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Everything posted by SonicThHedgog

  1. ignore late drop in the begining, its was a mistake, and I will fix track vol as well. but heres a Sonic the hedgehog 2 chemical plant remix under WIP (Work in progress) Original :: Remix :: http://soundcloud.com/aires/last-dance FINAL
  2. everyone sumed it up. You can find instument on the internet just search, no daw (except fl studio's free sample library) comes with real intruments, just synths. also tracker DAWS are usually for 16bit music or patch chip based music (Altho FM synthesis is the best way to do this) , you can find tracker around the internets aswell, but try a Daw like fl studio, its user friendly, and tut for it are with the program and on youtube. your cover is good, but a cover not a arrangement, a good arrangement combines new composition of a(any) genre with original, its not hard at all so give it a try. good luck!
  3. yes , usb and firewire have recording lathency, midi is lag free i think depending on your interface.
  4. how do you make that windy sound in the beginning of the video, and the pad that play through out this video well an anechoic chamber has no reflection, but i think your saying to get the sound a dry sound first, then to add non to an mesured amount of reverb according to the other tracks to add to the main mix?
  5. www.soundcloud.com , upload wav files in a flash.... well any audio file GOGOGOGOGOGOGOGOGOGOOGOGOGOGOGOGOGOGO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111111111!!!1!
  6. Oh i did not add the source yet thats a fill i did just to upload!
  7. the problem with that is it will not sound realistic unless he use a certiant amount of resonance and revervb
  8. oh i was not looking at ableton where Wt position would be .289 and 6.25 in another daw ;o
  9. what sound is this? http://soundcloud.com/aires/what-sound-is-this It was no ordinary waveform, it was a wavetable, someone reminded me of it on a thread i made, i havent touched wave tables in a long time, and massive had a whole lot of them i think the wavetable used was scrapyard for that synth in wavepostion 6.25 triangle? you will need a sample kit
  10. Ahh i see, im just gunna stick to ableton and slicing with fl
  11. yes thats what i ment and help him to see how his over all mixing is
  12. post some of your tracks mp3 and maybe we can help you with Eq'ing some of them!
  13. what is ReCycle, i'v heard of it and i never new exsactly what the program did
  14. Are there any surround sound pan vst avalible? i dont want to do the send channel trick in ableton, Way to complex.
  15. Fl studio is know for compat issues with some vst's, try to reinstall it and see if it will work, what vst was it?
  16. Download mp3 ready , http://tindeck.com/listen/wbzk i know the its not the best quality, but again i own no interface Atm, and saving for an M audio fast track pro with a guitar!
  17. you find lots of stuff when finding synths OT: I figered out how to do it in massive
  18. OOOOH a wavetable, i will sample it when i rent a moog and modulate it
  19. whoh, i almost figered out how to do it in Bio Toxic..... i wish you posted this earlyer but what the massive wave for called, just junkYard? Edit, im not close anymore, i made a fm wobble. but still is it call the JunkYard waveform in the ocilators?
  20. yah it sounds like saws are recursivly modulated. i think he used Toxic synth,sytrus oe a analog modular synth to do fm synthing cause a normal fm synth does not have a filter cutoff i think. i will experiment
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