!

    So now I get it. All I need for start is Zebra and/or FM8

    I'd say Toxic BioHazard also has some potential.

    The reason of question was simply to understand. After playing with Bitmachine and toxic, I think I get it.

    I love the discussion! It's .. fun

    I wanna hear it!

    fm8, sytrus, toxic bio , massive and sylenth 1 are my fav personally, but try demos if possible n upload renders for people to check out I guess.

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