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Status Updates posted by Modus

  1. Thanks, wish I could say I made it >.>

  2. That was real, and I have no idea my man

  3. wanna team ^ for FL gauntlet?

  4. We should talk about mastering. Or at least, if you know someone who does a lot of mastering for electronic artists, even for money since I don't have uh.. those connections.

  5. Well here's my plan: a 3-track LP/EP/whatever this summer, fully promoted yada ya. Whether it flops or succeeds will determine if I pursue music at all anymore because if I have to be completely frank, I don't think it's in the cards for me to thrive in this arena. I'm trying to gather all the knowledge I can to make this a respectable effort so thanks for taking the time to lay it out for me, and for helping me out throughout the couple years I've been around. Talk to ya later and feel free to share any more work you're in the middle of because I love that (specially since halc gives me previews whenever I bug him :P)

  6. Where the fuck are you?? In life and stuff??


  7. Yea I start school Monday.. back to the grind. But cool, take your time

  8. Yeah, I can't leave the gym with a sore chest. My back and legs always hurt but I can't find a solid chest routine. Honestly it would be a temporary thing - not ongoing - and I'm not sure how a PT would feel about that.

  9. Yep, thats the plan! thanks for providing the links.

  10. Your remix for the FL compo was great man. I'm still listening to it :]

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