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Everything posted by Cinderwild

  1. Finally birds in tf2 ahahhaahhahah
  2. 'Most Epic Fail' is the hardest category to vote for because all the videos are great. What criteria do you use?! Do you choose what made you laugh the most or what seemed to have the highest amount of failure?
  3. To anyone active in the trading scene, why are Refined metals seemingly valued so much higher than run of the mill hats? It only takes two hats to craft a new hat but it takes three Refined to craft a new hat. Also, turns out my vintage Fan 'o' War is way more valuable than I was expecting.
  4. Scattergun: Gilbert Gottfried's Gutbuster Pistol: Heisenberg's handgun Description (paraphrasing here): You've got one thing wrong...these are not bullets. I was gonna name my Pyromancer's Mask "Spyro's Remains" but someone informed me that hats don't show up in the spectator lists for what you're holding, so no one would ever see it anyways. Also a Bombing Run named "Tim Schafer's Scout"
  5. But then I wouldn't have it.
  6. What books did you read?
  7. I would quit the server forever.
  8. You know its funny when I was just reading this thread, close it, see that I have finished downloading an update, look around haplessly for the patch notes, and then come here again to see if Powerlord has posted them yet. This happened in a 30 second time period. What I'm trying to say is a.) I come to an OCR thread to find official TF2 patch notes and b.) Damn Powerlord you fast as shit.
  9. Does anyone remember an old Sniper video where he would constantly say, "Owned." after every kill and get people really pissed off? I can't find it.
  10. I was on a server that ran other server plugins like Zombie Fortress as well. When they went to a different mode TF2ware was turned off.
  11. Well, I only meant so you could choose to nominate a tf2ware map when the map votes come up.
  12. Hey Powerlord turn the RED server into a TF2ware-enabled server. It'd be a fun option to have on there since its an event server. Just curious, are there any Spy videos where the Spy is doing well and the enemy team is competent? It seems like most Spy videos out there the enemy team is incapable of looking behind themselves as their team is wiped out single handedly by one spy.
  13. Currently the Witcher 2 head item will cause servers to crash http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XpaRGDFx41I
  14. This tends to happen a lot on the 24/7 Turbine servers, or anything with quick respawn times.
  15. My first replay! Tell me if you guys thought this was funny, because I did.
  16. So uhm, anyone makin' any replay videos?
  17. They also gave you the option to turn it off for a reason. Because it sucks.
  18. I got this. Not gonna promise that I'll play a lot but hey, might as well put it out there. Name is Cinderwild.
  19. I bought and proceeded to play for 3 hours straight, without stopping at all, on my first session. Then I played it for a few more hours later in the night. Then I played a few more hours today.
  20. So, is there an OCR guild for this? Never played it but hell I'm bored and curious.
  21. good thing my computer is broken.
  22. Not a cover, since its the same artist, but Devo's live version of Jocko Homo is awesome!
  23. Sorry to sound like a broken record, but what do you mean by concepts? As in, story design? You said 'good game mechanics' and then 'bad concepts' so I presume you mean they are two different things.
  24. What do you mean when you say they were ruined by mediocre ideas?
  25. Are any of you pursuing a career in game design, or have already successfully started on the path to game design? Its something I'm considerably interested in and I'd like to hear from other people who are much further down the proverbial road than I am. If you are pursuing such a career, what are your goals and what kind of education have you taken? If you're already in the profession, do you have any tips for getting into it? Are there any particular skills that are vital to getting noticed or any parts of the trade that are currently oversaturated or undersaturated? Thanks to anyone for their time, any constructive input is greatly appreciated. EDIT: To clarify, I'm currently considering a Computer Science major with an English/Writing minor.
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