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  • Real Name
  • Location
    Austin TX


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  • Collaboration Status
    2. Maybe; Depends on Circumstances
  • Composition & Production Skills
    Arrangement & Orchestration
    Drum Programming
    Mixing & Mastering
  • Instrumental & Vocal Skills (List)
    Electric Bass
    Electric Guitar: Lead
    Electric Guitar: Rhythm

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Newbie (1/14)

  1. Dude! I was on my road to home from work in my car around 10pm, when Your "Arcus" metal was played in my play-list. It was dark and no cars on a Hi-way. Man this is fuckin AWESOME!!! so calm and crazy in same time! Awesome!! I want to learn to play like You!!

  2. Thanks for the compliments and feedback guys!! Yeah, I muddied up the crazy "solo" tapping at 0:20-0:27 as well as 0:33-0:37 on purpose due to it being a sorta crazy random-ish tapping part. I really want to cover a lot more songs from this game, but man whoever composed it didn't hold back the craziness! The drum program I use is called "LeafDrums" and it's not really human-like sounding in the first place. It's just a sequencer using .wav files and some of them were sampled from ezdrummer dfh additonal. I totally welcome any feedback about my mixing because I know it really needs improvement. I do have the bad habit of putting everything up in your face so I gotta take time to let things relax in the back. Again, thanks a lot!!! :grin:
  3. hahaha, this is awesome!
  4. Greatness!! Is this a remake from the SNES FF3 or your own work? It's awesome either way
  5. I was about to say, they didn't make this for Genesis, haha. Man, I would also LOVE a Genesis version of this game. This is one of my favorite shmups!!
  6. Not really an unts unts guy, but this was really cool!! I liked the last part, really contrasts well!
  7. I did a cover of this in a medley, but it's not a remix:
  8. Original: My Cover: Programmed drums, multiple guitars and bass. 320kpbs, about a minute long *Updated March 24th, 2014
  9. Ahhh Level 2 of Bloodlines, great choice!! It's a song I'd like to cover some time in the future myself. Good job! I'm the type that doesn't matter if it sounds too much like the original, I like it that way. Oh btw, I believe Mediafire prolly deletes links after awhile, but you say you have an account? Not sure then.
  10. If they made another New Super Mario Wii and used the castle song, I think it'd sound a lot like this! Or if they made a Mario and God of War crossover. Good job!
  11. It's been a long long time since I've played FF7 and I barely recognize the song (i.e. Have to play through the game again). It also has that watery sound to it from being a 190kpbs mp3, but good job nonetheless!
  12. Good job man! Yeah, I agree about the drums not being loud enough. Did you play drums or are those programmed? I definitely dig the cleanliness of the lead guitar tone
  13. Much appreciated bro!!! :mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:

  14. This was the first vg cover I ever did which was back in Sep 09. I tweaked the levels of everything a few weeks ago and reposted. new mix: http://web.mac.com/samikazesan/vgmusic/thunderforce3.mp3 320kpbs old mix, youtube vid: Levels covered in this song: 1. Title Screen 2. Haides (Truth) 3. Gorgon (Venus Fire) 4. Seiren/Siren (The Grubby Dark Blue) 5. Cerberus (His Behavior Inspired Us with Distrust) 6. Game Over
  15. Thanks!)Nice mix by the way)

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