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Everything posted by SonicThHedgog

  1. , forgot to convert it in fl XD, must of directly rendered the wav in ableton and uploaded:P i will make a Mp3 (450 and 320 kbps) as soon as I fix my audio interface problem.
  2. seriously need help cause im stumped it starts at :14
  3. change to more exciting , punchyer drums, and boost the mid or High EQ on the LFO Bass line.
  4. i know java and a bit of c++ (with extremely tiny assembly knowlege) and i produce music, its all about finding time to do one thing or another,and enjoying the best of both, sounds like to me your a independant developer. what i day is type a puedo code to plan the main coding/program , then make music after.
  5. i do use Asio4ALL, it came with my broken cheap interface i got in 05:PIs the M audio fast track Pro a good interface? im saving for a new guitar and im thinking of buying it with the fast track pro or the fast track pro rack, or are there any good interfaces good for recording instruments/guitar?
  6. ABLETON ALL DAY (J/K) but alot of people here use Fl studio because of ''its Easy yo, use piano roll and sequencer''. I dont like fl because its hard to record complex music and the playlist is just not good and not fast, but fl has good plugins tho. I will try reason one day, i heard its good for all types of recording like abelton.
  7. Im not using an interface ATM, and i was wondering would there be and sond diffrence if I was using one, mainly for electronica making, vst plugins and one hardsynth. and would it be less laggy on my Daw/pc when im using lots off effects to make music heres one song i did off interface http://soundcloud.com/aires/electric-movment
  8. Crush 40 is not a punk group, there basicly hardrock, Crush 40 is awsomesson sonic 3D blast was not terrible, it just one of those games that were WAY off what sonic is suppost to be, its basicly an average game back when 3D(ish) with sprites were new in the late 90's. Sonic R is debetably(if thats a word) horrible in peoples opinions now a days,but ok back then, i cant give a opinion for ither games, the music is also a disgrace to funk disco.
  9. Finished it! in First Original Post! *Warning DL is a WAV 82 Mb*
  10. No, its a mix dubstep back in 2003,daftpunk chords and then sonic 3 (which i think michel jackson made icecap score)
  11. Reduce the High Gain Eq, its a good track but the High's make this track seem like a flute audible to decibels of a dog whistles
  12. im not fixing it cause its in fl studio(makes editing complicated unlike ableton imo) and i have not interface and i dont want to keep rendering Wavs files to continue but heres the link http://soundcloud.com/aires/ice-cap-crater-v4-oc source is obvious, so i'll let you guies guess
  13. maybe if he mean's make a quick good songs then pakage it fast
  14. 1. Thank goodness, this is the only non ''CoMPLETLY SONIC SUCK DiS Decade'' banwagon statement i have seen this decade 2. cause Jun S. realized he goof'd with his career/job with sonic 4 (jk sonic 4 music was fine) ot: sega needs to realize that fans demand sonic to be a 8.5-9.0+ and 8.0 or lower is a suck for sonic, they seriously need to try to extend there deadlines, there ideas are always good but the execution always feels incomplete and rushed....... I just hope they can make a game like sonic adventure , and sonic adventure 2 with exact physics, speed and every thing. ( and leave some glitches for the speed runners )
  15. the only thing it took from galaxy was the act select, all the other stuff is from sonic unleashed and basicly stage copys from sonic adventure 2 and sonic advanced 2 just rent it dude.
  16. dude, its the same game. they only promised a port. Lol, im playing with a speed mod i found on the internet i cant even walk but seriously the game was incomplete and rushed.
  17. this sound's like advice for a more agressive track ;p
  18. sick track, but widen the square/saw frequency band tho (imo)
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