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Everything posted by SonicThHedgog

  1. 1. well my other pc broke down with my old audio card so now im on a temp with these specs Celecron @ 2.00GHz with 3.00 of ram on a reltek card with a lathency of 672, and before i by a interface like the fast track pro http://www.m-audio.com/products/en_us/FastTrackPro.html , i want to know how low my lathency would be with the fast track pro. 2. should i get this http://www.m-audio.com/products/en_us/FastTrackPro.html or should i buy this http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/706630-REG/E_MU_24_56206_0404_PCIe_PCIe.html and save for a preamp for my guitar
  2. yah i understand that, like for people who record things with multiple instruments with racks etc. some rich kid i know in my school said his dad bought the package for $3,000 interface for PTHD. what kinda super plugins, anything better then my moog or (cheap) compressor and exciter rack. like the IOzone mastering suit, tell me, i may still try it.
  3. ahh i see thanks boths oh yah, but i always heard that protools was good for mixing 2.1 to 5.1, i can just use fl,ableton ,and sony acid or vegas to mix 5.1 .
  4. alot of people on you tube do noob to pro guitar lessons. i can link you to a few if you want
  5. i heard good things about protools, but not a complete switch, just for mixing (surround sound like sony acid etc), quick sections, sounds etc
  6. it takes more time to learn guitar then buy samples, but it is best to learn guitar on the long run. Prominy will cost you the same price as a REAL fender or solid ESP or Ibanez guitar. slayer2 is a synth, just deside on whats best.
  7. all or more then half of your solos and again rise the mid AND high of of the solos, and it sould be great
  8. opening solo sounds better, but reduce the vol on i a bit more and i notice your hammering on notes i think? try picking them, sounds more bold.
  9. http://soundcloud.com/aires/hiphop-sample this is a sample i made for some one ;D
  10. Techno with breaks, and it sounds clean (LOTTA ARPEGIOOOOOOOSSSSSSS )
  11. Great track!, and the snares playing the amen rythe, where did you get that, the ones i have arnt dry .
  12. your guitar lead and i ment lower the mids on your guitar lead not increase the lows my bad well the lead started a bit late around 48 EQing is basicly messing with the volume of a sound or track in its ranges LOW MID HIGH Equalizers are usually measured in Hz (Hurtz) more alot of Equalizers(EQ) contain mutiple bands for each range. some with 2 lows bands 4 mid bands and 2 high bands for more accurate sounds heck some EQ's have 3 bands, some have 30 bands (usually rack EQs) but really most people only need 3 or 7 band EQ's. So in to you DAW(which is fl studio) and make a simple saw wave (looks like a zig zag) on a synth like the 3xosc(turn down vol on ocs 2 and 3 for a single saw) then play it in any key at any octave. mess with the(a) EQ like Fruity Parametric; see how it effects the sound from its Bass(Low range(s)) its mid Treble(Mid range(s)) and to its high treble(High range(s)). you can use EQind to modulate synth sounds too
  13. second demo you posted only need vol adjustment you ,but this is as great as well,i like how you gave the song a battle theme progression structure thats nice and ready to loop at a point!But add some slides to your beginning solo and EQ the lows of your solo the tone sound kinda weak, and add a tiny bit (tinybit) of reverb and some vibrato on some of those sustained notes. AND the lead vol in the begnning sounds a bit off beat, and too loud over the other tracks.
  14. Ah i see, no more getting reason then , i already have Subtractive/wavetable synths already, no point of geting it another daw, but i noticed N64 use standerd microsorft synths mixed with programed synths ( and i notice some repeted syles of music) but to me, the N64 sounded like synths and low qualiy samples. i recreated some of the synths by lowering the quality. and i thaught i was doing it wrong
  15. well, i dont wana work on this track anymore but i will add a ending for my album version.
  16. Thank you I thaught this track was a faliure well i might as well sub it if you guys think it solid.
  17. http://soundcloud.com/aires/last-dance yah im done at this at 3:10 mark as i said
  18. yah source synth was plane, but i cant change it cause i overriten the main project with a blank one so im starting from the back up wave oh all i did was experiment with Fm synths. No wavetables tho.
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